Obama's Tax & Spend Policy


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It's amazing the ineptitude of our government, and still the left worships them and feels they are the answer to all things...

To hide the true cost of budget deals, leaders in Washington get away with things that we could never do in our household budgets.

For example, imagine you are planning your family budget for the new year. You decide, “I’m not going to take a $2,000 vacation. So that means I just saved $2,000! Now, I think I’ll spend my "savings" on new furniture!”

What happened? You spent $2,000. Where did it come from? Your regular budget—not some magical pot of extra “savings” money that you somehow accessed.

Yet this is exactly what President Obama is claiming—that there is a magical savings pot, and that he’s going to take money out of it to spend on other things. Some of his magical savings come from winding down the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead of winding down those operations and therefore not spending that money any more, he claims that these “savings” can now be spent again on something else.

Of course, it also bears mentioning that the Senate hasn’t passed an actual budget in three years. So while you’re counting your household pennies and figuring out how to pay the rent or mortgage, buy groceries, and pay off your Christmas spending, Congress is just charging up more spending with budget gimmicks. When they’re not claiming the phantom “savings” described above, they’re declaring a need for “emergency” spending.

Morning Bell: Obama, Boehner and Fiscal Cliff: What Will the Deal Look Like?
It's amazing the ineptitude of our government, and still the left worships them and feels they are the answer to all things...

To hide the true cost of budget deals, leaders in Washington get away with things that we could never do in our household budgets.

For example, imagine you are planning your family budget for the new year. You decide, “I’m not going to take a $2,000 vacation. So that means I just saved $2,000! Now, I think I’ll spend my "savings" on new furniture!”

What happened? You spent $2,000. Where did it come from? Your regular budget—not some magical pot of extra “savings” money that you somehow accessed.

Yet this is exactly what President Obama is claiming—that there is a magical savings pot, and that he’s going to take money out of it to spend on other things. Some of his magical savings come from winding down the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead of winding down those operations and therefore not spending that money any more, he claims that these “savings” can now be spent again on something else.

Of course, it also bears mentioning that the Senate hasn’t passed an actual budget in three years. So while you’re counting your household pennies and figuring out how to pay the rent or mortgage, buy groceries, and pay off your Christmas spending, Congress is just charging up more spending with budget gimmicks. When they’re not claiming the phantom “savings” described above, they’re declaring a need for “emergency” spending.

Morning Bell: Obama, Boehner and Fiscal Cliff: What Will the Deal Look Like?

You mean sorta like Dick Cheney's "peace dividend?" Or, Bushs' off the books financing of his wars?
You mean sorta like Dick Cheney's "peace dividend?" Or, Bushs' off the books financing of his wars?

Oh now I see! You're saying "two wrong's make a right". :cuckoo:

You guys have been beaten so thoroughly on the battlefield of idea's, you've completely raised the white flag and sound like a massive beach full of seagulls squawking "Bush's fault", "Bush's fault", "Bush's fault". :lol:
You mean sorta like Dick Cheney's "peace dividend?" Or, Bushs' off the books financing of his wars?

Oh now I see! You're saying "two wrong's make a right". :cuckoo:

You guys have been beaten so thoroughly on the battlefield of idea's, you've completely raised the white flag and sound like a massive beach full of seagulls squawking "Bush's fault", "Bush's fault", "Bush's fault". :lol:

Nope. Just keeping it "Fair and Balanced."
You mean sorta like Dick Cheney's "peace dividend?" Or, Bushs' off the books financing of his wars?

Oh now I see! You're saying "two wrong's make a right". :cuckoo:

You guys have been beaten so thoroughly on the battlefield of idea's, you've completely raised the white flag and sound like a massive beach full of seagulls squawking "Bush's fault", "Bush's fault", "Bush's fault". :lol:

Nope. Just keeping it "Fair and Balanced."

So Bush was one of America's worst Presidents, and Obama does pretty much every single Bush policy and or has expanded upon them... So does that make Obama worse than Bush or somehow slightly better...? You are aware that the FED has been doing a non stop stimulus under Obama well into the Trillions yes? Never even gets recorded...

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