Obama wants congress to pay their bills?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How will he pay for amnesty for 12 million and chain migration?

The cost of attrition by enforcement: as little as $14 billion. But Obama prefer to go the way of amnesty instead of deportation by attritions which would deal with the 12 million that are here. There is no law or rule that just because they are here and they have U.S. born children that they cannot be deported and they have to be kept here. No law against separating families which Obama claim it does but there is not evidence of that ever. Nothing stop them from taking their children with them when the economy went bad. Self deportation is not a bad word either. Deportation unite families.

The point of this all is were are you going to get the $2.6 trillion to pay for amnesty for 12 million Illegal Aliens. Where are you going to get the money to pay for them to learn English? Where are you going to get the jobs for them? And those that will be allow here by family unification and chain migration and the cost of healthcare for them and for those low wage earners brought here on guest worker program? Most of the 12 million are low wage earners with anchor babies and they are costing tax payers. Anchor babies cost the city of Los Angeles $600 billion last year. 726,000 anchor babies born in this country each year at a cost of $6 billion.

How in the world can we afford Comprehensive Immigration Reform amnesty. This is something Obama has never talked about because he don’t want he American to know this about anchor babies, amnesty, family reunification and chain migration,
How in the world can we afford Comprehensive Immigration Reform amnesty. This is something Obama has never talked about because he don’t want he American to know this about anchor babies, amnesty, family reunification and chain migration,

I'm sure Barry's concerned most about the voting constituency he his buying with other peoples money.

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