Obama Twists Romney’s Economic Record


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Who would have thought I would be using fact check of Annenberg to defend Romney against obama?

A new ad from the Obama campaign takes aim at Mitt Romney’s performance as governor of Massachusetts, claiming he had “one of the worst economic records in the country.” But the ad overreaches with several of its claims.

In other words LIES?

FactCheck.org : Obama Twists Romney’s Economic Record
Raised Taxes on the Middle Class?

The Obama ad claims that Romney cut taxes for the wealthy, “while raising them on the middle class.”

Although Romney opposed across-the-board tax increases, he did raise a number of fees. In 2003, Romney doubled fees for court filings (which include marriage licensing fees), professional registrations and firearm licenses. Romney also quintupled the per gallon delivery fee for gasoline. All told, the fees raised more than $400 million in their first year.

But none of those fees specifically targeted the middle class, or even fell more heavily on the middle class. In fact, some of them — such as boat registration fees — probably fell more on the wealthy. The most revenue came from a fee on registering a deed with the state when you purchase a home. That certainly hit middle-income taxpayers, but also wealthy and lower-income people.

We should also note that in 2004, 2005 and 2006, Romney proposed cutting the state’s income tax rate from 5.3 percent to 5 percent — which would have provided a bit of tax relief to everyone, including the middle class. In every case, his efforts were rebuffed by the Democratic Legislature.
Tax Cuts for Millionaires?

The ad claims that as governor, Romney “cut taxes for millionaires like himself.” Like many political claims, there’s a grain of something here, but it’s not as black-and-white as the ad suggests. More accurately, Romney delayed for one year a proposed retroactive tax hike that disproportionately hit the wealthy. We’ll explain...............

Romney promptly signed legislation to refund any increased tax paid in 2002 and have the tax hike begin in 2003, and he vowed to donate anything he received back to charity. And, we should note, the tax was still in effect from 2003 forward.
We looked at BLS figures for each year of Romney’s tenure. (This is tricky business. State rankings can shift depending on which start and stop dates one selects. We looked at January to January, seasonally adjusted figures to coincide most closely to when Romney took office Jan. 2, 2003 and left office Jan. 4, 2007). In the 12 months before he took office, the state ranked 50th in job creation, and for his first 12 months in office, that remained 50th. But by his final year the state ranked 28th. That’s still mediocre, but an improvement, and not a decline, as the ad would lead viewers to believe.
The ad claims Romney “left the state $2.6 billion deeper in debt.” It’s true that long-term bond debt — used for capital improvements — rose under Romney, as it had in the years before he took office. But Romney wasn’t piling up yearly deficits to support operating expenses the way the federal government is, because Massachusetts requires balanced budgets.
Now that you've stipulated that factcheck is a reliable source,

take note that they determined all that anti-Obama stealing-from-Medicare crap the GOP has been spewed is in fact crap.

FactCheck.org : Medicare’s ‘Piggy Bank’

No I never stipulated that, just pointing out what they said. So what say you on obama's lies according to fact check?
Now that you've stipulated that factcheck is a reliable source,

take note that they determined all that anti-Obama stealing-from-Medicare crap the GOP has been spewed is in fact crap.

FactCheck.org : Medicare’s ‘Piggy Bank’

No I never stipulated that, just pointing out what they said. So what say you on obama's lies according to fact check?

I say why are you starting a thread based on a link to a source you don't consider reliable?

Oh, for the record, it looks like typical campaign advertising that every campaign does.

The most important Romney/Massachusetts fact is, his most important accomplishment there was his healthcare plan that he now has to run away from because he stuck his finger in the wind and determined that the GOP wouldn't support him nationally if he stuck to his principles, assuming he had principles when he put together the MA healthcare plan.
Now that you've stipulated that factcheck is a reliable source,

take note that they determined all that anti-Obama stealing-from-Medicare crap the GOP has been spewed is in fact crap.

FactCheck.org : Medicare’s ‘Piggy Bank’

No I never stipulated that, just pointing out what they said. So what say you on obama's lies according to fact check?

I say why are you starting a thread based on a link to a source you don't consider reliable?

Oh, for the record, it looks like typical campaign advertising that every campaign does.

The most important Romney/Massachusetts fact is, his most important accomplishment there was his healthcare plan that he now has to run away from because he stuck his finger in the wind and determined that the GOP wouldn't support him nationally if he stuck to his principles, assuming he had principles when he put together the MA healthcare plan.

Neither, I just wanted to see what others had to say about fact check pointing out that obama lied.

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