Obama Wishing For McCain


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Such freaking whining. Why doesn't the Obama campaign just say what they really mean. "We want to run against the guy who rolled over and let us win. Mitt is being mean." This seriously is like schoolyard tattletelling.

The Democratic incumbent and his re-election advisers are waxing nostalgic about the Republican senator from Arizona who lost to Obama in the 2008 presidential race. They're embracing McCain as a reasonable voice on climate change and immigration, someone who took on extremism in his own party.

To hear Obama tell it now, the McCain who ran against him in 2008 was an example of a principled Republican who knew how to reach across the aisle. The implication from Obama is that those qualities simply don't apply to Romney.

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In tough fight with Romney, Obama longs for McCain | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The last week, more than any in the campaign so far, has shown Team Obama that Romney and his aides are prepared to fight as hard as needed to win in November. The Romney-organized shouting-down of top Obama aide David Axelrod in Boston; the Romney sneak event at the old Solyndra headquarters in California; Romney's refusal to give in to Democratic demands to repudiate Trump; and Romney's determination to avoid side controversies while remaining singularly focused on the economy all revealed a candidate who has resolved to battle Obama on his own, and not Obama's, terms. It's no wonder Obama has become nostalgic for the relatively comfortable days of 2008.

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