Obama's Budget Priorities: Downsize the Coast Guard


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Obama has increased the size of the federal government from 20% of GDP to 25% (and growing) in less than eighteen months. While engaged on spending hundreds of billions on his cronies, his administration has identified on an area of cost savings: downsize the Coast Guard's national coordination of oil spill disasters.

This is especially ironic given that Commandant Thad Allen is the one person in a federal leadership position showing any real competence during the disaster.

Three months before the massive BP oil spill erupted in the Gulf of Mexico, the Obama administration proposed downsizing the Coast Guard national coordination center for oil spill responses, prompting its senior officers to warn that the agency's readiness for catastrophic events would be weakened.

That proposal is feeding a mounting debate over whether the federal government is able to regulate deep-sea oil extraction. Defense analysts and retired agency leaders question whether the Coast Guard -- which shares oversight of offshore drilling with the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service -- has the expertise and resources to keep pace with industry advances.

Accidents happen, "but what you're seeing here is the government is not properly set up to deal with this kind of issue," said Robbin Laird, a defense consultant who has worked on Coast Guard issues. "The idea that you would even think about getting rid of catastrophic environmental spill equipment or expertise at the Department of Homeland Security, are you kidding me?"

"Cutting a strike team is nuts," said Stephen Flynn, a former Coast Guard commander and now president of the Center for National Policy, a Washington think tank. "Whether it's an accident of man or an act of terrorism, it requires almost the exact same skill set to clean it up."

President Obama's $10.1 billion spending plan for the Coast Guard would scale back funding and active-duty personnel by 3 percent. As part of a proposal to cut 1,100 military personnel, it would decommission the National Strike Force Coordination Center in Elizabeth City, N.C., and reorganize parts of it elsewhere...

Of course you would find the government prioritizing funding for the actual proper role of government over social engineering and transfer payments to be lunacy. It doesn't fit into your infantile Nanny State should take care of us worldview.
It isn't like the Coast Guard actually does anything important, like clean up oil spills.

Oh, wait.

cut the budget....

no... don't cut the budget....

cut the budget....

no... i don't like where you're cutting the budget.



It just shows how meaningless their rhetoric is. They love budget cuts, instill someone actually starts proposing them.
We support eliminating unnecessary and wasteful programs - the Coast Guard does not fall into this category.

Cutting the Coast Guard when he is wasting money on utter nonsense is inane - but consistent with his lousy ideology.

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