Obama's own 'war on women'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Mike Huckabee: Obama's own 'war on women'


Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee slammed the president and Democrats for their “war on women” campaign rhetoric — observing that Obama’s second term Cabinet is likely to include few women.

“Now a lot of those females who supported Barack Obama are scratching their heads, and they’re saying, ‘Whoa! How come there is so much testosterone in the Obama Cabinet and so little estrogen?’” the Arkansas Republican said on his radio program Wednesday. “Because if you look around, all of these high-powered appointments that he is making are all white guys.”


Read more: Mike Huckabee: Obama's own 'war on women' - Bobby Cervantes - POLITICO.com
So why is everyone so surprised? The guy's a Muslim. He doesn't believe in putting women in positions of power. Duh...

It's not about being surprised. If you're not an ass sucking Obama Zombie, you KNOW just about everything he says is a lie. For King Obama, he merely has to say it.. forget about living up to his word. He knows his useful idiots will never hold him accountable for ANYTHING. The whole stink of it is his entire CONTRIVED campaign hoax against Mitt Romney and "Romney's binder of women." We had ugly NOW hags like Sandra Fluke with her gathering of 8 in Reno, screeching about FREE BIRTH CONTROL AND OBAMA LOVES DA WOMAN! All Hail King Obama.. HE'S A JOKE and so are his brain rotted Zombies. He's getting his ass handed to him as we speak by EVERY DAY Americans who own guns. LOL
So why is everyone so surprised? The guy's a Muslim. He doesn't believe in putting women in positions of power. Duh...

It's not about being surprised. If you're not an ass sucking Obama Zombie, you KNOW just about everything he says is a lie. For King Obama, he merely has to say it.. forget about living up to his word. He knows his useful idiots will never hold him accountable for ANYTHING. The whole stink of it is his entire CONTRIVED campaign hoax against Mitt Romney and "Romney's binder of women." We had ugly NOW hags like Sandra Fluke with her gathering of 8 in Reno, screeching about FREE BIRTH CONTROL AND OBAMA LOVES DA WOMAN! All Hail King Obama.. HE'S A JOKE and so are his brain rotted Zombies. He's getting his ass handed to him as we speak by EVERY DAY Americans who own guns. LOL


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