Obama's Plummet


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
CNN is covering it, RCP has the averages:

CNN Poll: Obama at all time low – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

CNN Poll: Obama at all time low
CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

(CNN) – President Barack Obama is contending with the lowest approval rating of his 20-month presidency, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll finds.

The president's approval rating now stands at 42 percent – an all time low in CNN polling and 8 points lower than where Obama was only three weeks ago. Moreover, 56 percent of all Americans think the president has fallen short of their expectations. (More poll results)

The president's sagging poll numbers couldn't come at a worse time for congressional Democrats, themselves facing a nine-point deficit in the so-called "generic ballot" question heading into the midterm elections. In fact, the president's approval rating is the same as that of President Clinton's in 1994 – the midterm election year that saw Republicans wrest control of both the House and Senate.

In even worse news for congressional Democrats, likely voters say they are considerably more likely to vote for a candidate the president opposes than one he supports. On the other hand, 50 percent of voters said they would be more likely to vote for a Tea Party-backed candidate while a third of Americans said Tea Party support would dissuade their vote for a candidate.

Still, the president can take some solace in the fact several past presidents have been beset by slumping numbers at the 2-year mark: In addition to Clinton, both Reagan and Jimmy Carter found their support at 42 percent at this point in their first term. Of course, Clinton and Reagan went on to big reelection wins only two years later.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval


This is what happens when a candidate runs as one flavor and governs with a completely different flavor.
CNN is covering it, RCP has the averages:

CNN Poll: Obama at all time low – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

CNN Poll: Obama at all time low
CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

(CNN) – President Barack Obama is contending with the lowest approval rating of his 20-month presidency, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll finds.

The president's approval rating now stands at 42 percent – an all time low in CNN polling and 8 points lower than where Obama was only three weeks ago. Moreover, 56 percent of all Americans think the president has fallen short of their expectations. (More poll results)

The president's sagging poll numbers couldn't come at a worse time for congressional Democrats, themselves facing a nine-point deficit in the so-called "generic ballot" question heading into the midterm elections. In fact, the president's approval rating is the same as that of President Clinton's in 1994 – the midterm election year that saw Republicans wrest control of both the House and Senate.

In even worse news for congressional Democrats, likely voters say they are considerably more likely to vote for a candidate the president opposes than one he supports. On the other hand, 50 percent of voters said they would be more likely to vote for a Tea Party-backed candidate while a third of Americans said Tea Party support would dissuade their vote for a candidate.

Still, the president can take some solace in the fact several past presidents have been beset by slumping numbers at the 2-year mark: In addition to Clinton, both Reagan and Jimmy Carter found their support at 42 percent at this point in their first term. Of course, Clinton and Reagan went on to big reelection wins only two years later.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval


hey hey hey gallup has him a point lower than Rasmussen:eek:...call out the dem guard, gallup is now a republican front....!!!!!! Mein Gott!
Rasmussen is always right on target.............

Of course, Rasmussen is now hated by the k00ks, but holy fcukk........they couldnt get the Rasmussen poll up fast enough leading up the the 2008 presidential election. But now......their outliers!!:tomato::tomato::tomato:
This President's approval rating is falling faster than my grades did in school after I found out what girls were good for.
"In even worse news for congressional Democrats, likely voters say they are considerably more likely to vote for a candidate the president opposes than one he supports."


So the best thing Obama can do for the Democrats is start campaigning for Republicans. :lol:

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At this point in Reagan's Presidency, his tax cuts were revving up growth. The Volcker Money Contraction to curb double digit inflation was succeeding, and the recession bottomed out in Q2 1982.

Contrast that with the declining growth of Obamanomics, and its dismal policies which are making the economy worse.
He's still ahead of His Holiness Saint Reagan, at this point in his Presidency.

The difference is that Reagan's policies ended up working for the economy and he won a 49 state landslide in his reelection. I assure you that in this regard, Obama will be no Ronald Reagan.

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