25 Disturbing Facts about Refugee Resettlement from Somalia

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
What is the reason we import these primitives? What do they offer an advanced Nation?.

25 Disturbing Facts about Refugee Resettlement from Somalia

Minneapolis Police Department has for years tolerated an active Sharia cop, who married a Somali woman and patrols the Cedar Riverside area making sure Somalis are complying with Islamic dress codes and other Sharia rules.
What is the reason we import these primitives? What do they offer an advanced Nation?.

25 Disturbing Facts about Refugee Resettlement from Somalia

Minneapolis Police Department has for years tolerated an active Sharia cop, who married a Somali woman and patrols the Cedar Riverside area making sure Somalis are complying with Islamic dress codes and other Sharia rules.

"What is the reason we import these primitives? What do they offer an advanced Nation?."

More votes for Democrats. How else is Minnesota supposed to stay a blue state?
What is the reason we import these primitives? What do they offer an advanced Nation?.

25 Disturbing Facts about Refugee Resettlement from Somalia

Minneapolis Police Department has for years tolerated an active Sharia cop, who married a Somali woman and patrols the Cedar Riverside area making sure Somalis are complying with Islamic dress codes and other Sharia rules.

Has this guy done anything illegal? If not, that would explain why the police tolerate him.

Oh, and this "Sharia cop" wasn't imported, he's from Georgia.
It appears that cuckholdry is genetic. Many of the settlers of this area were from Scandinavia. Concurrently, many of the decisions made with regard to immigrants, the importation of them and their subsequent 'integration' can be taken directly from the Nordic Handbook on "How to Create an Islamic State in Under a Century"'

In the last 25 years the US has invited 84K Somali refugees...Minnesota has 40% of those refugees. Up to date population estimates of Somalis in Minnesota now range as high as 100K.
Why? How?

Numerous VOLAGS, (Voluntary Agencies) starting in 1991, visited the country and then lobbied the US Gov for dollars to help relocate them to Minnesota. Agencies such as Lutheran Ministries, World Relief Minnesota an Catholic Charities have big plans. Yet, dont let the traditionally Christians (see conservative) names fool you. These agencies work tongue in groove with the ultra left to filter in hundreds of thousands of refugees into the US.

Very Angry Bird: The VOLAGS of Minnesota

Like their Scandinavian kinfolk they looove them some Social Democracy...and they loooove to give out that welfare too!

And apparently that’s Minnesota, the France of America.

“‘Minnesota is exceptional in many ways but it’s the closest thing in the United States to a true social democratic state,’ said Ahmed Samatar, a professor of international studies at Macalester College, in St. Paul. ‘That translates into the way Somali refugees have been received here; they’ve been given a secure environment, housing, education, health care, perhaps even some minimum income to sustain them until they can stand on their own feet. That’s all provided by Minnesota,’ said Mr. Samatar, who has tracked the State Department’s refugee program. Outside Alaska, Minnesota spends more per low-income person on public welfare than any other state in the U.S., according to a report by the Center for the American Experiment, a think tank located in Minneapolis. The report found Minnesota outspent its average peer state in welfare subsidies by nearly $4,000.”

Oh...remember those VOLAGS with those harmless 'Charitable Christian' names?

“… the … charitable organizations operating within the state with which the State Department contracts … In addition to its generous welfare subsidies, Minnesota also has a number of charitable organizations that contract with the State Department like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota.”

In other words, taxpayers are getting hit twice, once for official welfare payments and once for coerced “charity” laundered through groups jostling for space at the public trough.

The State Department’s Refugee Program Shouldn’t be a Terrorist-Funding Welfare Scam

So, here you are America...Stockholm on the Mississippi!


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