Obomination: Satisfaction With Country Worst Since Carter...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
It's February, nine months before a presidential election, and only 22 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going. Voters haven't been this unhappy with the country since George H.W. Bush's presidency, when only 21 percent of Americans reported being happy with the country's direction. And before that, the lowest approval rating was 19 percent during Jimmy Carter's first term.

What do the two presidencies have in common? Neither of them won re-election. And, if the trends holds true, Obama looks to be in an equally precarious situation.

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research released its 2012 campaign outlook, and it's clear Obama's sitting in the same position George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were in during the February before their election losses—voters don't feel good about the country.

Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush—presidents who won re-election—all had at least 41 percent of voters optimistic with the state of the union.

Americans' Satisfaction Almost as Low as It Was Under Carter - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)
Obama is worse than Carter. Carter was just incompetent but had a love for the country. Obama is a saboteur and has intentionally inflicted more lasting damage than Al Qaeda ever could
True! The GOP have never been worse or more corrupt. Reagan wouldn't even get the nomination today. By todays standard, Reagan would be a flaming socialist.

We are frustrated with Obama on how he has handled working with the corrupt right wing GOP that serves only the rich and corporations. We are frustrated with him, but HATE you. Even though we are disappointed, it is YOU who has to go, not Obama.

The left didn't move the country futher to the left. The right have however pulled us to the right the last 12 years, and how has that worked out for us?

How did their war work out for us? How did Bush's trickle down work? How did de-regulations of the banks and mortgage and oil and healthcare and wallstreet work out? Free Unregulated Markets sending all our jobs overseas? Turning a blind eye on illegal employers who hire illegals. If you ask me, the GOP did all this on purpose to destroy the unions and with it the middle class.
At some point the democrats are going to have to stop talking about who has to go and actually do something about it.

Are they just all cowards? Step up to the plate, take a shot.
Obama is not far Left enough for the new Marxists, anti-Semitic base of the Dem Party as evidenced by OWS.
Obama is worse than Carter. Carter was just incompetent but had a love for the country. Obama is a saboteur and has intentionally inflicted more lasting damage than Al Qaeda ever could

Sane/rational/non brainwashed conservatives I talk to admit that Obama seems to be a decent person, even if they don't agree with his policies.

We need to analyze why you think he's evil. Is it because he's black?

How did you feel about Bill Clinton? Was he a socialist too or just Obama?

Do you question if Obama was born in America? If so, you may be a racist because they are the only ones still thinking that at this point. Them and retards.
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Obama is worse than Carter. Carter was just incompetent but had a love for the country. Obama is a saboteur and has intentionally inflicted more lasting damage than Al Qaeda ever could

Sane/rational/non brainwashed conservatives I talk to admit that Obama seems to be a decent person, even if they don't agree with his policies.

We need to analyze why you think he's evil. Is it because he's black?

How did you feel about Bill Clinton? Was he a socialist too or just Obama?

Do you question if Obama was born in America? If so, you may be a racist because they are the only ones still thinking that at this point. Them and retards.

He's an evil anti-American, neo-Marxists scumbag who hates everything this country stands for and was based on: liberty, freedom and the sanctity of the individual.
Obama is worse than Carter. Carter was just incompetent but had a love for the country. Obama is a saboteur and has intentionally inflicted more lasting damage than Al Qaeda ever could

Sane/rational/non brainwashed conservatives I talk to admit that Obama seems to be a decent person, even if they don't agree with his policies.

We need to analyze why you think he's evil. Is it because he's black?

How did you feel about Bill Clinton? Was he a socialist too or just Obama?

Do you question if Obama was born in America? If so, you may be a racist because they are the only ones still thinking that at this point. Them and retards.

He's an evil anti-American, neo-Marxists scumbag who hates everything this country stands for and was based on: liberty, freedom and the sanctity of the individual.
Do you have an proof, evidence or be able to provide a reasonable argument based on the policies he has enacted that support these claims?
obama's wag the dog war would have to be against an ally. All our enemies are his friends. Al Quaeda, Taliban, etc.
Sane/rational/non brainwashed conservatives I talk to admit that Obama seems to be a decent person, even if they don't agree with his policies.

We need to analyze why you think he's evil. Is it because he's black?

How did you feel about Bill Clinton? Was he a socialist too or just Obama?

Do you question if Obama was born in America? If so, you may be a racist because they are the only ones still thinking that at this point. Them and retards.

He's an evil anti-American, neo-Marxists scumbag who hates everything this country stands for and was based on: liberty, freedom and the sanctity of the individual.
Do you have an proof, evidence or be able to provide a reasonable argument based on the policies he has enacted that support these claims?

"If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that." -- BHO

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwog6E08CFU]Obama and the National Anthem - YouTube[/ame]
how exactly is this a "evil anti-American, neo-Marxists" opinion?

in some ways hes is correct. the constitution talks about what the government "can not" do to you, much more than what it actually has to provide for you. can you agree on this statement?
how exactly is this a "evil anti-American, neo-Marxists" opinion?

in some ways hes is correct. the constitution talks about what the government "can not" do to you, much more than what it actually has to provide for you. can you agree on this statement?

Find a grown up to read this to you again, "It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution..." then we might be able to talk again.
He is giving an opinion of the Warren Court. Which if you want to call it radical, is basically true. But it was radical for the right reasons:

In the realm of civil rights, the Warren Court rejected separate but equal clauses, attempted to combat segregation, and supported other critical civil rights cases. The Warren Court also promoted civil liberties which are widely accepted today, like the right to privacy, and it emphasized the separation of Church and State while vigorously defending the Bill of Rights. The nature of due process in the United States also changed radically under the Warren Court, with many critics feeling that the court went too far in its attempt to protect the rights of individuals.

So Obama agreeing with the Warren Court means he agrees with Civil Rights and Liberties. Are you saying that you disagree with them?
Carterize 'um huh. Like that wasn't predicted in when he beat John McCain. Ho hum.....

Oh yeah Carter was right. Pappa Bush and Raygun were wrong. We are paying the price for not heeding Carters advice.

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