Obama’s Top Boners of 2011

Is this like David Letterman's top 10 list:

- the rapid increase in the National Debt under Obama. However for anyone who took Economics 101, keep in mind that the "intragovernmental debt" should not be included. It is not monies owed to anyone. Currently that debt stands at $4.6 trillion and should not be calculated by Congress when considering "real" monies owed. As a poster wrote on another blog and I quote- the real national debt (actual monies owed to others) is bad enough without including people to whom we really don't owe any money.

NUMBER 2 - promising to close Gitmo and not doing so.

NUMBER 3 - acquiescing to just about everybody about almost everything.

NUMBER 4 - stating without knowing that the Stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%

NUMBER 5 - Using the Gulf Oil spill to promote Green Energy

NUMBER 6 - Underestimating the resilience and reality of the Tea Party

NUMBER 7 - indecisiveness caused Standard & Poor to down-grade America's credit rating

NUMBER 8 - keeping tax cheats in his administration; Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner

NUMBER 9 - promised to close foreclosure loopholes and create foreclosure prevention legislation - never did this.

NUMBER 10 - promised to repeal Bush tax cuts for highest income bracket - compromised with GOP and this didn't happen. So you hard-nosed Republicans can't say there were no compromise.

I'm sure there are plenty more - but those stick in my craw. Does anyone think there is a MAN or WOMAN currently living in the United States who has the knowledge, strength, honesty and ability to lead this nation out of this Black Hole?

Whoever and wherever this person is - they cannot be affiliated with either the Democrats or the Republicans - because if so nothing will change.
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I can't believe no one's posted it yet. The first thing I thought of when I saw this thread.
Wow! I had no idea Stephanie was so interested in Obama's boners...I guess she likes the milk chocolate!
given the option of a serious discussion with step and mocking her....i will go with the latter....

of course i am not the one tossing out palin and rice...now am i?

Obama’s Top Boners of 2011
John Ransom
Sign-Up Sure, limiting the list to the nine worst mistakes of the Obama administration in a year that saw so many of them was a tough proposition. But in the spirit of Christmas, I decided to be merciful and not pile on. Plus, you know, I have company coming over.

So for now, nine will have to do.

Why nine?

Quoting Bluto from Animal House sans burp: “Why the hell not.”

I’ve included links and snippets from my columns addressing each topic:

9) Sending a budget to Capitol Hill that didn’t get one vote:

Calculate the man-hours that went into presenting to Congress a budget that didn’t muster even one vote in the Senate. If that didn’t cry out that Obama is a one-term president, certainly the rest of the year’s events did. The question that I have for the political geniuses at the White House is: “After getting elected primarily on the strength of the financial crisis, how could you be so ignorant of fiscal issues?” Nothing better represents the disconnect between Washington and the rest of the country as Obama’s attitude towards passing a budget. They didn’t even pretend to take the process seriously. And then they thought no one would notice.

See: Obama Goes Doh!-for-97, 98, 99, 100!

Mr. Irrelevant, the man formerly known as president, was in France when news came that the Senate unanimously rejected the Jerry Lewis gag budget that the administration submitted to Congress in February.

The vote was 0-97 against, with three Senators voting “not present.”

Can you blame them?

If John Kerry’s misshapen theme was “Reporting for Duty,” Obama’s is: “I’m AWOL: Ha. Ha. Ha. You can’t catch me.”

If Kerry’s presidency was still-born, Obama’s died of crib-death.

Can you imagine any other president in history being satisfied with sending up a budget that couldn’t muster even one vote from his own party?

8) Predicting the economic recovery:

the entire list here.

That list was so weak. The ONLY good point was about Obama's budget bills. The rest of them were distorted facts.

really? the vacation thing doesn't belong there, other than that can you be specific? hes doing punditry, lots og hyperbole, BUT but these are far from lies.....
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