Obama's White Support Too Low To Win


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Via RCP BTW: Dave and Barry decided early on to throw the white working class under the bus. The Democratic party has had serious problems of recent garnering support from that segment of the electorate, so the decision to throw Joe Lunchbox under the bus was an easy one to reach, and was done by February or March of this year. But the decisions to throw the re election campaign bus into reverse and back up over Joe Lunchbox, after having driven over him once in forward was probably unintentional but repeated. Having Anna Wintour, with her high society British accent, tiny head and DutchBoy haircut go on the air hawking raffle tickets for dinner with The Obambi is a bit much. Then there are the tri weekly cross country flights to Hollywood to grace $40,000 a plate dinners with the pres and millionaire Hollywood types. For a $12.00 or $20.00 an hour furnace repairman, equating those activities with his situation is sort of like putting square pegs in round holes. Then there was the creation of 800,000 competitors for the jobs all of them are feeling grateful to have in this economy of The Obambi's creation. Dave and Barry should feel grateful, though, that no matter how much they infuriate Joe Lunchbox for the remainder of the campaign, the gun and ammunition makers have no more product to sell, the entire rest of the years production output being already spoken for. The founders, the descendants of the original settlers who built this great nation have no recourse but to stand back with their hands on their rectums while Dave and Barry along with La Raza, the SEIU, #Occupy Wall Street, Rachel Maddow, and the rest of Barry's Bolsheviks, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, and Frances Fox Piven steal their country and their future from them.]

"President Obama does not currently have enough white support to win re-election even if he retains his minority base from 2008. At the same time, electoral data indicates Mitt Romney has not yet attracted enough of these white voters to capitalize on Obama's weakness.

Pundits often note that Romney cannot win with his current level of Hispanic support. That's likely true. But so is the converse: Obama cannot win with his level of white support unless white swing voters withhold their votes from Romney as well.

Today, fewer whites back Obama than any Democratic candidate since Walter Mondale. Romney does not need to emulate Ronald Reagan to win. Should he match Reagan’s share of the white vote in 1984 -- presuming all else remains constant since 2008 -- Romney would rout Obama.

Of course, America has changed since Reagan. Non-Hispanic whites were 89 percent of the electorate when Reagan first won the White House in 1980. They were 85 percent in 1988. By 2008, whites were 74 percent. That shift has upended the electoral landscape. But only so much.

Take Michael Dukakis’ fate as an example. In 1988, George H.W. Bush’s margin of victory exceeded Obama’s in 2008. But if Obama’s level of white support in 2012 equals Dukakis’, and all else remains the same from 2008, Obama would likely narrowly win. He would lack a mandate and risk immediate lame-duck status. But he would survive with white support that once sundered Democrats.


Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

[Just remember, Barry and Dave have the drones and the "Kill List". "Freedom isn't free."]

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Wednesday Night War Porn…
your dreams of a race war are unfounded.

"The Georgia Democratic Party's fifty percent reduction in ticket costs for a reception next week in which Georgians can press the flesh with Barack Obama has prompted some Republicans to ask if the president's fundraising operation is slowing."
Marathon Pundit: Clearance sale? It seems Georgia Dems can't move Obama fundraiser tickets

Can't sell tickets to meet Obama....

....gee, what could this mean?

Racist Democrats???
I guess Obama decided he needed to get with the ordinary people, he's now asking couples about to be married to turn their wedding proceeds over to him. $40,000 a plate dinners basking in the adoration of the hoi polloi just aren't enough.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Asks People Getting Married To Forgo Gifts, Ask Their Guests To Donate To His Campaign Instead…

What a pathetic JERK OFF LOSER!

What's next... obama going to ask school kids for their lunch money? ... --------
Did you not see Ras today??

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
in Politics

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns 43%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and another three percent (3%) are undecided.

The president picks up support from just 35% of white voters overall. That’s eight points below the 43% of the white vote he won in 2008. Among white Democrats, 17% currently plan to vote for Romney.
Disenchanted Democrats

1. West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin was in a quandary this week.
He's a Democrat in a coal-dependent state that has increasingly become disenchanted with Obama.

2. He's also an automatic super-delegate to the Democratic National Convention, which means he's required by West Virginia Democratic Party rules to make known by Tuesday who he would support for president.

But then Tomblin came up with a brilliant, if not totally original solution: Skip the convention altogether. By doing so, he would not be forced by the party rules to make any announcement at all.

3. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Congressman Nick Rahall both said they'd play hookie as well, the Charleston Daily Mail first reported Monday.

West Virginia Governor Opts Out of Democratic Convention - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

4. President Obama came perilously close to losing three Democratic primaries in May. In West Virginia, Obama lost over 40 percent of the vote and ten counties to a man in a federal prison in Texas.

5. According to Politico, Keith Judd, a perennial candidate won at least one delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

6. In Arkansas, according to Reuters, Democratic voters gave John Wolfe more than 40 percent of the vote. Wolfe, a lawyer, is not in prison.

7. In Kentucky, Reuters reports that 42 percent of Democrats chose “uncommitted” rather than cast their ballots for the president. These results follow the March primary in Oklahoma in which President Obama lost 43 percent of the vote to a slate of five challengers including pro-life activist Randall Terry according to Politico. The results are widely interpreted to be a message of dissatisfaction with President Obama’s performance during his first term.

Bad omens for Democrats - Atlanta Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

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