Obama’s Allegiance to the Unholy Alliance


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama’s Allegiance to the Unholy Alliance

October 23, 2012
By Nonie Darwish

I have never entertained the idea that Obama is a Muslim and I always believed he was a socialist. But Obama’s behavior over the last 4 years regarding Islam have convinced me that Obama definitely has a Socialist-Islamic centered world view. This combination is not uncommon in many parts of the Muslim world.

Having been a journalist in Egypt for 6 years in the seventies, I have witnessed socialism with an Islamic twist to be a popular political ideology, especially amongst Arab journalists and intellectuals. Socialism and communism have managed to survive in the ruthless Islamic political system and have blended together in the Baath Party in Syria, in Iraq and in socialist regimes in Egypt and Yemen.

Obama's Trip to the Dark Side

By Mark W. Hendrickson


American president to adopt Carter-esque policies like these:

•1. Snub our allies and friends while doing favors for our enemies.


Fail to protect our foreign diplomats and treat national security briefings as a nuisance.

•2. On the domestic front, vastly increase the already-bloated welfare state and bankrupt it by hugely expanding the number of Americans receiving government handouts and indulging in trillions of dollars of deficit spending while refusing to work on necessary reforms to ballooning entitlement programs. Get a compliant Federal Reserve Chairman to facilitate the process by suppressing interest rates to disguise the true cost of government overspending and to create trillions of additional dollars that cheapen dollars and threaten its future viability.

•3. Lower standards of living and interfere with economic growth by imposing bureaucratic regulatory overkill; centralizing control of credit to choke off the supply of capital -- the lifeblood of an economy -- from the private sector; cramming down interest rates to near zero; adopting an anti-energy policy that artificially boosts the price of energy -- the fuel that drives humankind's economic progress; always trying to tax successful businesses to subsidize inefficient, uneconomical businesses.

•4. Paving the way for a feeble future, not only by bankrupting the rising generation with runaway federal spending, but by stunting the economic prospects of that generation by inducing large numbers of youth to take out loans for college that reduce those borrowers to long-term debt slaves. Choke off economic growth and the creation of new jobs so that many young adults have to live with their parents. Those policies will compel millions of young Americans to postpone, if not cancel, plans for starting families. What better way to weaken a nation than to depopulate it in every way possible? Thus, be sure to exalt contraception and encourage abortion. Fewer Americans equals a weaker America.

Well, this thought experiment about "how to ruin America" is getting depressing. But what makes it most depressing is that the incumbent president has pushed for every one of these America-weakening policies. It's no wonder Hugo Chavez can't refrain from expressing his hope that Obama will be re-elected. The real question, though, is whether enough Americans side with Chavez and Ahmadinejad to re-elect him. If so, Lincoln's tragic scenario of national suicide may play out before our eyes.

Read more: Articles: Obama's Trip to the Dark Side

Obama Inc. May Provide Classified Missile Defense Data to Russia

May 10, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Flexibility is the best missile defense, they say. And by they, I mean Obama and Biden. So Obama has his yoga mat out and he is going to show Vladimir some extraordinary flexibility.

The head of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency says that the Obama administration has discussed declassifying key data on U.S. missile defense in order to provide it to Russia.

The administration has been exploring how to ease Russian concerns that the U.S. missile defense shield is aimed at countering Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

Arms control advocates have suggested that revealing missile interceptor capabilities could provide a breakthrough on an issue that Russia says stands in the way of nuclear arms reductions. But doing so would provoke charges by Republicans that the administration is compromising national security to appease Moscow.

Also giving Russia all our nuclear codes and the locations of all our ICBM silos would provoke unreasonable complaints from the Republicans that national security was more secure under Alger Hiss.


Obama Inc. May Provide Classified Missile Defense Data to Russia | FrontPage Magazine
Obama Rejects Muslim Brotherhood’s “Terrorist” Designation

December 27, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield


While Egypt is busy fighting the Islamic terrorists that Obama won’t fight, Kerry is busy pleading with Egypt to stop fighting Islamic terrorists.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday expressed widespread concern over the military-backed Egyptian government’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, days after the once ruling group was designated a terrorist organization.

Kerry and Fahmy “agreed that there can be no place for violence in Egypt and that the Egyptian people deserve peace and calm,” Psaki said.

But the secretary of state also “underscored the need for an inclusive political process across the political spectrum that respects the fundamental human rights of all Egyptians in order to achieve political stability and democratic change.”

A US official told Reuters that Egypt was going “way too far” in the crackdown, adding that the Obama administration had no intention of taking any action against Cairo in response, or following suit in labeling the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

Unsurprisingly, Obama Inc. is not about to begin arresting its own Muslim Brotherhood security advisers or any of their other terrorist cronies.

Inclusive political process has always been code for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover. Every time Obama, Kerry, Rice or Psaki spew that nonsense, they’re calling for theocratic terrorist tyranny.


Obama Rejects Muslim Brotherhood?s ?Terrorist? Designation | FrontPage Magazine

The Nation of Islam Factor
Explaining the Islamic intransigence of the outgoing president.
January 18, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

In his January 10 farewell speech, President Obama cited “violent fanatics who claim to speak for Islam.” That was the only mention of Islam in the speech, and the outgoing president kept his record intact.

For the past eight years, the most powerful man in the world has refused to connect Islam with any act of terrorism against the West in general or the United States in particular. The terrorists themselves do everything but take out an ad on the Super Bowl to trumpet Islam as their motive, but that has no effect on the president.

In early 2015 the Islamic State mounted a surge in torture, beheading and enslaving, with Christians a primary target, including women and children. At the national prayer breakfast, the president responded: “And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”

The Crusades reference is the default defense of the Islamists themselves. Yet, the President of the United States, who claims to be a Christian, takes it up during a tide of Islamic State atrocities. At the UN in 2012, the president also went on record that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

These and other statements have many observers puzzled, but one explanation can be found in the president’s 2006 The Audacity of Hope. “Although my father had been raised a Muslim,” he explains, “by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist, thinking religion to be so much superstition, like the mumbo-jumbo of witch doctors that he had witnessed in the Kenyan villages of his youth.”

Even so, during the five years the author lived with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia, he writes, “I was first sent to a neighborhood Catholic school, and then to a predominantly Muslim school.” The Audacity of Hope names neither but the “predominantly Muslim” school is likely Besuki, run by the Indonesian government, complete with a mosque.

In his massive 2015 Believer, the president’s narrator David Axelrod deals with the charge that the president “as a child in Indonesia, had been educated in a madrassa, which, to many Americans, meant a radical Islamic school in which anti-Western values are routinely taught.” This was “fodder for the right-wing commentators eager to portray the Obamas as outside the American mainstream.”

Axelrod explains that he, Bob Gibbs and his research team campaign “were able to beat back that calumny,” though Axelrod cites no facts about the school he previously described as “predominantly Muslim.” That school doubtless plays a major role in the president’s Islamic intransigence, but another possible explanation remains largely unexplored.

The author of Dreams from My Father claims that the Kenyan Barack H. Obama “bequeathed his name” to the son he bore with his American wife Ann Dunham. Once on his own, he shows little interest in Africa in general and Kenya in particular. After law school he moves to Chicago, the city where “Frank,” the happy-drunk poet in Dreams from My Father, made a name for himself.

As the president acknowledged on television in 1995, “Frank” is Frank Marshall Davis, an African-American Stalinist who spent much of his life defending all-white Communist dictatorships. In The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, professor Paul Kengor found “remarkable similarities” between the president’s policies and the writings of Davis, a security risk with an FBI file 600 pages long. Davis was also a pornographer and sexual omnivore who details his activities in Sex Rebel: Black under the pseudonym Bob Greene.

Chicago also hosts the headquarters of the Nation of Islam and anybody on the rise in the black community has to reckon with the group and Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. True to form, in Dreams from My Father the author meets a tall, gaunt man named Malik, “who mentioned that he was a follower of the Nation of Islam.” The narrative portrays the NOI uncritically and as a positive force.

“If it wasn’t for Islam, man, I’d be dead,” one character explains. Doubters are caricatured in comic fashion.


In eight years, right through his farewell address, the outgoing president never linked Islam with terrorism. That is how he should be remembered.

The Nation of Islam Factor

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