Obama's Radical Socialist/Collectivist Agenda


Dec 2, 2012

French Socialist in Mittal Row: We're Just Doing What Obama Does

The French politician who said Indian steel company ArcelorMittal should leave the country has told CNBC that his government is only acting like U.S. President Barack Obama.

Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg, a member of the governing Socialist party, caused controversy last week when he said that the Indian company, which employs close to 20,000 people in France, should leave after it said it would have to close down a factory.

The French government announced on Thursday that it could nationalize the factory in question, with backing from an unnamed businessman.

Montebourg told CNBC after a meeting with trade unions in Paris: "Barack Obama's nationalized. The Germans are nationalizing. All countries are nationalizing. I've also noticed the British nationalized 6 banks."

Montebourg is believed to be referring to the takeover of struggling automakers by the U.S. government earlier in the financial crisis.

Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center...Delving into Obama's years as a student and a community organizer...contended that Obama is part of a coterie of "stealth socialists."

"Over the long term, Obama's plans are designed to ensnare the country in a new socialism, a stealth socialism that masquerades as a traditional sense of fair play, a soft but pernicious socialism similar to that currently strangling the economies of Europe," Kurtz wrote.

Due in part to the multiple definitions of socialism, some conservatives wrestle with semantics as they seek appropriate terms for Obama's ideology.

"Instinctively, the president is a collectivist," said Ken Blackwell, former Ohio secretary of state, "My fundamental belief is that he wants to transform our market economy into a government-controlled economy — not far afield from European-style socialism."


"Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer."

― Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
When the president can replace company management I think he knows exactly what the word means.

Another one with no vocabulary skills.

Guess that's better than being devoid of any intellectual honesty.

OK be honest and tell us how the auto bailouts were in fact nationalization. Not even going to ask you to explain how ACA was in fact nationalizing "the entire health care industry" as britpat said, I think even you know that was bullshit.
This is what the slim majority of Americans voted for so I don't have time to worry about them. Time to hunker down, look after your own, pray you have what it takes to stomach this moving forward garbage.
He nationalized Chrysler and General Motors, not to mention the entire healthcare industry.

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

hmmmm, yes it does. Obama fired the CEO of GM. That officially makes him the owner.

By that flawed logic the US government has nationalized every failing bank since the FDIC was founded. Nationalization means the government seizes 100% of the company and tells the owners/stockholders to get bent with no intention of it ever being a private company again, it does not loan money with terms and conditions such as management changes as the bailouts were. God what a waste of flesh you are.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

hmmmm, yes it does. Obama fired the CEO of GM. That officially makes him the owner.

By that flawed logic the US government has nationalized every failing bank since the FDIC was founded. Nationalization means the government seizes 100% of the company and tells the owners/stockholders to get bent with no intention of it ever being a private company again, it does not loan money with terms and conditions such as management changes as the bailouts were. God what a waste of flesh you are.

Yep, they gave the unions 40% of the company, screwed the bond holders, ignored US bankruptcy laws in the process, and the tax payers still own equity so now the company is only partally nationalized. Yep, they nationalized the company and then your lord and master divied it up according to his sense of perverse justice. Then he adds insult to injury by giving them DOE grants that they used to payoff some loans.
hmmmm, yes it does. Obama fired the CEO of GM. That officially makes him the owner.

By that flawed logic the US government has nationalized every failing bank since the FDIC was founded. Nationalization means the government seizes 100% of the company and tells the owners/stockholders to get bent with no intention of it ever being a private company again, it does not loan money with terms and conditions such as management changes as the bailouts were. God what a waste of flesh you are.

Yep, they gave the unions 40% of the company, screwed the bond holders, ignored US bankruptcy laws in the process, and the tax payers still own equity so now the company is only partally nationalized. Yep, they nationalized the company and then your lord and master divied it up according to his sense of perverse justice. Then he adds insult to injury by giving them DOE grants that they used to payoff some loans.

Your definition of nationalization is as loose as your definition of socialism. The deal sucked for everyone involved but it was hardly nationalization since it was structured for the company to buy it's way out, nothing was seized and there was always the option to refuse the deal and take the traditional path into bankruptcy. Furthermore you might want to recheck who's name is on the bottom line of the deal.
At least Obama put stipulations on the bailout money given to the auto firms, and most of the money has been repaid. Bush gave billions in bailout money to the banks and brokerage houses who got the world into this mess and they used that bailout money to pay bonuses to their executives, who engineered the collapse.

The Democrats have been far more fiscally responsible than the Republicans over the past 30 years, but at least Reagan had the good sense to realize that his trickle down theory was a bust and be rescinded his tax cuts. The Bushes weren't that smart and here we are, trying to dig out the mess they made, again. Clinton did it first but Bush Sr. only had 4 years of wanton spending. Jr. had the full two terms and made his old man look like a cropper when it came to fiscal incompetence.

I hear Jeb is thinking of running in 2016. You do know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, don't you?
This is what the slim majority of Americans voted for so I don't have time to worry about them. Time to hunker down, look after your own, pray you have what it takes to stomach this moving forward garbage.

Exactly. Things are getting tougher by the day. Welfare is at an all-time high and increasing. Those who still have jobs and live in their own homes should focus on keeping their lives intact.

Pell grants have been cut, so many kids might be living back home next year instead of on campus.

Two of my neighbors found out they are losing their jobs and it's because of Obamacare. This whole thing just sucks.
This thread is a joke,,right?
The French are emulating Obama's socialism! :lol: Trust me folks, France's socialism would make some of you piss in your pants. Why I say that is it's clear there's a lot of ignorance about socialism here on these boards, particularly those who are shaking in their boots in fear of socialism. Actually, it's a black eye for America's education system.

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