Obamacare.. Strictly Politics

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just plain and simple folks...

The Democrat/Obama health plan has nothing to do with what's good for the American people.

It's all about Democrats winning or fear of failing, no matter the cost.

Pure politics, a grab for power and nothing more...
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That's what all the policies for every politician have been about for the last 2 decades.

Well heck.. so much for this thread.... party pooper...:redface:

The thread killing kitten strikes again! Mwahahaha! :razz: Sorry.

Your funny enough but not quite sorry enough.

Have you any idea of the hours of research, lack of sleep, tossing and turning, the rewrites, the mere pressure of presenting this thread, okay not much, but still...:lol:
Lumpy . . . it's obvious to anyone who cares to look that health care 'reform', along with cap n trade if that goes through, are all nothing but a government power grab. Obama has kept something like 54 or so of his campaign promises and nearly every single one begins with one of the following: created, extended, expanded, establish. It's like the government is pacman just gobbling up the dots, one by one by one, getting bigger and bigger and bigger with every single bite. It fucking sucks.
Lumpy . . . it's obvious to anyone who cares to look that health care 'reform', along with cap n trade if that goes through, are all nothing but a government power grab. Obama has kept something like 54 or so of his campaign promises and nearly every single one begins with one of the following: created, extended, expanded, establish. It's like the government is pacman just gobbling up the dots, one by one by one, getting bigger and bigger and bigger with every single bite. It fucking sucks.

We just have to keep him from getting to the big dots .... so he can't gobble up his ghosts. ;)
if they really cared about getting "affordable" health care to people who cant get it, they would just expand qualifications for medicade.....oops it runs in the red, cant talk about that.
if they really cared about getting "affordable" health care to people who cant get it, they would just expand qualifications for medicade.....oops it runs in the red, cant talk about that.

They don't even have to do that, they just have to stop charging so much for licenses and regulated tests ... hell ... make application for all businesses free and you'd see a huge drop in costs for everything.
The EXACT same argument can be made of the GOP.

Couldn't care less what is actually good for Americans or the best, most cost-effective way to address an issue, just gin up some fear, pander to the lowest common denominator and try to "hand them a defeat."
The EXACT same argument can be made of the GOP.

Couldn't care less what is actually good for Americans or the best, most cost-effective way to address an issue, just gin up some fear, pander to the lowest common denominator and try to "hand them a defeat."

Meh ... not denying that, I support neither because they are run by ... politicians ... yes folks, those are the real bad guys, Democrat or Republican ...
The EXACT same argument can be made of the GOP.

Couldn't care less what is actually good for Americans or the best, most cost-effective way to address an issue, just gin up some fear, pander to the lowest common denominator and try to "hand them a defeat."

Agreed. Government sucks. It's the Dems turn now and they are grabbing with gusto. :(
The EXACT same argument can be made of the GOP.

Couldn't care less what is actually good for Americans or the best, most cost-effective way to address an issue, just gin up some fear, pander to the lowest common denominator and try to "hand them a defeat."

Agreed. Government sucks. It's the Dems turn now and they are grabbing with gusto. :(

They've turned our country into one of those machines that blows money around in a glass box ... they're taking turns inside the box grabbing what they can.

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