Obama's union pal Andy Stern praises Communist China


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Oh, the irony! If former SEIU Thug-in-chief Andy Stern tried to set up a union independent of the Chinese government, he would be thrown in prison for a very long time.

And yet, here he is on the pages of the (just whisper it, Andy) WALL STREET Journal, praising the Chinese "model" (whatever that is) and gloating over the "death" of free market capitalism


Andy Stern is an idiot. And this proves it:

As this was happening, I was part of a U.S.-China dialogue-a trip organized by the China-United States Exchange Foundation and the Center for American Progress-with high-ranking Chinese government officials, both past and present. For me, the tension resulting from the chorus of American criticism paled in significance compared to reading the emerging outline of China's 12th five-year plan. The aims: a 7% annual economic growth rate; a $640 billion investment in renewable energy; construction of six million homes; and expanding next-generation IT, clean-energy vehicles, biotechnology, high-end manufacturing and environmental protection-all while promoting social equity and rural development.

"Social equity???" In a Communist country?That is so far down the list of goals for the Chinese government it's damn near invisible. Only a moronic liberal, eager to believe anything told him by hosts who take full advantage of the mindless naivete of their guests could possibly be fooled by such utter nonsense.

I don't know whether Stern realizes what an ass he is making of himself by believing that you can actually "plan" 7% growth over 5 years. And there is so much that Stern isn't including in this hymn to central planning that it is simply outrageous to take what he's saying here without a huge grain of salt.

China is building 6 million homes because they don't have enough housing for its workers. That's because previous 5 year plans failed to account for such. They are investing in "renewable energy" largely because they have the most polluted cities on the planet. Recall the Olympics where the IOC almost refused to allow the marathon to be run because of the choking smog that covered Beijing. Nasty air and water due to government carelessness and neglect is a fact of life in China. For them, developing an alternative to coal is a matter of life and death.

The Chinese can manufacture all they want because they can pay their workers anything they wish. No mention by the former labor leader about the low wages being paid Chinese workers and why it's against the law to agitate for more.

Read more: Blog: Andy Stern: In praise of Communist China
Your team sold out asses to china

Marxist Obama bows to his Communist master....

Your team sold out asses to china

Marxist Obama bows to his Communist master....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRhDzpJV2TM]Brokeback Bush: thetruth.7p.com - YouTube[/ame]

Least bowing doesn't look gay.

Bush really was all kissy with his theocratic masters.
maybe it was that confusing saudi dress.....:lol:

at least he wasn't kow-bowing....

Obama's ideology is right in line with Hu's....hence the pomp and ceremony at the WH when he visited...

The Chinese are only "Evil Meanies" to Democrats when the Republicans are in power. Remember the good ole days when Democrats used to at least pretend to care about Outsourcing and American Jobs? Now the Democrats have the power and suddenly the Chinese are their bestest buddies in the whole wide world. Just another scam i guess. And Andy Stern is a Socialist/Communist himself,so this really isn't surprising.
Plentiful cheap labor, no unions, deplorable working conditions, no environmental concerns.

What's not to love about China?
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remember when Andy Stern said....

“We prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn’t work we use the persuasion of power.”

...fits right in with the Red China way of doing things....
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GE makes a ton of cash in China. GE doesn't pay Taxes and has Outsourced Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs to China. GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is this President's "Jobs Czar." Do your own Math. GE owns this President. Along with various other Corporations.
The ridiculous thing about this thread is the pretense that China is still Communist except in name.

Oh, about those illegal Chinese independent labor unions: NY Times Advertisement

Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it can be effectively suppressed. Just as the corporatocracy is meeting resistance in the U.S. and Europe, it's also meeting resistance in China.

Don't kid yourself. Commies and Fascists alike..hate unions.
How can a union leader be enamored with a culture that pays its workers whatever the hell they want? Is this what Jimmy Hoffa fought for? Similarly, how about the Lefties that praise China's econimics and ignores China's impact on the environment?

The union workers and environmentalists are simply pawns in what is a greater scheme to change the US from an open, capitalist society into a controlled economy and governemnt ruled by the elite where they get to decide what is "equitable for all" while the elite live high on the hog.
The ridiculous thing about this thread is the pretense that China is still Communist except in name.

Oh, about those illegal Chinese independent labor unions: NY Times Advertisement

Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it can be effectively suppressed. Just as the corporatocracy is meeting resistance in the U.S. and Europe, it's also meeting resistance in China.

what a dupe.....go OCCUPY Beijing........................:lol:

'Occupy Beijing'? Not so fast, says Chinese government -- Government Computer News
We'll see how well that actually works.

China has an interesting history. The country has gone through periods of division, chaos, and civil war followed by periods of order and strong central government over and over again. It emerged from the last period of chaos in 1949 and has had a strong central government for the past sixty-plus years. But the Chinese government is well aware that this is a precarious situation and of the centrifugal forces at work in China among its 55 ethnicities.

China was able to suppress the democracy movement years ago because it was confined to college students; most of the population still consisted of peasants who had no desire for democracy. But as the country industrializes and becomes more urban and better-educated, it will become increasingly impossible to keep the lid on. Change is inevitable.

As for banning terms on the Internet, unless China is ready to ban social media altogether that won't work.
The Democratic Party was hijacked by Socialists/Communists a long time ago. Praising Marxism has become quite common in the party. So this really shouldn't surprise anyone. It's who they are.
Plentiful cheap labor, no unions, deplorable working conditions, no environmental concerns.

What's not to love about China?

That is a corporatist wet dream, well supported by the neo-econs of the far right in the GOP.
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