Obama Tried To Stall Gis' Iraq Withdrawal

Yeah, I knew Bush voters would blame it on the "liberal media", for covering for Obama.


Is this the "liberal media" that hounded bill clinton for years about a blow job he lied about?

You can keep fantasizing about phony Obama birth certificates and lies about his "treason". The bush economy is crashing down around your head, and I hope you're prepared to weather it...seeing as how you voted for him twice.
Well, this story went no where.

Just like I said a few days ago.

Newsflash to Bush voters: The New York Post is basically a tabloid.

And the guy who wrote this article has a history of writing misleading, even fabricated stories.

He either didn't understand the difference between the SOF agreement, and a withdrawl timeline.

Or, he intentionally lied and misled.

Google search terms "WITHDRAWAL OBAMA TRIED STALL IRAQ" got about 419,000 hits

Right Side Politics Examiner: Obama tried to stall Iraq withdrawal

Obama Camp Denies He Tried to Delay Withdrawal Agreement of Troops From Iraq - America’s Election HQ

I googled Bush is a Chimpanzee, and got 707,000 hits.

So, what exactly did you "prove" with your silly google search?

You said the story went no where- obviously false.

You also called the author a liar and the Post a tabloid- both false.

You liberals are clinging to your passports, lattes and New York Times. The end is near. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :muahaha:

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