Obama’s White Vote Matters Less in 2012


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
National Journal projects the percentage of the white vote that President Obama will need to carry an individual state in 2012. The baseline simulation makes two key assumptions. First, that Obama captures as much of the minority vote in that state as he did in 2008. Second, that the minority population grows over the next two years at the same rate it has since 2000 and produces a commensurate increase in the minority share of the electorate. The chart shows where the growing minority presence will allow Obama to win states even if he loses support among whites—and where he will need to increase his support from whites to prevail.

NationalJournal.com - Where Obama?s White Vote Matters Less in 2012 - Friday, April 1, 2011
well how bout that people.?

And here you thought he was a PRESIDENT of all us AMERICANS no matter what race, nationality, or skin color.
Whites are blissfully oblivious to this. They think that having voted for Obama gives them a little glowpoint on their foreheads visible to blacks, who in turn think warm and affectionate thoughts about those whites. Turns out that's a load of crap, and it's every race for itself. But Mr. Whitey White gets awfully grumpy when you wake him up from his little dream of racial togetherness. Trust me on this.
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Liberal whites are punking themselves.
the young folks people of color voted this person in as president i believe the folks meant well however they obviously didnt see who he really was but in turn digested all his smooth talk just like the old snake oil saleman it really was a no brainer obama with no experience and mccain with all the experience mccain served his country and obama served himself with gov funds working for the crooked and corrupt acorn this person has set this country back instead of forward all the tax epa extreme business start up red tape has put alot of small business out of business no incentives for business or taxpayers to put money back into the economy the boggled gov health care the folks never really new what was in it look at dept of motor vehicles thats a night mare what do you really think gov health care will be besides its not affordable look at all the money spent to stimulate the economy it didnt work alot of temporary jobs have been created in this years bad weather and summer will pick up some jobs but obama will have nothing to do with this only to use his words and take credit look at the gas prices we have more oil in the ground just waiting for what it would be one aspect along with others to make us independent from the middleeast and drive down oil prices there because of lack of demand plus we would create more jobs nothing has been done for the housing market but good tax money dumped after bad money again folks put into houses that they cant afford even with tax payers money this administration makes bushes spending look nill and we have nothing to show for china practically owns us we cant take four more years of obama his adminstration has run up taxpayer debt with no return i would say ill keep my freedom my money and my job and the folks who voted him in you all can keep the change.
well how bout that people.?

And here you thought he was a PRESIDENT of all us AMERICANS no matter what race, nationality, or skin color.

I never thought that. It was quite evident early on that that was indeed not the case.
National Journal projects the percentage of the white vote that President Obama will need to carry an individual state in 2012. The baseline simulation makes two key assumptions. First, that Obama captures as much of the minority vote in that state as he did in 2008. Second, that the minority population grows over the next two years at the same rate it has since 2000 and produces a commensurate increase in the minority share of the electorate. The chart shows where the growing minority presence will allow Obama to win states even if he loses support among whites—and where he will need to increase his support from whites to prevail.

NationalJournal.com - Where Obama?s White Vote Matters Less in 2012 - Friday, April 1, 2011

So, just so we can get this and laugh in your face....he is going to lose in 2012? Yes or no.
While whites bicker over who's democrat or republican, people of color see two different kinds of groups.

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