Obama's list of achievements in helping economic growth


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Proof that Obama supports capitalism.

Here are a list of his achievements when it comes to supporting economic growh.:

1) Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups

2) Create an advanced manufacturing fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes

3) Increased funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a program that encourages manufacturing efficiency

4) Increased minority access to capital

5) Require economic justification for tax changes

6) Make permanent the Research & Development tax credit

7) Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridges

7) Establish a small business initiative for rural America

8) Expand loan programs for small businesses

9) TRIED (with some success) to urge China to stop manipulation of its currency value

10) Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009

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Proof that Obama supports capitalism.

Here are a list of his achievements when it comes to supporting economic growh.:

1) Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups

2) Create an advanced manufacturing fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes

3) Increased funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a program that encourages manufacturing efficiency

4) Increased minority access to capital

5) Require economic justification for tax changes

6) Make permanent the Research & Development tax credit

7) Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridges

7) Establish a small business initiative for rural America

8) Expand loan programs for small businesses

9) TRIED (with some success) to urge China to stop manipulation of its currency value

10) Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
It’s just printed inflation money he spends, dosen’t do much good.

The only thing that can stimulate the economy is taking back the troops overseas, let them spend money at home. The troops overseas creates manufacturing jobs overseas because the US army is a large consumer. They also spend money overseas in shops creting service jobs. It’s inflationary to have 300.000 soldiers stationed overseas, it’s better for the economy to give 50 million americans welfare chechs, at least they’ll spend the money on the home market creating jobs.

Taking the troops back and cut the spending overseas is what really wil create jobs both in manufacturing and the service sector.
Proof that Obama supports capitalism.

Here are a list of his achievements when it comes to supporting economic growh.:

1) Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups

2) Create an advanced manufacturing fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes

3) Increased funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a program that encourages manufacturing efficiency

4) Increased minority access to capital

5) Require economic justification for tax changes

6) Make permanent the Research & Development tax credit

7) Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridges

7) Establish a small business initiative for rural America

8) Expand loan programs for small businesses

9) TRIED (with some success) to urge China to stop manipulation of its currency value

10) Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
It’s just printed inflation money he spends, dosen’t do much good.

The only thing that can stimulate the economy is taking back the troops overseas, let them spend money at home. The troops overseas creates manufacturing jobs overseas because the US army is a large consumer. They also spend money overseas in shops creting service jobs. It’s inflationary to have 300.000 soldiers stationed overseas, it’s better for the economy to give 50 million americans welfare chechs, at least they’ll spend the money on the home market creating jobs.

Taking the troops back and cut the spending overseas is what really wil create jobs both in manufacturing and the service sector.

And he did that....

We were 6 trillion in debt when Clinton left office. There was no surplus, just cooking the books. I don't have a surplus if I have 50K in outstanding debt and 5000 in the bank. Clinton, however, had to work with a R congress to balance the budget. At least the budget was balanced somewhat...still cooked, but... At any rate, O has added 5 trillion to the debt in three years and we have nothing to show for it.

You are literally the only person I've seen to refer to him as the "messiah".

That's what some of you see him as by the way you post about him.?
Obama did this or Obama did that...Did you check to see if he stopped the seas from rising yet?
I hope the messiah paid for all those goodies out of his own personal MILLIONS.

You are literally the only person I've seen to refer to him as the "messiah".

That's what some of you see him as by the way you post about him.?
Obama did this or Obama did that...Did you check to see if he stopped the seas from rising yet?

Just because I like Obama, it doesn't mean I think he is perfect or anything close to a messiah.
You are literally the only person I've seen to refer to him as the "messiah".

That's what some of you see him as by the way you post about him.?
Obama did this or Obama did that...Did you check to see if he stopped the seas from rising yet?

Just because I like Obama, it doesn't mean I think he is perfect or anything close to a messiah.

ok, you say so..
you all act like Obama just went out and did all those things you claim he did...ON HIS OWN..so you tell us some of you don't look at him as if he some wonder man or Messiah.

it's almost scary like a cult or something...creepy really
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That's what some of you see him as by the way you post about him.?
Obama did this or Obama did that...Did you check to see if he stopped the seas from rising yet?

Just because I like Obama, it doesn't mean I think he is perfect or anything close to a messiah.

ok, you say so..
you all act like Obama just went out and did all those things you claim he did...ON HIS OWN..so you tell us some of you don't look at him as if he some wonder man or Messiah.

it's almost scary like a cult or something...creepy really

Such as?

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