Obama's stunning ignorance of taxation,businesses,economics..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama depends on tax payers to pay for his trips, his wife's 17 vacation trips his existence today!

So why is he so anxious to destroy the tax paying base?

When he says "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

Does he know that would be the destruction of a $100 billion federal/state/local income tax and local property tax payers?

Does he know that would destroy at least another 1 million jobs all that pay 18% in Medicare/Social security taxes on salaries say averaging $50,000 or easily the loss of $10 billion alone not counting income taxes equal or greater.. and that's just employees!
THEN they are out of work @$300/week 99 weeks unemployment: $30 billion!

SO why is he in favor of destroying nearly $200 billion a year in tax revenue?

Then he said to Brazil regarding oil purchases: "We'll be your best customers"
WHY would he want to take TAX revenue from American oil companies??

There are dozens if not hundreds of examples of Obama's "stunning ignorance of taxation,businesses, economics..."
Are you suggesting that most Americans should be happy with the crumbs of socialized benefits paid for by the rich instead of making more money for themselves or even keeping pace with PAST generations?

Perhaps you can show us HOW exactly the middle class and poor have been trickled down upon and what with? Money or piss?

"Over the past two decades, 401(k) accounts have become the dominant form of retirement plan for American workers, covering 70 million people and representing $2.8 trillion in assets in 2006 (U.S. Dept. of Labor (2008)).
IDIOT: 401Ks alone $40,000 per American worker!!!
IDIOT: In 2008 the 100 million households had:
$49 trillion Household Assets (for you IDIOTS.. that means what they OWN)
$14 trillion Household Liabilities (for you IDIOTS.. that means what they OWE)
$35 Trillion left over if they paid off what is owed or IDIOT: NET WORTH

$350,000 net worth per household!

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