Obama's Spy Czar Nukes Comey And FBI Director Wray's Assertion That Trump Campaign Wasn't Spied On


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Panic! At The DOJ? Obama's Spy Czar Nukes Comey And FBI Director Wray's Assertion That Trump Campaign Wasn't Spied On

Panic! At The DOJ? Obama's Spy Czar Nukes Comey And FBI Director Wray's Assertion That Trump Campaign Wasn't Spied On
May 7, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
The cat is out of the bag. You cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube. It seems like the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. The only thing left is figuring out the final cast of characters. James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and some other familiar faces should be yanked back onto the Hill to discuss everything. From this apparent spy operation against the Trump campaign to FISA abuses, there are rumblings that the impending IG report on these abuses will be “scorching.” So, is there panic? There might be, especially after former Director of National Intelligence under Obama, James Clapper, nuked the FBI’s position that no spying occurred against the Trump team in 2016. The New York Times reported that some woman named Azra Turk was sent over by the FBI (or CIA) to oversee the spying operation, which also included longtime CIA operative Stefan Halper trying to infiltrate the campaign. Ms. Turk reportedly was a “honeypot” trying to pump information out of George Papadopoulos, who said he has no gripes with the Times’ piece other than he thought Turk was CIA. Yeah, former CIA director under Obama, John Brennan, is also on the list of people who need to get the hell back to the Hill to answer questions.
Yet, Michael Goodwin of the NY Post also noted how it’s a bit disturbing that the liberal media takes all of this at face value. How do we know this wasn’t a plot to stop Trump from being elected? How do we know nothing illegal occurred? All should be answered in due time. With Attorney General William Barr at the helm at DOJ, I have confidence that this will happen.
So, you may not like the term, Obama-ites and liberal media clowns, but that’s what happened. And frankly, we don’t care if you’re uncomfortable with the term. We won. We’re going to find out what you did and brutal retribution should be carried out to those responsible.

James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and some other familiar faces (especially Brennan) should all be indicted, tried convicted and hanged. But we know that it's not PC to hang or execute traitors and seditionists any long. I'll settle for live without parole. They gave Pollard life didn't they? He should be given company. Then there's Clapper's singing even before he's been indicted. He must REALLY be in it up to his ears.
Meanwhile former Director of the CIA Brennan has revealed that he was a Marxist sympathizer that converted to Islam.
Both Clapper and Brennan are up to their eyeballs in this conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President. At this point, I can't figure out who will point the finger to the Obama oval office first. Then there's that list of co-conspirators that should also be wearing the latest fashion in prison wear From Obama, Hillary et al.

CIA Director Reveals He Was Once a Communist Sympathizer
Sep 22, 2016 · CIA Director Reveals He Was Once a Communist Sympathizer. ... Brennan revealed the unique background he brought with him to the CIA. He recalled the polygraph test he
Insiders know Obama's spies are through


Kevin R. Brock was the assistant director of intelligence for the FBI. In private life after 24 years with the FBI, he has insights into the agency.

He sees trouble for those who lied and spied.

Throughout the Mueller ordeal, Brock has written extensively about the way Obama's people disgraced the intelligence community.

"Attorney General Barr puts former intel bosses on notice."

Walls which once were closing in on Donald Trump are now closing in on them.

Brock wrote, "Barr has thrown punches that have left an interesting mix of characters with a standing eight count. Certain eyes around D.C. are a little glassy right now.

"Barr’s words and actions are telling. First, he raised the concern that the Trump campaign was 'spied' upon. His use of the word 'spying' appears more calculated than casual. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that followed is also telling. 'The FBI doesn’t spy' became the sputtering counter-refrain of those trying to mask their nervousness."

Brock also noted, "In just the past week, we’ve seen a rush to comment by the former directors of national intelligence and the CIA. The FBI’s former general counsel has chimed in publicly and, of course, fired FBI Director Comey has been on a media offensive, practicing character assassination as a strategy with Barr among those in his crosshairs.

"Each appears to be anxious about his own role in handling the controversial Steele dossier from the Trump-Russia investigation, and so there is some elbowing under the basket to get optimum positioning. And who can blame them? The attorney general has stated that he is going to focus particularly on the dossier’s exploitation, and specifically on the actions of the leadership of those agencies."

Finally, Brock noted, "Intelligence community leaders aren’t used to being held to account by the Justice Department, and their oversight by Congress generally is mild. Theirs is a comfortable world, obfuscated and kept mysterious by the liberal use of their classified-information shield. The demonization of Attorney General Barr has begun — a sign that he is probably on the right track. And the IC leaders are on notice."
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive
Wilton now has armor, is really pissed that Lord Marmion framed him and tried to murder him, and is taking aim at Lord Marmion, Lord Marmion is scared shitless....

Marmion "Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive" - eNotes.com
A sudden light on Marmion broke:–
"Ah! dastard fool, to reason lost!"
He muttered; "'T was nor fay nor ghost
I met upon the moonlight wold,
But living man of earthly mould.
O dotage blind and gross!
Had I but fought as wont, one thrust
Had laid De Wilton in the dust,
My path no more to cross.–
How stand we now?–he told his tale
To Douglas, and with some avail;
'T was therefore gloomed his rugged brow.–
Will Surrey dare to entertain
'Gainst Marmion, charge disproved and vain?
Small risk of that, I trow.
Yet Clare's sharp questions must I shun,
Must separate Constance from the nun–
Oh! what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!

A Palmer too!–no wonder why
I felt rebuked beneath his eye;
I might have known there was but one
Whose look could quell Lord Marmion."
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

I was never a birther, but the deep state is real. Have you read thru the Strzok-Page texts? Have you read the McCabe testimony? Have you been paying attention to what Comey said? Here are a few factoids:
1. Carter Page had several FISA warrants approved but he was never charged with anything, so why was he spied on? ANS: using the 2-hop rule everyone in the Trump campaign could also be spied on.
2. Why did Samantha Power want to unmask about 300 US citizens?
3. Barr, Durham, and Horowitz will get to the bottom of the deep state conspiracy

Here are two videos to set the stage for the real investigations:

Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
I get that I have watched the right wing propaganda machine sell lie after lie after lie and somehow you people just don't remember all the times some delicious bit of gossip turned out to be bullshit.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
I get that I have watched the right wing propaganda machine sell lie after lie after lie and somehow you people just don't remember all the times some delicious bit of gossip turned out to be bullshit.

The text messages between Strzok and Page are well documented as is who funded the dossier. The IRS scandal is also well documented. These aren't propaganda, they are real.

BTW, do you consider the talk from Adam Schiff, CNN, et al. about them having proof of Russian collusion to be propaganda? You should, it fits the definition to a tee.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
I get that I have watched the right wing propaganda machine sell lie after lie after lie and somehow you people just don't remember all the times some delicious bit of gossip turned out to be bullshit.

The text messages between Strzok and Page are well documented as is who funded the dossier. The IRS scandal is also well documented. These aren't propaganda, they are real.

BTW, do you consider the talk from Adam Schiff, CNN, et al. about them having proof of Russian collusion to be propaganda? You should, it fits the definition to a tee.
I have looked into this stuff. As long as it only exists on shady right wing blogs I cannot give it any credence.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
I get that I have watched the right wing propaganda machine sell lie after lie after lie and somehow you people just don't remember all the times some delicious bit of gossip turned out to be bullshit.
I always love those on the left that pretend they know so much.
How long did we hear that Mueller would be walking everyone out of the White House? It was just a matter of time? Still they can not let it go. They have decided that Mueller was a complete bumbling fool so now the House has to do the investigation again.

We heard from so many "experts" on the left that if Trump was elected the economy would fail. We heard that same song again when he was inaugurated. We hear the same scream every time the Dow drops a point or the unemployment numbers move just half a point.

We hear that the IG is either incompetent or in Trumps pocket along with the AG and everyone else in the DOJ.

But somehow the right is always wrong.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
I get that I have watched the right wing propaganda machine sell lie after lie after lie and somehow you people just don't remember all the times some delicious bit of gossip turned out to be bullshit.

The text messages between Strzok and Page are well documented as is who funded the dossier. The IRS scandal is also well documented. These aren't propaganda, they are real.

BTW, do you consider the talk from Adam Schiff, CNN, et al. about them having proof of Russian collusion to be propaganda? You should, it fits the definition to a tee.
I have looked into this stuff. As long as it only exists on shady right wing blogs I cannot give it any credence.

What are you talking about. The things I mentioned above are plain facts. Peter Strzok testified in front of congress and was questioned about this text messages, which he admitted were valid. Maybe you should read the texts to enlighten yourself. Lois Learner was fired from the IRS due to the IRS scandal under Obama. If you can't find this on your "news" sites, then you aren't looking at real news. This has nothing to do with "shady right wing blogs". Just google any of this. Even the left wing nut sites will attest that these things occurred, albeit with some kind of illogical excuse in an attempt to cover them up.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

You think it is far fetched that a dossier funded by Hillary's campaign was used to spy on and even setup Trump, even after reading the text mesages of the lead investigator and his stated allegience to Hillary and hatred of Trump? All of this under an administration that had already been caught using another agency(IRS) to target the opposing political party.

The silliest thing is the fact that some on the left still don't get it.
I get that I have watched the right wing propaganda machine sell lie after lie after lie and somehow you people just don't remember all the times some delicious bit of gossip turned out to be bullshit.
I always love those on the left that pretend they know so much.
How long did we hear that Mueller would be walking everyone out of the White House? It was just a matter of time? Still they can not let it go. They have decided that Mueller was a complete bumbling fool so now the House has to do the investigation again.

We heard from so many "experts" on the left that if Trump was elected the economy would fail. We heard that same song again when he was inaugurated. We hear the same scream every time the Dow drops a point or the unemployment numbers move just half a point.

We hear that the IG is either incompetent or in Trumps pocket along with the AG and everyone else in the DOJ.

But somehow the right is always wrong.
The problem here is that you never remember all the times the propaganda machine lied right to your face. This stuff is not based on anything that could ever see a courtroom yet you have this expectation of a great Soviet style purge of the government. When it all turns out to be bullshit somehow you will forget you ever believed any of it.
This deep state coup stuff is the silliest thing you people have been duped with since the birther bullshit. Nothing will ever come of it but you people will go to your graves thinking Trump was the victim of an evil conspiracy.

It’s not really a “deep state”. These political appointees are pretty obvious in their actions. They abused their power to spy on the Trump campaign and cover up the crimes of Hillary.

This is how a communist state works, and it is how Democrat administrations work. The Marxist fucks should all be tried and hanged for treason.
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
I don’t care that he calls it spying. I think implying that it was illegal is not honest as there are no facts to back that up. But we are in a time of hyper politicization and calling it spying helps Trumps agenda so I get why they are doing it. Wish we could grow out of playing these childish games though.
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
I don’t care that he calls it spying. I think implying that it was illegal is not honest as there are no facts to back that up. But we are in a time of hyper politicization and calling it spying helps Trumps agenda so I get why they are doing it. Wish we could grow out of playing these childish games though.

Sit tight, facts are on the way.
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
I don’t care that he calls it spying. I think implying that it was illegal is not honest as there are no facts to back that up. But we are in a time of hyper politicization and calling it spying helps Trumps agenda so I get why they are doing it. Wish we could grow out of playing these childish games though.

Sit tight, facts are on the way.
I won’t be holding my breath
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
I don’t care that he calls it spying. I think implying that it was illegal is not honest as there are no facts to back that up. But we are in a time of hyper politicization and calling it spying helps Trumps agenda so I get why they are doing it. Wish we could grow out of playing these childish games though.
Don't care. In my mind it was spying and illegal. We will see what happens from here.
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
I don’t care that he calls it spying. I think implying that it was illegal is not honest as there are no facts to back that up. But we are in a time of hyper politicization and calling it spying helps Trumps agenda so I get why they are doing it. Wish we could grow out of playing these childish games though.

Sit tight, facts are on the way.
I won’t be holding my breath
You won't have you. You can just call it right wing bullshit.
Slade3200 maybe this is why barr calls it spying.

It was. The left loves to change words to try and change reality.

Gross negligance

Do it, call it something else, deny like a mofo. The way of the left.
I don’t care that he calls it spying. I think implying that it was illegal is not honest as there are no facts to back that up. But we are in a time of hyper politicization and calling it spying helps Trumps agenda so I get why they are doing it. Wish we could grow out of playing these childish games though.
Don't care. In my mind it was spying and illegal. We will see what happens from here.
I hope you accept whatever Barr finds.

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