Obama will be reelected. You heard it here first.


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
Yep. Here is how it will go down.

Mitt will get the GOP nomination, and during the general election Ron Paul will get the most votes in either third party or write-in ballot. These Ron Paul votes will negate nearly 20% of the republican base, thus making Barack the President for four more years. The only way To defeat Barack is for the GOP to adopt some Ron Paul policies; the monetary policy would probably be the easiest to support. If Mitt wins over the Ron Paul voters (which he won't) he would get some Ron Paul votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has dug its own grave by sticking to the tax and spend moderate candidates, and Barack will enjoy four more years while America continues to suffer.

The Ron Paul supporter, most likely will be fine with this as they overwhelmingly see Mitt and Obama two sides of the same coin, and would rather vote with their hearts, and on principle, much like Ron Paul himself, than vote for a corrupt empty suit like Mitt just to get Barack out of office. Ron Paul supporters are voting for the future of their country, NOT the next President.

That is my prediction.
You heard it here first.
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Yep. Here is how it will go down.

Mitt will get the GOP nomination, and during the general election Ron Paul will get the most votes in either third party or write-in ballot. These Ron Paul votes will negate nearly 20% of the republican base, thus making Barack the President for four more years. The only way To defeat Barack is for the GOP to adopt some Ron Paul policies; the monetary policy would probably be the easiest to support. If Mitt wins over the Ron Paul voters (which he won't) he would get some Ron Paul votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has dug its own grave by sticking to the tax and spend moderate candidates, and Barack will enjoy four more years while America continues to suffer.

The Ron Paul supporter, most likely will be fine with this as they overwhelmingly see Mitt and Obama two sides of the same coin, and would rather vote with their hearts, and on principle, much like Ron Paul himself, than vote for a corrupt empty suit like Mitt, just to get Barack out of office. Ron Paul supporters are voting for the future of their country, NOT the next President.

That is my prediction.
You heard it here first.
paul will not run !!! if he does his political career is over !!!:cool:
Yep. Here is how it will go down.

Mitt will get the GOP nomination, and during the general election Ron Paul will get the most votes in either third party or write-in ballot. These Ron Paul votes will negate nearly 20% of the republican base, thus making Barack the President for four more years. The only way To defeat Barack is for the GOP to adopt some Ron Paul policies; the monetary policy would probably be the easiest to support. If Mitt wins over the Ron Paul voters (which he won't) he would get some Ron Paul votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has dug its own grave by sticking to the tax and spend moderate candidates, and Barack will enjoy four more years while America continues to suffer.

The Ron Paul supporter, most likely will be fine with this as they overwhelmingly see Mitt and Obama two sides of the same coin, and would rather vote with their hearts, and on principle, much like Ron Paul himself, than vote for a corrupt empty suit like Mitt, just to get Barack out of office. Ron Paul supporters are voting for the future of their country, NOT the next President.

That is my prediction.
You heard it here first.
paul will not run !!! if he does his political career is over !!!:cool:

Um...he is running. Where have you been?
Yep. Here is how it will go down.

Mitt will get the GOP nomination, and during the general election Ron Paul will get the most votes in either third party or write-in ballot. These Ron Paul votes will negate nearly 20% of the republican base, thus making Barack the President for four more years. The only way To defeat Barack is for the GOP to adopt some Ron Paul policies; the monetary policy would probably be the easiest to support. If Mitt wins over the Ron Paul voters (which he won't) he would get some Ron Paul votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has dug its own grave by sticking to the tax and spend moderate candidates, and Barack will enjoy four more years while America continues to suffer.

The Ron Paul supporter, most likely will be fine with this as they overwhelmingly see Mitt and Obama two sides of the same coin, and would rather vote with their hearts, and on principle, much like Ron Paul himself, than vote for a corrupt empty suit like Mitt, just to get Barack out of office. Ron Paul supporters are voting for the future of their country, NOT the next President.

That is my prediction.
You heard it here first.
paul will not run !!! if he does his political career is over !!!:cool:

He's already made it clear that he's retiring.
Stupid question: How can we hear it here first when ever partisan hack on the left has been declaring this nonsense since before he was elected the first time?

You know absolutely no more about whats going to happen in November than anyone else.

My prediction: If Obama faces Romney, he will be crushed in a landslide.

At this point, my prediction is just as valid as yours.

Thing is I dont even know who the Republicans will nominate at this point. Yet you somehow are absolutely confident that you're correct.
You are not the first to predict an Obama win. Please.......get over yourself.

Really? I am pretty sure I am the first to post a reason to his win that involves massive amounts of third party / write in votes for Ron Paul. If so, please get over yourself. I just want to bump this thread this time next year and say toldya so. Thats all. :)
I thought about this the other day, and if Paul did run, I'm not sure it would impact the election as much as you think. He would siphon off a lot of Obama voters too, particularly young people.
Yep. Here is how it will go down.

Mitt will get the GOP nomination, and during the general election Ron Paul will get the most votes in either third party or write-in ballot. These Ron Paul votes will negate nearly 20% of the republican base, thus making Barack the President for four more years. The only way To defeat Barack is for the GOP to adopt some Ron Paul policies; the monetary policy would probably be the easiest to support. If Mitt wins over the Ron Paul voters (which he won't) he would get some Ron Paul votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has dug its own grave by sticking to the tax and spend moderate candidates, and Barack will enjoy four more years while America continues to suffer.

The Ron Paul supporter, most likely will be fine with this as they overwhelmingly see Mitt and Obama two sides of the same coin, and would rather vote with their hearts, and on principle, much like Ron Paul himself, than vote for a corrupt empty suit like Mitt just to get Barack out of office. Ron Paul supporters are voting for the future of their country, NOT the next President.

That is my prediction.
You heard it here first.

Not a Paul supporter but I can see something like this playing out. So many kids in his camp now and they tend to vote with their hearts. And if this is his last hurrah, it's an added rallying incentive.
Bernie Sander will run as a Democrat Socialist Candidate and will pull everyone to the left of Mao (85% of the Dem base) away from Obammy
I thought about this the other day, and if Paul did run, I'm not sure it would impact the election as much as you think. He would siphon off a lot of Obama voters too, particularly young people.

Not nearly as many as he would from the GOP though.

He's not running 3rd party anyway.
I thought about this the other day, and if Paul did run, I'm not sure it would impact the election as much as you think. He would siphon off a lot of Obama voters too, particularly young people.

I think he could potentially syphon off more Obama supporters than Rep. voters.
Pretty sure I heard Paul say that he's retiring if he doesn't get the nomination.

And I am pretty sure you do not know how to comprehend English. You can still write people in which is exactly what I plan on doing. So, cram it with walnuts.
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You are not the first to predict an Obama win. Please.......get over yourself.

Really? I am pretty sure I am the first to post a reason to his win that involves massive amounts of third party / write in votes for Ron Paul. If so, please get over yourself. I just want to bump this thread this time next year and say toldya so. Thats all. :)

I will have two chooses
1. Not vote
2. write Ron Paul in
Who knows? A third party candidate might take more votes away from Obama than from the Republican. Sane people are really tired of his lying, ineptness and failure to perform.

Obama is a Marxist!
Stupid question: How can we hear it here first when ever partisan hack on the left has been declaring this nonsense since before he was elected the first time?

You know absolutely no more about whats going to happen in November than anyone else.

My prediction: If Obama faces Romney, he will be crushed in a landslide.

At this point, my prediction is just as valid as yours.

Thing is I dont even know who the Republicans will nominate at this point. Yet you somehow are absolutely confident that you're correct.

All obama will have to do is point out that Romney was supportive of obama's agenda but now he's not, and yes it will be a landslide for obama.

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