Obama- We Need a Civilian National Security Force- Do We?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Enlighten me.

Why can we not rely on our Military to achieve National Security as Obama states?

Why do we need a civilian security force, just as strong, just as well funded as the military?

I don't get it


Enlighten me.

Why can we not rely on our Military to achieve National Security as Obama states?

Why do we need a civilian security force, just as strong, just as well funded as the military?

I don't get it


Isn't that a requirement for gun ownership under the 2nd?
We have a civilian security force.

The second amendment provides that force. Exersize your responsibility to be armed.

The moonbat messiah of course has envisioned some sort of jack booted pink shirt brigades no doubt.
Time to wake up and dig up old Obama videos to find something else to whine about.
Oh brother. No one has a problem whinning about Bush and he's been out of office for five years.
Our National Security is the responsibility of the military. If enemy boots hit our beaches would the military not be the ones we rely on to defend us? So why do we need a FUNDED civilian National Security force?

Obama's National Security Force is possibly the most dangerous thing this Marxist Fool has proposed yet.

It would be like Hitler's gestapo.

And its chief end would be to intimidate, to control, to oppress the "terrorists" the Obama Administration really fears....which is every white boy with a hunting rifle from Montana to Mississippi; from Arizona to Pennsylvania.
Enlighten me.

Why can we not rely on our Military to achieve National Security as Obama states?

Why do we need a civilian security force, just as strong, just as well funded as the military?

I don't get it


Isn't that a requirement for gun ownership under the 2nd?

Don't bother these guys with the Constitution.

They think that a professional military under Federal Control is mandated as is gun ownership to overthrow the government and settle disputes.

Time to wake up and dig up old Obama videos to find something else to whine about.

So you have no logical response to the question?


What "logical" response do you want?

This is an old video. The President hasn't brought this up at all.

And he might have been doing the strict "Constitutional" thing which mandates a "civilian", part time, volunteer military (ground forces)..not a professional one.
And in breaking news:

The Ice Age is Over.

Funny how none of Obama's supporters can calrify his remarks and intent.

Thought so


You seriously think I am an Obambam supporter?

You've been around long enough to know how wrong you are about that.

The fact that you're still harping on that remark from how many years ago is sad.

I never said you were a supporter

Lighten up Francis


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