Obama's Failure To Lead


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
This is what happens when we have a leadership void. This could get really bad and we don't have anyone in Washington right now with the diplomatic skills to try to help resolve this. Obama and Hillary can't even deal with a 13 minute movie so I doubt their ability to make any difference here.

Chinese General: Prepare for Combat
Top Chinese general in unusual move tells troops to ready for combat with Japan

BY: Bill Gertz
September 18, 2012 5:00 am

China’s most powerful military leader, in an unusual public statement, last week ordered military forces to prepare for combat, as Chinese warships deployed to waters near disputed islands and anti-Japan protests throughout the country turned violent.

Protests against the Japanese government’s purchase of three privately held islands in the Senkakus chain led to mass street protests, the burning of Japanese flags, and attacks on Japanese businesses and cars in several cities. Some carried signs that read “Kill all Japanese,” and “Fight to the Death” over disputed islands. One sign urged China to threaten a nuclear strike against Japan.
who needs a report on that, evident is the only word that follows up that statement.
It shouldn't surprise me, but it still does that our main stream media is so busy humping Obama's leg and trying to get him re-elected that they will focus on a recording that came out 4 months ago instead of the fact that our Libyan consulate staff is dead, an islamic flag flies over some of our embassies and China is talking war with Japan. Couple that with the fact that gas prices are astronomical, food prices have skyrocketed, and people are going to be shocked when they have to start buying home heating oil. Yeah Obama!! Rah..rah
Obama is an aqppallingly bad president. A foreign policy abysmal failure, domestic policy failure, economic policy failure, and on and on.

And yet you have those partisans that want to keep him simply because of the D after his name. It's stunning really.

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