Obama’s base grows disenchanted


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Obama’s base grows disenchanted

Even President Obama’s base is starting to leave him.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows those who supported his 2008 election leaving the president in unprecedented numbers.

The number of Obama 2008 voters who approve of his job performance is down to 79 percent, and on the economy, it’s 70 percent. Both are new lows for the president.

What’s more, some of his natural constituencies — liberals and young people — are also backing away. Just 69 percent of liberals say they approve of the president’s performance, while 47 percent of 18-to-29 year olds do. Those are also new lows, and it’s the first time the youngest demographic has dipped below 50 percent approval for Obama.

It’s more in a long line of polling data that paints a bad picture for Obama in recent weeks. But given the unprecedented coalition that the president put together in 2008, these numbers are particularly troubling.
From the beginning he's governed as if liberal Democrats had nowhere else to go. It appears that he's right. How many will stay home on election day is yet to be seen. It's very likely, however, that most will hold their noses and pull the lever for Obama.
From the beginning he's governed as if liberal Democrats had nowhere else to go. It appears that he's right. How many will stay home on election day is yet to be seen. It's very likely, however, that most will hold their noses and pull the lever for Obama.

Isn't that the usual way? Vote for the lesser of two stenches!!! :tongue:
From the beginning he's governed as if liberal Democrats had nowhere else to go. It appears that he's right. How many will stay home on election day is yet to be seen. It's very likely, however, that most will hold their noses and pull the lever for Obama.

Isn't that the usual way? Vote for the lesser of two stenches!!! :tongue:

Yeah, there must be an awful lot of that considering the low quality of most US political candidates.
It now becomes an interesting question when it comes to his speech on thursday. If he does a lame performance, will Democrat politicians suddenly see it their obligation to save the party from another disaster like last time?

This speech may be where he goes over the event horizon in his circling the drain maneuver.

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