Obamacare good or bad ?

Obamacare Good or Bad ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?

Generally medicine is far more expensive here, than in France. But we have access to more drugs than you do. Many of the drugs we can get, are simply not available in France.

The reason France is cutting reimbursement, is because your government can't afford it. If your government keeps spending money it does not have, then you will end up like Greece. You don't want that.
Obamacare bad.
Very bad.
Exceedingly bad.
Dying a bad death
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?
Your poll is a bit faulty.

You ask the question, "is it A or B?"

And then you give two choices "Yes or No".

Do you see the problem ???
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?

Generally medicine is far more expensive here, than in France. But we have access to more drugs than you do. Many of the drugs we can get, are simply not available in France.

The reason France is cutting reimbursement, is because your government can't afford it. If your government keeps spending money it does not have, then you will end up like Greece. You don't want that.
Yes, it is true, but France also pays for the care of foreigners that what Marine Le Pen don't wants anymore, and France has had many scandals with drugs that were not compliant and made people sick.
And in order not to end like Greece we must leave Europe as soon as possible.
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?

The US is THE only advanced post industrial nation on the planet that simply chooses not to have all of its citizens covered by healthcare insurance. And no one pays more for comparatively shitty healthcare outcomes relative to single payer systems.
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?
Your poll is a bit faulty.

You ask the question, "is it A or B?"

And then you give two choices "Yes or No".

Do you see the problem ???
I can't change but you are right it don't work sorry, peoples just comment about the question.
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?

Generally medicine is far more expensive here, than in France. But we have access to more drugs than you do. Many of the drugs we can get, are simply not available in France.

The reason France is cutting reimbursement, is because your government can't afford it. If your government keeps spending money it does not have, then you will end up like Greece. You don't want that.
Yes, it is true, but France also pays for the care of foreigners that what Marine Le Pen don't wants anymore, and France has had many scandals with drugs that were not compliant and made people sick.
And in order not to end like Greece we must leave Europe as soon as possible.

So do we, ya show up at the ER. Greece was enslaved economically by the banking system. It's not just for Haiti and Africa anymore.
Hello, In France we have a good cover for health and médicament but thing are changing we have some médicament that are not Reimbursed.

And we are forced to take generic drugs that are not the same drugs as the brand in question, I do not know much about American care, reimbursement, taken care of.
Is it better with Obamacare, is it cheaper for you Americans your healthcare system?

The US is THE only advanced post industrial nation on the planet that simply chooses not to have all of its citizens covered by healthcare insurance. And no one pays more for comparatively shitty healthcare outcomes relative to single payer systems.

Dear Fenton Lum
It's also the only nation that consists of 50 semi-independent sovereign states
each with their own local governance and democratic representation.

You might compare the US to the EU and look how well they fared.
the US protects states rights, and even where we disagree,
look at the civility in trying to sort out federal vs states programs.

This is the democratic process at work.
You should be proud.

It takes LONGER to form a nationwide consensus on health care
because 50 DIVERSE states are involved.

You should compare to UN resolutions and having different ENTITIES
signing on to those.

The US is an umbrella of 50 such states, some like TX and CA
being LARGER populations than whole countries!

Remember you are dealing with large diverse populations
each with STATE sovereignty.
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.

Citizen taxpayers have no right to representation, civil liberties, or right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which in any for profit corporate healthcare system either, so you must have some other objection. Could you get to that?
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.

Citizen taxpayers have no right to representation, civil liberties, or right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which in any for profit corporate healthcare system either, so you must have some other objection. Could you get to that?

Dear Fenton Lum
We WERE not forced to buy from corporations BEFORE ACA.

The mandates REQUIRED citizens to buy insurance.

Do you get the difference?

The corporate insurance lobbies CUT DEALS With Obama to get BILLIONS
if not TRILLIONS in payouts as part of ACA.

So the ACA was to cover their behinds and costs.
and SCREW the taxpayers.

The corporations got paid. the taxpayers got charged and forced to pay that or fines.
Get it?

If not let's put it this way Fenton Lum
When govt passes car regulations
does it require "all citizens to buy cars"
so car manufacturers can AFFORD the safety provisions?

NO, those provisions are required in order to SELL cars.
So health care could be the same way.

Let the best providers and programs COMPETE to get consumers
to buy from them. That's the way it's normally done!
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.

Citizen taxpayers have no right to representation, civil liberties, or right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which in any for profit corporate healthcare system either, so you must have some other objection. Could you get to that?

Dear Fenton Lum
We WERE not forced to buy from corporations BEFORE ACA.

The mandates REQUIRED citizens to buy insurance.

Do you get the difference?

The corporate insurance lobbies CUT DEALS With Obama to get BILLIONS
if not TRILLIONS in payouts as part of ACA.

So the ACA was to cover their behinds and costs.
and SCREW the taxpayers.

The corporations got paid. the taxpayers got charged and forced to pay that or fines.
Get it?
The individual mandates are really superficial.

They are merely a tiny tax penalty.

The real benefit of ACA is the subsidies to the poor.
Hi yiostheoy
I'm glad you see some humor here, maybe irony?

But seriously, why are taxpayers paying BILLIONS
per state for prisons and mental systems that MAKE PEOPLE SICKER.

When that money and resources COULD BE INVESTED
in medical programs and health care that WORKS:

If health care/mental programs WORKED to CURE
illness, we would CUT the costs of drug dependency
and crime related to drug abuse and addictions (as these can be CURED)



Using taxpayer money to do what the taxpayers want.
Instead of wasting it all, then charging us MORE for health care that isn't being covered?

You like that idea?
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.

Citizen taxpayers have no right to representation, civil liberties, or right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which in any for profit corporate healthcare system either, so you must have some other objection. Could you get to that?

Dear Fenton Lum
We WERE not forced to buy from corporations BEFORE ACA.

The mandates REQUIRED citizens to buy insurance.

Do you get the difference?

The corporate insurance lobbies CUT DEALS With Obama to get BILLIONS
if not TRILLIONS in payouts as part of ACA.

So the ACA was to cover their behinds and costs.
and SCREW the taxpayers.

The corporations got paid. the taxpayers got charged and forced to pay that or fines.
Get it?

If not let's put it this way Fenton Lum
When govt passes car regulations
does it require "all citizens to buy cars"
so car manufacturers can AFFORD the safety provisions?

NO, those provisions are required in order to SELL cars.
So health care could be the same way.

Let the best providers and programs COMPETE to get consumers
to buy from them. That's the way it's normally done!

There is no "competition" in your system love, and it doesn't work for the society at large, and it's been a problem long before Obama came along.
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.
Emily thinks she is not represented by Congress when in fact she is, even though she disagrees.
Health care though govt is good where taxpayers agree to fund it and on the terms and condtions.

It is bad when taxpayers lose right to representation,
civil liberties, and right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which is fundamental.

Citizen taxpayers have no right to representation, civil liberties, or right to exercise and defend beliefs of their choice which in any for profit corporate healthcare system either, so you must have some other objection. Could you get to that?

Dear Fenton Lum
We WERE not forced to buy from corporations BEFORE ACA.

The mandates REQUIRED citizens to buy insurance.

Do you get the difference?

The corporate insurance lobbies CUT DEALS With Obama to get BILLIONS
if not TRILLIONS in payouts as part of ACA.

So the ACA was to cover their behinds and costs.
and SCREW the taxpayers.

The corporations got paid. the taxpayers got charged and forced to pay that or fines.
Get it?
The individual mandates are really superficial.

They are merely a tiny tax penalty.

The real benefit of ACA is the subsidies to the poor.

And THAT is the real objection, subsidies and "socialism" in america is for the wealthy, not the masses.

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