Obamacare creates jobs and saves money.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

For the 31st time the Radical Right Wing Extremists Congress is repealing ObamaCare.
ObamaCare will create millions of jobs in all areas of the workforce because it will put millions more into the medical care system. To service these millions we will need more doctors, nurses, hospitals and clinics creating millions of construction jobs and building supplies, hospital and clinic staff, housekeeping and janitorial, office and medical supplies, pharmacies and drugs, transportation and delivery and the list is never ending and those jobs means revenue in the form of taxes . obamaCare will pay for it self and will balance the budget and pay down he deficit. And ObamaCare will save billions or trillions in medical care because everyone will be contributing to the pot. Big plus is that preventive medical care will create healthier Americans requiring less emergency medical care and a healthier workforce. And it save lives and we cannot put a price on American’s lives. My 5th grade grand son figured this one out. Anyone got a clue how WalMart makes money by selling products cheap?
The Radical Right Wing Extremists claim ObamaCare is a job destroyer and cost ineffective and gut Medicare, but they can never explain how. My 5th grader just explained how it saves money and create jobs. If ObamaCare had been called BushCare or RomneyCare there would not be a problem.
ObamaCare is like winning the lottery. The lottery works because so many people participate.
I just hope this will work for the better. But seeing how professional react to this. I think the government should realize that there are certain holes that needs to be fixed in this program.
oh yeah, it creates all kinds of GOVERNMENT JOBS, that you'll get to pay for..

but don't worry, they say it will lower cost, somewhere

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