Obama's string of foreign policy successes


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Washington (CNN) -- John Kerry got Swift-boated. Jimmy Carter had his re-election chances decimated in the Iranian desert. Then there was Michael Dukakis and that tank photo.

It is a tradition of presidential politics in recent decades that Democrats get accused of being soft and inexperienced on military and foreign policy issues, and Barack Obama was no different in 2008.

However, a string of foreign policy successes -- including the killings of terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, and now the toppling of the Gadhafi regime in Libya without the loss of any U.S. service members -- have made Obama seemingly invulnerable to the quadrennial Republican attack line.

The question is whether it will matter a year from now, when voters decide if he should get a second term.

To analysts interviewed Monday, the president's policies and actions during almost three years in power have helped him shed the knee-jerk, anti-war reputation affixed to Democrats since the Vietnam era.

They cite increased drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, including the one that killed the U.S.-born al-Awlaki, as well as the Special Forces mission that raided a compound in Pakistan housing bin Laden.

Obama makes war policy an election strength - CNN.com
"Obama's string of foreign policy successes"

He does have to be applauded for listening to those in military command who are in the war. They are the ones doing the winning. He should have listened to them when they advocating against removing all the troops at once and soon, to keep a campaign promise to his base. Purely political and not with the safety of America in mind at all. But then he does have an election to buy.....
"Obama's string of foreign policy successes"

He does have to be applauded for listening to those in military command who are in the war. They are the ones doing the winning. He should have listened to them when they advocating against removing all the troops at once and soon, to keep a campaign promise to his base. Purely political and not with the safety of America in mind at all. But then he does have an election to buy.....


They didn't want to hit Osama Bin Laden with a special ops squad. They wanted him taken out with missiles. That was totally Obama's call.
Who knew that Obama would turn out to be such a killing machine..

he's stirred up things in the middle more than BUSH...
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His foreign policy has been tragic for us. The man (and his wife) is a disgrace.

That's because the right, probably liked Osama bin Laden alive. The Bushies were doing business with the Bin Ladens..and 2 Conservative Presidents funded the future terrorist when he was fighting Russians.

Me? I like him dead.
His foreign policy has been tragic for us. The man (and his wife) is a disgrace.

That's because the right, probably liked Osama bin Laden alive. The Bushies were doing business with the Bin Ladens..and 2 Conservative Presidents funded the future terrorist when he was fighting Russians.

Me? I like him dead.

Heh, this isn't about just Bin Laden, who was killed by what Bush put in place while you spewed your usual hate.
His foreign policy has been tragic for us. The man (and his wife) is a disgrace.

That's because the right, probably liked Osama bin Laden alive. The Bushies were doing business with the Bin Ladens..and 2 Conservative Presidents funded the future terrorist when he was fighting Russians.

Me? I like him dead.

OH BROTHER..:lol::cuckoo:
Who knew that Obama would turn out to be such a killing machine..

he's stirred up things in the middle more than BUSH...

Reading the praises the left bestow on Obama these days has me thinking in a few years the kids in the ghetto will be telling the tale of this President being airlifted behind enemy lines and dispatching the enemies of the USA single-handedly with extreme prejudice. :lol:
Who knew that Obama would turn out to be such a killing machine..

he's stirred up things in the middle more than BUSH...

Reading the praises the left bestow on Obama these days has me thinking in a few years the kids in the ghetto will be telling the tale of this President being airlifted behind enemy lines and dispatching the enemies of the USA single-handedly with extreme prejudice. :lol:
'Suprise visits'...:lol:
Washington (CNN) -- John Kerry got Swift-boated. Jimmy Carter had his re-election chances decimated in the Iranian desert. Then there was Michael Dukakis and that tank photo.

It is a tradition of presidential politics in recent decades that Democrats get accused of being soft and inexperienced on military and foreign policy issues, and Barack Obama was no different in 2008.

However, a string of foreign policy successes -- including the killings of terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, and now the toppling of the Gadhafi regime in Libya without the loss of any U.S. service members -- have made Obama seemingly invulnerable to the quadrennial Republican attack line.

The question is whether it will matter a year from now, when voters decide if he should get a second term.

To analysts interviewed Monday, the president's policies and actions during almost three years in power have helped him shed the knee-jerk, anti-war reputation affixed to Democrats since the Vietnam era.

They cite increased drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, including the one that killed the U.S.-born al-Awlaki, as well as the Special Forces mission that raided a compound in Pakistan housing bin Laden.

Obama makes war policy an election strength - CNN.com

No it wont matter. Our economy is still in the shitter and thats what most americans care about.
Washington (CNN) -- John Kerry got Swift-boated. Jimmy Carter had his re-election chances decimated in the Iranian desert. Then there was Michael Dukakis and that tank photo.

It is a tradition of presidential politics in recent decades that Democrats get accused of being soft and inexperienced on military and foreign policy issues, and Barack Obama was no different in 2008.

However, a string of foreign policy successes -- including the killings of terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, and now the toppling of the Gadhafi regime in Libya without the loss of any U.S. service members -- have made Obama seemingly invulnerable to the quadrennial Republican attack line.

The question is whether it will matter a year from now, when voters decide if he should get a second term.

To analysts interviewed Monday, the president's policies and actions during almost three years in power have helped him shed the knee-jerk, anti-war reputation affixed to Democrats since the Vietnam era.

They cite increased drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, including the one that killed the U.S.-born al-Awlaki, as well as the Special Forces mission that raided a compound in Pakistan housing bin Laden.

Obama makes war policy an election strength - CNN.com

No it wont matter. Our economy is still in the shitter and thats what most americans care about.
Right now? Most are worried about his policies of destroying the economy and the private sector. Whether or not they will have a job tomorrow...right now they could care two shits about Foreign policy...

As James (whars muh GUMBO!) Carville once stated to Billy Bob Clinton?

It's the economy...stupid.

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