Obama worst foreign policy president ever


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Four years of President Obama's foreign policy are having their full effect. After squandering time in sham "negotiations" with Iran and Palestine and abandoning Iraq to al-Qaeda, the President has made many situations more difficult—and urgent.

Under Obama's leadership, America's position in the Middle East has weakened considerably. We were unprepared for the "Arab Spring" uprisings, and the President's response has been dangerously indecisive. For example, he continues to champion a Palestinian state while denouncing the current Syrian state—and the two are eerily similar. If Palestine were a state, it would be another corrupt enemy of Israel, our most important ally in the region, and would be a state sponsor of terrorism like Syria. While the Administration dithers on its Syria position, a growing Islamist extremist presence in that country presents the danger of an extremist dictatorship that becomes a base for international terrorism.

Sanctions and strong words are no longer enough. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that time is running out for international efforts to end Iran's nuclear defiance through diplomacy. Netanyahu said, "Things that affect our fate, our very existence, we don't entrust to others—not even to our best friends."

Morning Bell: Israel and Iran, the Middle Eastern Time Bomb
His foreign policy is exactly in line with his view of America's role in the world. He really doesn't need to know anything about foreign policy. All he needs to know about foreign policy he read in his favorite book "The post American world".
Speaking as a foreigner what Obama has done has made people hate the USA a little less.

Foreign policy is not a junior high popularity contest. I could give a rat's ass whether people hate us. What I care about is that his foreign policy has exponentially weakened America and its allies while strengthening our enemies.
Foreign policy may not be a popularity contest but it does involve diplomacy. Alienate the rest of the world and you won't achieve anything except less business, less strategic help and less favours. It doesn't take a genius.
Oh I see what ya mean! How dare he! He hasn't attacked Iran or Syria,he backs the 1967 borders of Israel and pulled us out of Iraq. DAMN HIM!
What obama could do, is recognize when diplomacy has failed. He can also stop arming Al Quaeda and stay out of Syrian politics.

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