Objective journalism: Does it still exist?

By Nearly 8-to-1, Voters Say Journalists Want Obama to Win

By Nearly 8-to-1, Voters Say Journalists Want Obama to Win
By Brent Baker
Created 2008-10-23 17:23
“Voters overwhelmingly believe that the media wants Barack Obama to win the presidential election,” a Pew Research Center for the People and the Press survey [1] released Wednesday discovered. Specifically: “By a margin of 70%-9%, Americans say most journalists want to see Obama, not John McCain, win on Nov. 4. Another 8% say journalists don't favor either candidate, and 13% say they don't know which candidate most reporters support.”

Well at least voters seem to recognize the lack of objectivity even if they don't denounce it.
I wrote for my high school paper back in the day. Mrs. D was an evil editor who would redmark anything that demonstrated an opinion. Then we rewrote it until it was red free and matched the alloted column inches. We won the "best student newspaper" in the state that year. It was also dead boring.

Thus, the trend to sensationalize would not pass a journalism class that focused on printing the facts w/o regard to spin. And, dead boring means that your circulation will go down to the point of bankruptcy.

There is no unbiased journalism anywhere that I can see for that reason.

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