Obama's Ministers of Culture and Agitprop


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
On Tuesday, as part of Obama’s “Winning the Future” initiative, the president designated members of the liberal activist group Creative Coalition as official “America’s Champions of Change for the Arts.” This is the latest in a series of “public engagement” efforts overseen by Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and her high-paid, tax-funded staff of thinly-veiled campaign workers operating out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
When the Creative Coalition – comprised of some of the entertainment world’s most zealous and wealthy Obama donors – talks of the need to “make the arts a topic of priority,” it means massively increased funding for the National Endowment of the Arts and National Endowment for the Arts. It means using the power of government to turn artists and entertainers into Obama policy lobbyists. And it means buying access not for “ordinary Americans,” but for the out-of-touch elitists who use all public channels and platforms to denigrate traditional values and principles.
In other words: Not art for art’s sake. But art for Obama’s sake.

The White House and its “Champions of Change for the Arts” are flirting dangerously with an Orwellian-style Ministry of Arts Agitprop akin to Europe’s and China’s. America doesn’t need ideologically-skewed keepers of the culture in government-sanctioned positions espousing what’s best for readers, viewers, and listeners’ consumption – and using tax dollars to shape our tastes and politics. The best way for this White House to stimulate free, unfettered conversation about the arts is to butt out of it.

Michelle Malkin
Sounds more like the Ministry of Dark Arts.


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