Obama's Own Ex-Intel Chief Explains Clinton's Criminal Activity


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Hillary didn't just happen to receive a few top secret emails on her insecure server. The information contained on her system had to be deliberately moved out of the secure site and then put on to her unclassified email system. This does not happen by accident and numerous security measures have to be bypassed in order to accomplish the task. Someone knew what they were doing when they breached security to transfer top secret and highly sensitive material. Needless to say, it is a serious crime, even treason, to do such a thing. There is no more doubt. Hillary must face charges.

The worst part is that those who had access to this information did not have clearance and had no business seeing any of that information. It goes beyond simple negligence and is downright criminal. Hillary is not fit to serve in government in any capacity after her illegal and dangerous actions, let alone think she can become president. There is no telling how much damage she did with the reckless handling of these files. Lives could have been endangered and yet she is playing the technically-challenged idiot and thinks people will let her slide.

"Several dozen emails on Clinton’s home-brew server reportedly included special access program documents.

SAP-classified information is "the most stringently compartmented and protected information in the entire U.S. government," Col. James Waurishuk, former deputy director of intelligence for the U.S. Central Command, told the Daily Caller. According to Waurishuk, the "single, most dangerous security violation that can ever happen to the United States," is transferring SAP-classified information to a non-secure server.

He added:

"In order for Mrs. Clinton to get Top Secret/Special Access Programs onto her private server, numerous, redundant safeguards were deliberately bypassed, probably by unauthorized personnel who were given access to these documents. It was a deliberate, intentional act. It just could not happen by accident."

Emails have revealed that the former secretary of state instructed her staff to transfer classified documents into "non-paper" and send them to her "non-secure." Another former intelligence official, retired Army Col. James Williamson, told the Daily Caller that Hillary Clinton "aides like Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills had absolutely ‘zero’ reason to have any access to any SAPs, period. How that happened and who authorized it is criminal in itself."

"You have to physically do it," he said. "You have to willfully violate the law. There is no connectivity in any way between classified and non-classified systems."

At least one of the emails on Clinton’s unsecured server was coded as "HCS-O,"which refers to human intelligence sources in an ongoing operation, according to The Daily Caller. That means that a U.S. agent may have been exposed — that operative’s life put in danger — due to Clinton’s malfeasance"

Some low level flunky is going to take a fall, if there a fall.

My money is on, she skates once again.
They can speculate all they want about what they THINK MIGHT HAVE, happened....if it was as they said, someone would have been charged already....because that would have been a crime,... however, obviously, THAT IS NOT what happened and that's why there have been no charges brought against Hillary's staff that supposedly did this.... Plus, I doubt Obama would have come out and given Hillary his support for her presidential run this past week if what this ex gvt expert (sic) says happened.....really happened.

Nothing like being the judge jury and executioner...before they are even brought up on charges.

And why did this dude go to the Daily Caller and not the main stream news with this kind of news IF IT WAS REALLY NEWS....come onnnnnnn, wake up, you are being played like a violin....it is all speculation, these guys from the past running to these right wing rags trying to get their 15 minutes of fame is quite obvious....

why not just wait until we find out what actually did happen?

Oh, that's right....hmmmm...it's an election year.... :rolleyes:
From the Op's link:
President Obama’s ex-Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, says that “Clinton, for the good of the country, should step down and let this FBI investigation play out.”

According to The Daily Caller, Flynn — as well as other highly placed officials from the intelligence community — are alarmed at Clinton’s transfer of so-called “special access program” (SAP) documents to her unclassified server.

Michael T. Flynn is a retired United States Armylieutenant general[1][2] who served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board from July 24, 2012, to August 2, 2014.[3] Prior to this he served as assistant director of national intelligence. He consistently pushed for greater information and intelligence sharing and was a leading figure in coalition and special operations intelligence operations.
They can speculate all they want about what they THINK MIGHT HAVE, happened....if it was as they said, someone would have been charged already....because that would have been a crime,... however, obviously, THAT IS NOT what happened and that's why there have been no charges brought against Hillary's staff that supposedly did this.... Plus, I doubt Obama would have come out and given Hillary his support for her presidential run this past week if what this ex gvt expert (sic) says happened.....really happened.

Nothing like being the judge jury and executioner...before they are even brought up on charges.

And why did this dude go to the Daily Caller and not the main stream news with this kind of news IF IT WAS REALLY NEWS....come onnnnnnn, wake up, you are being played like a violin....it is all speculation, these guys from the past running to these right wing rags trying to get their 15 minutes of fame is quite obvious....

why not just wait until we find out what actually did happen?

Oh, that's right....hmmmm...it's an election year.... :rolleyes:

As if the liberal media would report anything negative about their candidate.
Things must have really changed since I possessed a simple secret clearance. It would seem that the Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) has been abandoned/trashed/burned in a document burning barrel. What a shame. But then what can anyone expect when the National Security Motto is; "I'm ok, you are ok, everyone is ok". Hollywood could not make this stuff up!
Things must have really changed since I possessed a simple secret clearance. It would seem that the Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) has been abandoned/trashed/burned in a document burning barrel. What a shame. But then what can anyone expect when the National Security Motto is; "I'm ok, you are ok, everyone is ok". Hollywood could not make this stuff up!
There's quite a few people here who held security clearances. Those who held Secret, TS and above are all sitting in amazement at the violations of securing documents that occurred with the SS. When I was debriefed with a TS Crypto clearance I signed papers to never reveal information during my lifetime. The biggest thing that some people here don't realize is that if you possess information you can't even discuss it with people who hold your level of clearance and above unless they have the need to know. I just can't understand the government's position on this matter.
It amazes me that the left is taking such a casual attitude. We know what was found on the server and there is only one way for that information to get on an insecure server. It didn't magically appear and had to be removed from one and transferred. People without clearance would not be able to access the information in the first place without her help. She can't very well claim that another person with security clearance worked with her subordinates to transfer the info without her knowledge. She knew the information was on her personal, insecure server and she had to know how it got there and who did the transfer.

The facts are known and there is only one way it could have happened. Evidence is what it is and she thinks that she can keep denying and refusing to cooperate. The left is willing to sweep it all under the rug, but for the sake of our nation's security we must make an example of her. She knew better. I wouldn't give a pass to anyone on either side who did this.

It's one thing to use a personal server for emails, but this is a whole different matter. Of course, even with the emails, she deleted them and turned over copies, which are easily altered. This was a transfer of sensitive information done by people who had no business seeing that information. And it was no longer secure after being removed from the original server, which means anyone could have seen it. This is as serious as it gets when you are talking about national security. She isn't taking it seriously and certainly wouldn't have more concern as president. When she puts her own convenience over the safety of Americans, she isn't fit to serve in any capacity. I don't even care what her lame ass explanation is. She needs to go.
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