Obama will crucify romney in a debate.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama has amble ammunition to blow Romney out of the debate. Make him look like a teething baby. Barbeque him. Crucify him. And show no mercy. How insignificant and unimportant Paul Ryan is to the election. Romney/Ryan’s plan takes $790 billions out of Medicare and give it to private sector healthcare providers and the waste, fraud and abuse remains. The waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare is exacerbated by private healthcare providers and greedy doctors. Why do you think greedy and corrupt doctors oppose ObamaCare? Because they will not be able to carry out waste, fraud and abuse which is a now a lucrative business for them. Obama take $780 billion of waste, fraud and abuse and put it into providing affordable healthcare for 40 million uninsured. If Obama has really cut $780 billion form Medicare, I don’t feel it one bit. Donut hole has save me thousands of dollars.

Obama need come out with boxing gloves on and explain. I know Romney has a problem with English comprehension but let that be his problem.
-----why $4 trillion have been added to the deficit.
-----why unemployment is 8.3% instead of 15%.
-----why we are in a recession and in recovery and not in a depression.
-----why the stimulus and bail outs worked and why they were necessary.
-----why ObamaCare will work much better than RomneyCare. And why RomneyCare should be replaced with ObamaCare. RomneyCare’s big brother.
-----how much harm the two unnecessary, unpaid for wars and unpaid for tax cuts for the rich have done and cost tax payers.
-----explain to him exactly what AFDC is because Romney don’t have a clue.
Does he have a plan to train welfare mothers for job and create jobs for them. And provide subsidies for child care so they can go to work. After all radical right have taken jobs training away and child care subsidies away. And where will he get the money for job training and child care.
-----back Romney in a corner and force him to tell us how he plan to crate 12 million jobs with tax cuts for the rich that we know do not create jobs and by cutting government programs and services for the poor.
-----why tax cuts don’t create jobs. Where are the jobs?
-----what is the plan to take people from welfare to work when most on welfare are physically and emotionally disabled and not able to work anyway.
-----the $780 billion taken out of Medicare and put into ObamaCare is from waste, fraud and abuse taken out of Medicare.
-----why turning Social Security over to Wall Street will destroy it and the people it will not be there for. Why Social Security was signed into law in the first place.
-----why turning Medicare into vouchers over to the private sector insurers for profit would cost more and deliver less. Destroy it for our children and not save it. Private sector insurers will not take seniors now, what will voucher do to change that? More costly plans laid on the bedside of seniors. They will get what they pay for. Pay more and they will get more. But only the elderly Romney’s will be able to do that. Medicare vouchers create death panels.
-----nothing is wrong with Medicare and Social Security that cannot be improved with some minor adjustments and not scare mongering doom.

Medicare vouchers will not create competition and lower cost, it will put those unable to compete and provide into bankrupt. Private sector cannot operate without profit. Simple as that. Say my 5th grade grand-son. Medicare vouchers DOA.

Did anyone see the febile Latino turnout at the Romney/Rubio campaign in Miami today. Look like a plague hit Miami. 50 people at the most and a few Latinos.:lol::lol:
He won't kill him if Romney pulls a palin and simply won't address the issue they are discussing.
If Obama has really cut $780 billion form Medicare, I don’t feel it one bit. Donut hole has save me thousands of dollars.


"Donut hole has save me thousands of dollars" at the expense of those who have already paid in.... :clap2:

Thanks asshole....

I cant wait for the debates... listening to Obama in Iowa today was a joke.
All he has is old and worn out rhetorical bullshit.
700 billion dollars cut from medicare to fund obamacare. you can't run away from that fact, I don't care what cris mattews tells ya.

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