Obama Wants Us To Lose Trust In Everything


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

One scandal after another. The GSA scandal, the Secret Service Prostitute scandal. One scandal after another.
Even the Fast and Furious scandal works for Obama.

How the heck does this guy get away with never being touched by all of these scandals????

Well, for one, the media refuses to blame him personally for them. For another, this is really what Obama wants to do..........

.....and that is Discredit this country from inside the government.

Obama still has plenty of work to do. Well, not work. He leaves that up to the radicals he put in power. They're going about their business of slowly destroying this country from within. But mark my words....folks like Bill Ayers and George Soros are calling the shots because of their money. They are currently running our government and destroying it's credibility as we speak.

“Today I’m going to end capitalism. Today I’m going to make a revolution. I go to bed every night disappointed but I’m back to work tomorrow, and that’s the only way you can do it.” - Bill Ayers

“The main obstacle for a new world order is America”
“An orderly decline of the dollar is desirable.”
"Disrupting passive regemes.......that was a lot of fun"
- George Soros

Outlining his strategy in organizing, (Saul) Alinsky writes:

There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoyevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system.........




Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And most of those on the left who stick up for him will wake up one day wondering what the hell happened to america. And wont have anyone but themselves to blame.
That's a whole lot of crap just to bitch about the press not sharing your mission to destroy the president, it might have to do with the continual mixing of legitimate concerns with a bunch of birther, Soros, Ayers, commie socialist conspiracy theory bullshit.
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Oh gawd, another "Obama destroyed America" thread....

Either Obama is an idiot or he is the single most powerful and intelligent man that ever existed, pick one because it can't be both.

Also, by Lincon’s own definition of how the US would be destroyed was very much pushed by Bush... Obama is just the same old crap, nothing more. Politicians have worked for a very long time to bring this country to it’s knees, politicians from both sides.

The only reason I seem like I defend Obama is because I know what the point of these Trolling threads are, it’s to get people to vote Republican in the GE, for Mitt… “Mitt, Mr. Liberal lite himself.” Mitt, the guy that ran his state just like Obama runs the US. That is what all of this is about, becuase if this thread were honest it would be talking about the long road that got America to this point, not the short partisan as shit path that oddly blames Obama for everything.
Lol... lie and make Obama look SOOOOO bad that "Anyone but Obama" starts looking good... What a sad time to call yourself a Republican. Lower the standard as low as you possibly can to make your candidate look like a viable option.
Oh gawd, another "Obama destroyed America" thread....

Either Obama is an idiot or he is the single most powerful and intelligent man that ever existed, pick one because it can't be both.

Also, by Lincon’s own definition of how the US would be destroyed was very much pushed by Bush... Obama is just the same old crap, nothing more. Politicians have worked for a very long time to bring this country to it’s knees, politicians from both sides.

The only reason I seem like I defend Obama is because I know what the point of these Trolling threads are, it’s to get people to vote Republican in the GE, for Mitt… “Mitt, Mr. Liberal lite himself.” Mitt, the guy that ran his state just like Obama runs the US. That is what all of this is about, becuase if this thread were honest it would be talking about the long road that got America to this point, not the short partisan as shit path that oddly blames Obama for everything.

Obviously you didn't read the OP.

Go back and read it again and tell me I thought Obama is an evil genius.

What I did say was that Bill Ayers and George Soros policies are working inside our government. Obama is playing golf.
Here, behold the fear that controls the right wing mind.

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke

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Lol... lie and make Obama look SOOOOO bad that "Anyone but Obama" starts looking good... What a sad time to call yourself a Republican. Lower the standard as low as you possibly can to make your candidate look like a viable option.

Well at least we know now which GOP POTUS candidate they consider the best one to represent their party and beliefs. :lol:
Lol... lie and make Obama look SOOOOO bad that "Anyone but Obama" starts looking good... What a sad time to call yourself a Republican. Lower the standard as low as you possibly can to make your candidate look like a viable option.

No.....that's what David Axlerod does.


Dono who David Axlerod is.

But I bet Obama flips a coin on important decisions! Man, if only he would PRAY like Bush did on whether or not to start illegal wars where God wants to KILL hundreds of thousands of people and GOD wanted America to spend money we don't have... God wanted Bush to divide the country and then of course if anyone asks "wtf??" you can just point to the fact that you prayed, meaning YOU BLAMED GOD for your mistakes =D

WHEW!! Code cracked!
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Lol... lie and make Obama look SOOOOO bad that "Anyone but Obama" starts looking good... What a sad time to call yourself a Republican. Lower the standard as low as you possibly can to make your candidate look like a viable option.

No.....that's what David Axlerod does.


Dono who David Axlerod is.

But I bet Obama flips a coin on important decisions! Man, if only he would PRAY like Bush did on whether or not to start illegal wars where God wants to KILL hundreds of thousands of people and GOD wanted America to spend money we don't have... God wanted Bush to divide the country and then of course if anyone asks "wtf??" you can just point to the fact that you prayed, meaning YOU BLAMED GOD for your mistakes =D

WHEW!! Code cracked!

If you don't know who David Axelrod is you need to get the out of this debate.....cuz you're basically a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.


David M. Axelrod (born February 22, 1955) is an American political consultant based in Chicago, Illinois. He is best known as a top political advisor to former President Bill Clinton as well as campaign advisor to President Barack Obama during Obama's successful run for Presidency. Following the 2008 election, Axelrod was appointed as Senior Advisor to Obama.[1] Axelrod left the White House position in early 2011 to become the Communications Director for Obama's re-election campaign.[2]
David Axelrod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL!!! This week Lincoln's a hero. Usually, he's a right wing icon for how our are freedoms are being taken away!

The dedicated Obama haters forgot Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus. As for the GSA scandal, how many DIED because of THAT, as compared to IRAQ?


LOL!!! This week Lincoln's a hero. Usually, he's a right wing icon for how our are freedoms are being taken away!

The dedicated Obama haters forgot Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus. As for the GSA scandal, how many DIED because of THAT, as compared to IRAQ?


Yeah.....Lincoln sure was an evil bastard.....course he had a war going on and he had the right to do it under the Constitution.

You see Democrats were planning on using our laws against us even back then.

Oh, and I hope you're not trying to justify the GSA's wrongdoing now, are you????
LOL!!! This week Lincoln's a hero. Usually, he's a right wing icon for how our are freedoms are being taken away!

The dedicated Obama haters forgot Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus. As for the GSA scandal, how many DIED because of THAT, as compared to IRAQ?


Yeah.....Lincoln sure was an evil bastard.....course he had a war going on and he had the right to do it under the Constitution.

You see Democrats were planning on using our laws against us even back then.

Oh, and I hope you're not trying to justify the GSA's wrongdoing now, are you????

I was responding to konradv's post, as you know. And I still think the economy is enough to

attack Obama on, not make believe issues.
One of the biggest falsehoods of the Obama Administration is his birth certificate. He's never come up with an original. He's had all of his records sealed. So basically nobody can really say with an absolute certainty that he was born in the United States. Nobody knows what kind of grades he had or can see any papers he wrote in college.

Another thing that people tend to overlook is the fact that nobody has seen a pic of Usama Bin Laden dead. We've been told they got him but we just have to take somebody's word. His body supposedly was dumped in the ocean before the sun went down. This is just one more reason to question this Administration. Why the secrecy??? They claim it was because of consideration for Islam. Horse shit. He was most likely just priming the pump yet again.

It seems Obama thrives off of controversy. Why????

Because in the words of one of the libs here; "He's good at screwing with people".

Wow........we need a guy in charge that screws with people's heads.
No.....that's what David Axlerod does.


Dono who David Axlerod is.

But I bet Obama flips a coin on important decisions! Man, if only he would PRAY like Bush did on whether or not to start illegal wars where God wants to KILL hundreds of thousands of people and GOD wanted America to spend money we don't have... God wanted Bush to divide the country and then of course if anyone asks "wtf??" you can just point to the fact that you prayed, meaning YOU BLAMED GOD for your mistakes =D

WHEW!! Code cracked!

If you don't know who David Axelrod is you need to get the out of this debate.....cuz you're basically a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.


David M. Axelrod (born February 22, 1955) is an American political consultant based in Chicago, Illinois. He is best known as a top political advisor to former President Bill Clinton as well as campaign advisor to President Barack Obama during Obama's successful run for Presidency. Following the 2008 election, Axelrod was appointed as Senior Advisor to Obama.[1] Axelrod left the White House position in early 2011 to become the Communications Director for Obama's re-election campaign.[2]
David Axelrod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That makes no sense...

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