Obama’s Ideology-Driven Presidency


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama’s Ideology-Driven Presidency

Monday, March 26, 2012
By Guest Writer Greg Lewis

Barack Obama stood in the demilitarized zone between South and North Korea and stared through binoculars at the remnants of a country. He was dumbfounded as he looked northward at the barren wasteland that a communist dictatorship had created. It was as if he was seeing for the first time what the word “communist” means.

He sounded more like a 7th-grader than the president of the United States as he marveled, “It is like you are looking across 50 years into a country that has missed 40 or 50 years of progress.”


Jerry Casale, one of the founders of the new wave rock group Devo, was fond of saying, “You can’t be it and see it,” meaning it’s impossible to get a perspective on your own behavior when you’re as ideologically committed as someone like Obama is. The president, like the leftist ideologues he’s installed in every important U.S. government post, is incapable of stepping back and looking at what he’s doing to the greatest nation on earth. He can’t entertain even the thought that perhaps his policies and his ideology are essentially the same as those that have caused the economic failure of every communist nation in history.

Wake up America: Obama’s Ideology-Driven Presidency
Jonah Goldberg to MRCTV: How Liberals Stack the Deck Against Conservatives

By Tim Graham | May 28, 2012

If you have some free time on your hands, you might enjoy MRCTV's interview with Jonah Goldberg on his book The Tyranny of Cliches. If you've ever found it maddening that the media would present an issue like abortion with one side as hardline ideological conservatives and the other side as non-ideological humanitarians, you might be ready for Goldberg's thesis -- liberals have a bad habit of pretending to be non-ideological. He tells MRCTV's Dan Joseph they even lie to themselves.

In the interview, Goldberg recommends George Orwell’s 1946 essay “Politics And the English Language” as one of the great writings of the 20th century and a starting point for his book and the thesis that the media and the popular culture stack the deck against conservatism: (video below)

GOLDBERG: He [Orwell] talks about how – he doesn’t use the word ‘cliche,’ but it’s what he means, euphemisms and what not, stale language – that these things end up doing your thinking for you. And there are all of these cliched ideas, cliched formulations, that we indoctrinate kids with, that we indoctrinate Americans with through popular culture, through the media, in language and literature, that sort of stack the deck against conservatism, stack the deck in favor of a progressive statist outlook on life, and what I try to go through a bunch of them, and debunk them, and set the record straight.


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