Obama's Kryptonite


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Coal: Obama's Kryptonite

By Jim Ellis

In a presidential election that appears headed for a photo finish, it may be coal that transforms itself into political black gold for Republican nominee Mitt Romney and into kryptonite for President Barack Obama. While the president's economic policies have devastated several industries, it is the coal producers who are strategically located and have the opportunity and ability to become a real force in this campaign.

The main reason behind the mineral's potential election-determining power is that most of the coal-producing voters reside in traditionally Democratic counties and precincts. Ohio and Virginia, and possibly Pennsylvania, are potentially so electorally close that either candidate losing a significant share of his own party's vote could cost him that particular state and thereby the White House itself.


Read more: Articles: Coal: Obama's Kryptonite
I actually think your wrong. I think the Romney campaign is shoot them selves in the fott here, is romeny for or avaunt obama/Romney care or not, he made a statement on meet the press then it was taken back. Paul ryan, should pot a be legal, he stated it's up to the states to choose, then it 18 hours later it was taken back, also Paul Ryan voted to on the bill that will cut 1.2 trillion dollars from programs including massive cuts to the military, then the romeny campaign and Ryan both said he didn't, when he did. Does anyone remember 04 wasn't that the problem with Kerry? The he was not strong enough in his convictions? He was a flip flopper? Well since that is fact, you cons should be pretty upset at ur guy right now, cause he is doing a lot of flip flopping
What is this drivel? No one is going to become a 'force' in anyone's campaign. The election is seven weeks away. The lines are drawn and everyone is where they are. From here it's just a roller coaster ride of comedy. Bobble headed news coverage. Liberals and Conservatives ranting how good their guy was in the debates. And Paulophiles claiming their guy is still going to win it.
What is this drivel? No one is going to become a 'force' in anyone's campaign. The election is seven weeks away. The lines are drawn and everyone is where they are. From here it's just a roller coaster ride of comedy. Bobble headed news coverage. Liberals and Conservatives ranting how good their guy was in the debates. And Paulophiles claiming their guy is still going to win it.

And yet almost no poll from this time in the race has ever been the actual vote margin. Go figure.
ah yes, the cut-n-paste king lives.

The problem is - if Romney starts championing coal, he'll become a laughing stock with the centre.

There is a case for more nuclear, tidal or hydro perhaps - but not coal. It isn't 1955.

It's like campaigining for the steam engine to be reintroduced.
What is this drivel? No one is going to become a 'force' in anyone's campaign. The election is seven weeks away. The lines are drawn and everyone is where they are. From here it's just a roller coaster ride of comedy. Bobble headed news coverage. Liberals and Conservatives ranting how good their guy was in the debates. And Paulophiles claiming their guy is still going to win it.

And yet almost no poll from this time in the race has ever been the actual vote margin. Go figure.

Which means Romney will close the gap or this election is going to turn into a landslide. If it is the ladder, the House goes back to the Dems.
What is this drivel? No one is going to become a 'force' in anyone's campaign. The election is seven weeks away. The lines are drawn and everyone is where they are. From here it's just a roller coaster ride of comedy. Bobble headed news coverage. Liberals and Conservatives ranting how good their guy was in the debates. And Paulophiles claiming their guy is still going to win it.

And yet almost no poll from this time in the race has ever been the actual vote margin. Go figure.

Which means Romney will close the gap or this election is going to turn into a landslide. If it is the ladder, the House goes back to the Dems.

If romenwy can stop flip flopping every 5 mins he has a shot. If not.......Obama landslide
The problem is - if Romney starts championing coal, he'll become a laughing stock with the centre.

There is a case for more nuclear, tidal or hydro perhaps - but not coal. It isn't 1955.

It's like campaigining for the steam engine to be reintroduced.

Yeah... By all means we cannot champion an energy source that is abundant and cheap in America... We need to dump Coal and replace it with all these new Green Technologies that are all proven, and more than capable of replacing Coal when it comes to powering America's Electrical grid. :lol:
The problem is - if Romney starts championing coal, he'll become a laughing stock with the centre.

There is a case for more nuclear, tidal or hydro perhaps - but not coal. It isn't 1955.

It's like campaigining for the steam engine to be reintroduced.

The U.S. electrical generation picture:

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Even the short bus folks will eventually catch on to the need for green energy.

i think the short bus folk, yes i know u need to insult, are driving that bus. U dont NEED green energy. im going to make thsi easy for you, the planet is not a human. stop humanizing it. It doesnt need you, it doesnt even know u exist. It does more damage to itself than we do. U are nothing to it, if we were wiped off the planet tomorrow, it will go til its eventual destruction, you and I will not stop that.

We do not need green energy, there is no such thing as green energy, energy has no color. Stop doing and thinking on how u are told to.

FYI, its a blue planet, most times than not, more water than land.
Even the short bus folks will eventually catch on to the need for green energy.

The short bus folks are the ones that think Green technology is capable of replacing things like Coal fired (electricity generating) plants across the board now... Maybe someday when the technology becomes capable enough your idiotic utopian dreams might be realized, until then -Green energy is nothing more than a very expensive fantasy cultivated by people who have little to no understanding of how our Nations electrical grid works.

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