Obama wants direct talks?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Iranian lawmaker: Obama wants direct talks


Ali Motahari revealed the content of the letter days after the Obama administration said it was warning Iran through public and private channels against any action that threatens the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf.

"In the letter, Obama called for direct talks with Iran," the semiofficial Fars news agency quoted Motahari as saying Wednesday. "The letter also said that closing the Strait of Hormuz is (Washington's) red line."

"The first part of the letter contains threats and the second part contains an offer for dialogue," he added.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast confirmed that Tehran received the letter and was considering a possible response.

The White House would not confirm the letter Wednesday. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor pointed to earlier comments from the Obama administration that noted the U.S. had a number of ways to communicate its views to the Iranian government. He said the U.S. remained committed to engaging with Tehran and finding a diplomatic solution to its larger issues with Iran's nuclear program.

Iranian lawmaker: Obama wants direct talks - CBS News
Iranian lawmaker: Obama wants direct talks


Ali Motahari revealed the content of the letter days after the Obama administration said it was warning Iran through public and private channels against any action that threatens the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf.

"In the letter, Obama called for direct talks with Iran," the semiofficial Fars news agency quoted Motahari as saying Wednesday. "The letter also said that closing the Strait of Hormuz is (Washington's) red line."

"The first part of the letter contains threats and the second part contains an offer for dialogue," he added.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast confirmed that Tehran received the letter and was considering a possible response.

The White House would not confirm the letter Wednesday. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor pointed to earlier comments from the Obama administration that noted the U.S. had a number of ways to communicate its views to the Iranian government. He said the U.S. remained committed to engaging with Tehran and finding a diplomatic solution to its larger issues with Iran's nuclear program.

Iranian lawmaker: Obama wants direct talks - CBS News

We don't really know what was in the letter, but if Obama actually believes he can talk the Iranian regime into giving up its nuclear weapons and long range missile programs and give international arms control inspectors unfettered access to all relevant programs, assets and records, then he is a fool, but it could be that he believes popular support for strong action against Iran is not strong enough among his political base during this run up to the election season and that he needs to stage a series of refusals to cooperate from Iran in order to juice up more support. If you recall, this is what Bush did in preparing to invade Iraq; each time Saddam refused US demands for deeper inspections, the polls showed increases in popular support for military action.
I have always found that calling them an Axis of Evil and threatening them is the best course of action
Iran should respond that they will open their sites for inspection at the exact same time that Israel allows it's sites to be inspected. :cool:

I'm actually ok with that idea. :wtf:

Is that before or after Israel bombs them?
Have we found mobile chem labs to parade around during the run up, yet?
They are testing Obama. He Can't even destroy a downed top secret drone, without worrying about offending Iran. if Obama is reelected the Iranians will be very happy.
Iranian lawmaker: Obama wants direct talks


Ali Motahari revealed the content of the letter days after the Obama administration said it was warning Iran through public and private channels against any action that threatens the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf.

"In the letter, Obama called for direct talks with Iran," the semiofficial Fars news agency quoted Motahari as saying Wednesday. "The letter also said that closing the Strait of Hormuz is (Washington's) red line."

"The first part of the letter contains threats and the second part contains an offer for dialogue," he added.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast confirmed that Tehran received the letter and was considering a possible response.

The White House would not confirm the letter Wednesday. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor pointed to earlier comments from the Obama administration that noted the U.S. had a number of ways to communicate its views to the Iranian government. He said the U.S. remained committed to engaging with Tehran and finding a diplomatic solution to its larger issues with Iran's nuclear program.

Iranian lawmaker: Obama wants direct talks - CBS News

Iran will not engage in any talks with the US. Iran does not talk to children.

Iran talks they play games and Obama is the person they can play with

Israel stunned as U.S. cancels joint military exercise

The United States has cancelled operation "Austere Challenge”—the joint U.S.-Israeli missile defense exercise that was to have been carried out in a few weeks. Sources indicate the drills might be rescheduled for some time later in the year, but no date had been set.

The reasons for this cancellation are not yet clear. In briefing reporters, military officials mentioned the need to avoid "escalating” tensions with Iran. Iran had responded to the announcement of the massive military training exercise with a plan to hold further drills of its own, which could easily have brought the two sides into direct conflict.

If nothing else, the cancellation of "Austere Challenge” presents Iran’s leaders with a huge propaganda victory to present to their own people. The news there is being presented as America and Israel backing down in the face of Iran’s determination…and while I don’t know exactly what went into this decision, I do know that weakness in the face of evil simply invites more evil. We still have not learned that we cannot appease the enemies of Israel…and America. They hate us and want us dead. And they will do whatever they can to see their evil aims accomplished.
obama is weak. Too weak to lead a boy scout troop. Everything he is doing is wrong.

You do not announce a reduction in armed forces, grovel and beg, THEN increase sanctions. Sanctions have a place and sometimes they don't work.

Hitler would never have been able to rise to power had it not been for reparations for WWI. Crushed under the cost of reparations inflation grew to Zimbabwe like proportions. It grew so fast that workers received their pay hourly, so they could buy food while the money they got still had purchasing power.

Promising a return to fiscal stability Hitler was able to take over the whole country! He did it by refusing to pay the reparations. They were finally retired still unpaid, in 1989. Crush the people with sanctions AND project weakness. The Iranian people will be in the streets demanding war.
Isn't that the way we do things in the world today ? If someone doesn't play right we humiliate them and take away their money ? Maybe a stern lecture from Obama will convince them that we mean business.
Isn't that the way we do things in the world today ? If someone doesn't play right we humiliate them and take away their money ? Maybe a stern lecture from Obama will convince them that we mean business.

Especially if he scowls!

If Iran had not illustrated their opinion of him by sending a toy replica of our drone in response to his obesiance, we could say that if nothing else, the US had some residual respect.

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