ObamaCare will save billions

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
There are multiple CBO Reports that show Obamacare save billions:

1. Boeher should know full well that Obamacare saves billions, because Boehner himself asked asked the CBO to evaluate the effects of Repealing Obamacare. This is what they said:

A. cause a $210 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2012 and 2021.

B. cause a $700 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2022 and 2032.

C. Cause 33 million people to lose their health insurance.

D Cause the percentage of people with health insurance to drop from 95% to 82%.

E. increase Medicare and Medicaid spending by $732 billion between 2012 and 2021.


2. Even the Conservative "Business Round Table" says HRC will save businesses $9,000 per employee and will reduce future costs by 15% to 20%.

http://www.businessroundtable.org/s...Sustainable Health Care Marketplace_Final.pdf

3. The Medicare Trustees say HRC will save $120-Billion Over 5 years and $280 billion over 10.


4. A different CBO Report shows, Obamacare saves even more:

"Those amounts do not encompass all of the budgetary impacts of the ACA because that legislation has many other provisions, including some that will cause significant reductions in Medicare spending and others that will generate added tax revenues, relative to what would have occurred under prior law. CBO and JCT have previously estimated that the ACA will, on net, reduce budget deficits over the 2012–2021 period."

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/03-13-Coverage Estimates.pdf

Jonathan Cohn: No, Obamacare
Funny how the rw's DEMAND that I and others spoonfeed them FACTS about the Affordable Care Act but then, when the FACTS are in front of them, not one of them will comment on those FACTS.
There are multiple CBO Reports that show Obamacare save billions:

1. Boeher should know full well that Obamacare saves billions, because Boehner himself asked asked the CBO to evaluate the effects of Repealing Obamacare. This is what they said:

A. cause a $210 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2012 and 2021.

B. cause a $700 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2022 and 2032.

C. Cause 33 million people to lose their health insurance.

D Cause the percentage of people with health insurance to drop from 95% to 82%.

E. increase Medicare and Medicaid spending by $732 billion between 2012 and 2021.


Feb. 2011

2. Even the Conservative "Business Round Table" says HRC will save businesses $9,000 per employee and will reduce future costs by 15% to 20%.

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http://www.businessroundtable.org/s...Sustainable Health Care Marketplace_Final.pdf

3. The Medicare Trustees say HRC will save $120-Billion Over 5 years and $280 billion over 10.


There is no date given on the pdf.

4. A different CBO Report shows, Obamacare saves even more:

"Those amounts do not encompass all of the budgetary impacts of the ACA because that legislation has many other provisions, including some that will cause significant reductions in Medicare spending and others that will generate added tax revenues, relative to what would have occurred under prior law. CBO and JCT have previously estimated that the ACA will, on net, reduce budget deficits over the 2012–2021 period."

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/03-13-Coverage Estimates.pdf

March, 2012

Below is the response to a pro-Obamacare writer on the above report.

Jonathan Cohn: No, Obamacare

Good job with links, problem is they illustrate that the CBO, nor anyone else has the ability to read the tea leaves. Noted too, the 'CBO reports' were two, not all links. One per year.

The latest release though, has more than a few problems due to data. While they 'project saving on health care costs, they cannot address the issues with budget impact...'

CBO | Estimates for the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act Updated for the Recent Supreme Court Decision
The same CBO that said the debt would be 20+ trillion by the end of his term?
Funny how the rw's DEMAND that I and others spoonfeed them FACTS about the Affordable Care Act but then, when the FACTS are in front of them, not one of them will comment on those FACTS.

Does Obamacare offer psych evaluations?
If so, make a fucking appointment, asswipe.
It sounds good... Like as the topic says that Obamacare save billions peoples life. I think its serving good to poor people. Anyhow thanks for sharing and informing us with this information.
people really swallow this stuff?

Like everything else the government predicts, we end up getting the shaft..

but who cares anymore, they (our royalty politicians Obama and his comrades in arms) are our daddies and mommies now
There are multiple CBO Reports that show Obamacare save billions:

1. Boeher should know full well that Obamacare saves billions, because Boehner himself asked asked the CBO to evaluate the effects of Repealing Obamacare. This is what they said:

A. cause a $210 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2012 and 2021.

B. cause a $700 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2022 and 2032.

C. Cause 33 million people to lose their health insurance.

D Cause the percentage of people with health insurance to drop from 95% to 82%.

E. increase Medicare and Medicaid spending by $732 billion between 2012 and 2021.


2. Even the Conservative "Business Round Table" says HRC will save businesses $9,000 per employee and will reduce future costs by 15% to 20%.

http://www.businessroundtable.org/s...Sustainable Health Care Marketplace_Final.pdf

3. The Medicare Trustees say HRC will save $120-Billion Over 5 years and $280 billion over 10.


4. A different CBO Report shows, Obamacare saves even more:

"Those amounts do not encompass all of the budgetary impacts of the ACA because that legislation has many other provisions, including some that will cause significant reductions in Medicare spending and others that will generate added tax revenues, relative to what would have occurred under prior law. CBO and JCT have previously estimated that the ACA will, on net, reduce budget deficits over the 2012–2021 period."

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/03-13-Coverage Estimates.pdf

Jonathan Cohn: No, Obamacare

Obamacare will save billions? Has any liberal social engineering program saved us money? No? Then thats all we need to know.
Funny how the rw's DEMAND that I and others spoonfeed them FACTS about the Affordable Care Act but then, when the FACTS are in front of them, not one of them will comment on those FACTS.

I'm never sure if you consider libertarians 'rw', but I'll comment on your 'facts'.

What you continually fail to recognize is that some of us want a government that protects our individual rights foremost, not as an afterthought. I certainly don't want a government preoccupied with "running" society efficiently.

So, while the 'facts' you post are guesses at best, they're irrelevant to my concerns. If a given government policy violates basic individual rights as glaringly as PPACA does, I'll be opposed to it on principle, regardless of the presumed benefits it grants society as a whole.

If, for example, you could show that enslaving anyone who voted for Obama in the last election would significantly improve our economy and balance the budget (as appealing and 'just' as such a plan might seem at first), I'd be opposed to it on principle.

Now, I realize that saving money and balancing the budget isn't something you're actually concerned with - and that posts like this are disingenuous attempts to play to conservatives who are - but you've missed the boat entirely in addressing my concerns with the new law. PPACA is a corporatist sellout of a genuine appeal from the people (to do something about spiraling health care inflation), a giant bait and switch that offers us up to the insurance industry on a platter as spoils of victory.

Fuck PPACA, the treasonous shit bags who passed it, and all the slimy little twits still pitching for it.
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Billions will be saved by not paying the doctors and billions more by denying treatment to the very sick. Of course it would.
There are multiple CBO Reports that show Obamacare save billions:

1. Boeher should know full well that Obamacare saves billions, because Boehner himself asked asked the CBO to evaluate the effects of Repealing Obamacare. This is what they said:

A. cause a $210 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2012 and 2021.

B. cause a $700 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2022 and 2032.

C. Cause 33 million people to lose their health insurance.

D Cause the percentage of people with health insurance to drop from 95% to 82%.

E. increase Medicare and Medicaid spending by $732 billion between 2012 and 2021.


2. Even the Conservative "Business Round Table" says HRC will save businesses $9,000 per employee and will reduce future costs by 15% to 20%.

http://www.businessroundtable.org/s...Sustainable Health Care Marketplace_Final.pdf

3. The Medicare Trustees say HRC will save $120-Billion Over 5 years and $280 billion over 10.


4. A different CBO Report shows, Obamacare saves even more:

"Those amounts do not encompass all of the budgetary impacts of the ACA because that legislation has many other provisions, including some that will cause significant reductions in Medicare spending and others that will generate added tax revenues, relative to what would have occurred under prior law. CBO and JCT have previously estimated that the ACA will, on net, reduce budget deficits over the 2012–2021 period."

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/03-13-Coverage Estimates.pdf

Jonathan Cohn: No, Obamacare

CBO estimates aren't worth shit.

They only take the info given to them and crunch the numbers. If the CBO was told that Moochelle's bake sales would entirely fund Obamacare, they would take that on face value as fact, and crunch the numbers. They also don't take into account the negative effect on jobs, and already greatly under-estimated the number of employers who are choosing to drop employee coverage and just pay the fine, and well as the number of states that have refused to set up exchanges.

Obamacare is a clusterfuck and catastrophe. Everyone's premiums have already gone up, and will go up much more. States will be saddled with a massive increase in Medicaid patients, and many folks who will be added to Medicaid because their annual income is low, could have millions in the bank! There is no means test, as in normal Medicaid, for folks added through the exchanges. If your annual income is below around 15K, you go into Medicaid, no questions asked, no matter how rich you are. Of course, many would still opt to purchase a private plan because Medicaid is such a MESS.

Obamacare is a "solution" to a non-existent problem, and everyone will have more expensive but worse care because of it, except for the free riders -- many of whom already have access to free care via numerous programs and free clinics, and many just have opted to not have HC insurance. All we needed was a few targeted HC reforms like a pre-existing pool (which very few have signed up for btw) AND tort reform, but since ambulance-chasing tort lawyers are the biggest contributors to the Dem party, that isn't in the PPACA!

Rationing and death panels are real folks. It's called the IPAB. An unelected panel of eggheads who will decide who gets what treatment. Just look at the UK and their NHS mess!

The OP is out of his mind if he believes ANY of those CBO predictions.
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If the Federal government saved $10,000 by forcing you to pay $10,000, would you be celebrating its genius?

PPACA forces citizens to purchase something from a private entity that some of them otherwise would not. In so doing, the government saves money by requiring its people to SPEND money. This is why the Supreme Court declared it a tax. Except in this case, the tax is made payable to private insurance companies, rather than the IRS, which of course is unprecedented.


Notice that nothing in PPACA addresses the actual cost of health care, despite it being named the "Affordable Care Act." It's doublespeak.
There are multiple CBO Reports that show Obamacare save billions:

1. Boeher should know full well that Obamacare saves billions, because Boehner himself asked asked the CBO to evaluate the effects of Repealing Obamacare. This is what they said:

A. cause a $210 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2012 and 2021.

B. cause a $700 billion INCREASE in deficits between 2022 and 2032.

C. Cause 33 million people to lose their health insurance.

D Cause the percentage of people with health insurance to drop from 95% to 82%.

E. increase Medicare and Medicaid spending by $732 billion between 2012 and 2021.


Feb. 2011

2. Even the Conservative "Business Round Table" says HRC will save businesses $9,000 per employee and will reduce future costs by 15% to 20%.

Results of above:
Error 404

Sorry, the requested page could not be found. Please view the sitemap for an overview of our main pages.

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http://www.businessroundtable.org/s...Sustainable Health Care Marketplace_Final.pdf

3. The Medicare Trustees say HRC will save $120-Billion Over 5 years and $280 billion over 10.


There is no date given on the pdf.

4. A different CBO Report shows, Obamacare saves even more:

"Those amounts do not encompass all of the budgetary impacts of the ACA because that legislation has many other provisions, including some that will cause significant reductions in Medicare spending and others that will generate added tax revenues, relative to what would have occurred under prior law. CBO and JCT have previously estimated that the ACA will, on net, reduce budget deficits over the 2012–2021 period."

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/03-13-Coverage Estimates.pdf

March, 2012

Below is the response to a pro-Obamacare writer on the above report.

Jonathan Cohn: No, Obamacare

Good job with links, problem is they illustrate that the CBO, nor anyone else has the ability to read the tea leaves. Noted too, the 'CBO reports' were two, not all links. One per year.

The latest release though, has more than a few problems due to data. While they 'project saving on health care costs, they cannot address the issues with budget impact...'

CBO | Estimates for the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act Updated for the Recent Supreme Court Decision

That's not what CBO does. They're researchers and economists whose task is to keep Congress informed so hopefully they vote with benefit of broader understanding.

Reading tea leaves is what Fox, Limabaugh, Boehner, etc. do. Look for any cooked up pseudo-economic righty think-tank bullshit, and quote that. It's politics, designed to play on ignorance, which is why Righties eat it up with both fucking hands.
If the Federal government saved $10,000 by forcing you to pay $10,000, would you be celebrating its genius?

PPACA forces citizens to purchase something from a private entity that some of them otherwise would not. In so doing, the government saves money by requiring its people to SPEND money. This is why the Supreme Court declared it a tax. Except in this case, the tax is made payable to private insurance companies, rather than the IRS, which of course is unprecedented.


Notice that nothing in PPACA addresses the actual cost of health care, despite it being named the "Affordable Care Act." It's doublespeak.

You gotta read beyond the headline. Tip: Patriot Act was not actually patriotic. Just a fancy name in hopes we'd sacrifice privacy rights in service of our ignorant jingoism. Worked like a charm.
You gotta read beyond the headline. Tip: Patriot Act was not actually patriotic. Just a fancy name in hopes we'd sacrifice privacy rights in service of our ignorant jingoism. Worked like a charm.

So you agree both were given misleading titles to dupe the public?

Notice that nothing in PPACA addresses the actual cost of health care, despite it being named the "Affordable Care Act." It's doublespeak.

Succinct: How does the ACA control health care costs?

Thanks for the link to that, but it fails to show what it says it will show. It identifies things PPACA aims to do, but most of those deal with insurance, or the creation of new boards/committees, or "encouragement/incentives," without tackling the issue that our health CARE costs too much. It shows no mechanism by which the price of our care is controlled.

TAXES ON HIGH-PRICED HEALTH PLANS - does not address cost of health care
INDEPENDENT PAYMENT ADVISORY BOARD - does not address cost of health care
HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES - does not address cost of health care
ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS - does not address cost of health care
PROVIDER INCENTIVES - does not address cost of health care
PREVENTION AND WELLNESS PROMOTION - does not address cost of health care
WASTE, FRAUD AND ABUSE - does not address cost of health care

Some of these things might be worthwhile, but we identified a problem that was not fixed by PPACA. That problem is that the price of our health CARE is superlatively expensive. These measures beat all the way around that bush without touching it.
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