OBAMAS budget disaster


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
they endorsed this liberal and they always have a liberal slant but even they cant take this. you eople have no idea how much you are going to be taxed in the form of tripled energy prices. liberal swine.

Opinion -- dailypress.com ... 4117.story

Speak up now on budget
March 1, 2009
1 2 next President Barack Obama's budget threatens an ominous tipping point for our national identity that will not easily be undone.

Using America's economic crisis as political cover, our president and the Democratic majority in Congress are advancing an ambitious agenda to recast America into the European model that has failed time and again.

It is a model that says government knows best, and individual choice and economic freedom must make way for Uncle Sam's priorities. It places Big Government at the nexus of every decision you make, from health care to what car you will be allowed to drive.

At its heart is a government-centric philosophy that belittles the energy and creativity of entrepreneurs who made America the world's economic engine, and instead places on a cultural pedestal the French-style "fonctionnaire" — government bureaucrats who capture the best salaries, the best perks, the best health care and cushy retirements.

His $696 billion plan to begin the takeover of our health system will be paid for on the backs of the very people who buy the houses and build the businesses that employ Americans — and who already pay three-quarters of America's income tax receipts. It will also hurt doctors and hospitals by cutting still further into federal payments that are already insufficient to cover the cost of caring for our poor. This program, combined with trillions in other government spending, will leave our children with a staggering debt, and may result, for the first time in American history, in the next generation inheriting a lower standard of living than its parents.

The president's proposed carbon taxes, combined with his reluctance to step up oil drilling, will raise your electric bill and make last summer's $4 a gallon gasoline seem like halcyon days. Those higher prices are by design, because there is no other way for "renewable" energy to compete with carbon-based energy at our current technology levels. And as a bonus, the carbon caps will further hurt struggling businesses and cost more Americans their jobs.

This is not to imply any sinister design to the president's plans. They betray his economic naiveté, grounded in his lack of any real world experience creating jobs in the private sector.

Our president is a good man, and we must protect him from making this terrible mistake. Call the White House. Call your congressman and your senators, and tell them you will hold them accountable for protecting America's economic system.

The stakes are high, the times critical. We will regularly report to you in this space on the votes and actions our representatives take, both federal and state, that work against our individual economic liberties.

This budget sets such a course. Speak up now.
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Being from this area I can vouch that this paper is a left paper however; the link you provided sucks.
When long entrenched members of the leftist media begin to question Obama's lack of experience (geez, where was that question about 6 months ago?) and the potentially disastrous impacts of his carbon credit fiasco (but big $$$$ for Al Gore!) on the American Middle Class, you know that the entire political paper tiger that is Obama is open to serious weakness.

Middle America voted for Obama - but if Middle America begins to actually pay attention and question what he intends, Obama will be in serious trouble - and the division between Black America and every other American will increase tenfold, as Black America will support Obama regardless, as it has done so with nearly all politicians of color who have proven themselves incapable of actual leadership.

It could prove a volatile mix, but that is what happens when a nation elects an unproven, overtly liberal, community organizer to the most powerful position in the world.

As his pastor was so fond of stating, it's a case of the chickens coming home to roost...

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