Obama's Record on Israel


Sep 4, 2008
Although the GOP would like you to believe that Obama is actually a secret agent of Hamas, here is his voting record brought to you by the National Jewish Democratic Council:

Senator Obama has an outstanding voting record on Israel issues.
Senator Obama co-sponsored the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act. He has joined several letters urging actions on behalf of the interests of the State of Israel, including a letter calling on the European Union to add Hezbollah to its list of terrorist groups, a letter urging President Bush to press Palestinian leadership to bar terrorist groups from Palestinian elections and a letter expressing solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism. He has voted multiple times in favor of foreign aid and is a leader in pushing for divestment from Iran.
On January 22, 2008, Obama sent a letter from his U.S. Senate office to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations calling for the U.S. to strongly support Israel on the U.N. Security Council.
An excerpt:

I urge you to ensure that the Security Council issue no statement and pass no resolution on this matter that does not fully condemn the rocket assault Hamas has been conducting on civilians in southern Israel for over two years.
All of us are concerned about the impact of closed border crossings on Palestinian families. However, we have to understand why Israel is forced to do this. Gaza is governed by Hamas, which is a terrorist organization sworn to Israel’s destruction, and Israeli civilians are being bombarded by rockets on an almost daily basis. That is unacceptable and Israel has a right to respond while seeking to minimize any impact on civilians.
The Security Council should clearly and unequivocally condemn the rocket attacks against Israel, and should make clear that Israel has the right to defend itself against such actions. If it cannot bring itself to make these common sense points, I urge you to ensure that it does not speak at all.

[Letter from U.S. Senator Barack Obama to Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, January 22, 2008]
Obama wrote legislation promoting divestment from Iran. The legislation would clear the way for more states to divest their pension funds from companies that support Iran's oil and gas industry. Iran uses the revenue it generates from its energy sector to finance its pursuit of nuclear weapons and support for terrorist groups. The legislation, according to the Senator’s office, “once enacted, will provide needed information about which companies are supporting Iran's energy industry, clarify that state and local governments have the authority to divest of such companies, and provide legal protection for those governments that wish to do so.” The legislation is being held up in the Senate by a Republican Senator. [NJDC Blog, 8/1/07: http://njdc.typepad.com/njdcs_blog/2007/08/obama-pushes-le.html]
Obama is outspoken about the dangers of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.
For example, in November 2007, he stated firmly: “Make no mistake – if the Iranians and Syrians think they can use Iraq as another Afghanistan or a staging area from which to attack Israel or other countries, they are badly mistaken.” [Chicago Sun Times, 3/1/07: http://www.suntimes.com/news/sweet/278222,CST-EDT-sweet01.article]
Senator Obama spoke eloquently about his support for the U.S.-Israel relationship at the 2007 NJDC Washington Conference.
An excerpt:

When I am President, the United States will stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel in search of this peace, and in defense against those who seek its destruction …
… Those who have worked with me in Chicago in the state Legislature and now in the United States Senate will testify that I have not just talked the talk, I have walked the walk when it comes to Israel’s security. I think it is fundamental. I think it is something that is in the interests of the United States because of our special relationship, because Israel has not only established a democracy in the region but has been a stalwart ally of ours …

For the full address: Remarks by Senator Barack Obama
To an AIPAC audience in Chicago on March 2, 2007, Obama said, “Our job is to renew the United States’ efforts to help Israel achieve peace with its neighbors while remaining vigilant against those who do not share this vision…That effort begins with a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel: our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy. That will always be my starting point.” Continued Obama, “And when we see all of the growing threats in the region: from Iran to Iraq to the resurgence of al-Qaeda to the reinvigoration of Hamas and Hezbollah, that loyalty and that friendship will guide me as we begin to lay the stones that will build the road that takes us from the current instability to lasting peace and security.” [Address of Senator Barack Obama to AIPAC, 3/2/07]
The New York Sun – hardly a bastion of support for Democrats – editorialized: “We're no shills for Mr. Obama, but these Republicans [who questioned the Senator’s support for Israel] haven't checked their facts.
At least by our lights, Mr. Obama's commitment to Israel, as he has articulated it so far in his campaign, is quite moving and a tribute to the broad, bipartisan support that the Jewish state has in America.” [New York Sun, 1/9/08: http://www.nysun.com/article/69154]
Rep. Robert Wexler – a strong supporter of Israel who endorsed Obama – wrote, “What has always struck me about Senator Obama – and this is one of the reasons I have endorsed his candidacy for the United States Presidency – is that a love for Israel and a desire to keep the Jewish people secure is evident not just in his work, but also in his heart.”
[Letter of endorsement from Rep. Wexler]

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