obamanistas creating permanent structural unemployment?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
According to a CBS News report last night, citing U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports, employer spending on employees rose 4% in 2009-2011, but 25% for new technology such as manufacturing robots.

Employers see that it is employees that leftwingers use as the opening to control and tax businesses, from gay "partner" benefits, to obamacare, to "affirmative action", etc etc etc.
As Stalin used to say in a very different context: "no man, no problem". Employers always have to worry what will be the next shoe to drop from the leftwing amateur president - this is undoubtedly influencing them to solve the problem by not hiring workers - automation helps that along, but people will still be unemployed from this effect long after the disastrous obama administration is history.

you are so stupid.

Go eat your import and try to figure out where the jobs when, you fucking idiot.

Mexican truck drivers LOVE YOU.
According to a CBS News report last night, citing U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports, employer spending on employees rose 4% in 2009-2011, but 25% for new technology such as manufacturing robots.

Employers see that it is employees that leftwingers use as the opening to control and tax businesses, from gay "partner" benefits, to obamacare, to "affirmative action", etc etc etc.
As Stalin used to say in a very different context: "no man, no problem". Employers always have to worry what will be the next shoe to drop from the leftwing amateur president - this is undoubtedly influencing them to solve the problem by not hiring workers - automation helps that along, but people will still be unemployed from this effect long after the disastrous obama administration is history.

Patrick we may agree unumployment benefits last too long and do not encourage able bodied citizens to just get a job.

Unfortunately you run around calling folks names and are polarizing the opposition against you. You are motivating them to go out and vote. I know it motivates me to find flaws with your statements.
According to a CBS News report last night, citing U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports, employer spending on employees rose 4% in 2009-2011, but 25% for new technology such as manufacturing robots.

Employers see that it is employees that leftwingers use as the opening to control and tax businesses, from gay "partner" benefits, to obamacare, to "affirmative action", etc etc etc.
As Stalin used to say in a very different context: "no man, no problem". Employers always have to worry what will be the next shoe to drop from the leftwing amateur president - this is undoubtedly influencing them to solve the problem by not hiring workers - automation helps that along, but people will still be unemployed from this effect long after the disastrous obama administration is history.

Patrick we may agree unumployment benefits last too long and do not encourage able bodied citizens to just get a job.

Unfortunately you run around calling folks names and are polarizing the opposition against you. You are motivating them to go out and vote. I know it motivates me to find flaws with your statements.

That's what you should do - focus on rebutting the arguments. As for voters, if they go out and vote for leftwingers because someone explains to them how leftwingers are destroying the country, they're cutting off their nose to spite their face.
Quite simply there is unemployment because there are too many people.

Our fearless leader is doing his best to remedy the situation through wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Remember, he promised to bring everybody home from the first two but quickly figured out that would just cause more joblessness so is prolonging them. Then, to avoid complaints that he was worsening them, he staged a mock draw down but opened a new front in Libya.

We can only hope that he doesn't figure out effective was plague in correcting a similar population imbalance in what we call "The Middle Ages". It is fortunate that his reading is limited to Marx, Engels and Alinsky with no attention to world history.
Quite simply there is unemployment because there are too many people.

I agree if you stipulate that the reason there is too many people, relative to the number of jobs, is because of all the job-killing policies from the government.
Quite simply there is unemployment because there are too many people.

I agree if you stipulate that the reason there is too many people, relative to the number of jobs, is because of all the job-killing policies from the government.

True, Obamanomics has been more effective vis-a-vis jobs than Pol Pot was with individuals. But it's an absolute problem, not just a people vs. available jobs issue. Rats in a cage. Bacteria on a single culture disc. Just plain too many people. Now a plague would cull the herd but a good cold snap would get it done more quickly and with less pain.
Quite simply there is unemployment because there are too many people.

I agree if you stipulate that the reason there is too many people, relative to the number of jobs, is because of all the job-killing policies from the government.

True, Obamanomics has been more effective vis-a-vis jobs than Pol Pot was with individuals.

Ewwwwwww - that's cold. :lol: Can I use that zinger? You're one of the few ones here with any wit.
Ewwwwwww - that's cold. :lol: Can I use that zinger? You're one of the few ones here with any wit.

I had a different dictator in mind but felt too many people would recognize it and pass on without having to wrack their memories. Yes, you're welcome to it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so few amongst us here have sufficient years or have sufficiently studied non-revisionist history to recognize ol' Pot.

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