Obama Tops 50% In Key States


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,”

Obama hits 50 percent in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania - POLITICO.com

By BYRON TAU | 8/1/12 6:19 AM EDT

President Obama is above the 50 percent threshold against Mitt Romney in three key swing states among likely voters, according to a new survey.

A new Quinnipac/CBS/NYT poll shows Obama beating Romney 53 percent to 42 percent in Pennsylvania, 50 percent to 44 percent in Ohio, and 51 percent to 45 percent in Florida.

Obama wins the male vote in Florida 50 to 46 percent — a demographic where he has largely trailed. In Ohio, voters remain split on who would better handle the economy — with 46 percent picking Obama and 45 percent picking Romney. However, 37 percent say Romney's economic policies would hurt them more than they help. Twenty-six percent say they would help, while 34 percent saw no difference.

And in Ohio, 51 percent of voters would like to see more of Romney's tax returns — an issue that has dogged him on the trail.

“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a release. The pollsters noted that no president since 1960 had won without carrying at least two of those three states.

The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000 by letting the Bush tax cuts expire. The poll found wide support for Obama's proposal across all three states. Obama's tax plan is supported 58 percent to 37 percent in Florida, 60 percent to 37 percent in Ohio and 62 percent to 34 percent in Pennsylvania.
'Among registered voters, the NYT/CBS poll also oversamples Democrats and Independents: D-33/R-27/I-41. There's no way the 2012 electorate will only be made up of 27% Republicans.

Regardless, the media keeps telling us that those precious Independents will decide the election and that those precious Independents despise negative campaigning. Well, if that's the case…

Among these over-sampled Independents, Obama is in real trouble -- upside down in all of the most important categories: job approval 35/49, economic job approval 31/61, favorability 28/52. Romney's beating Obama by a full 12 points among Independents and has a favorability rating of +1, 32/31.'

New Polls Show Bain Attack Hurt
The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000

Well blow me over, people are for RAISNG taxes on OTHERS..the class warfare propaganda is compete..

so you all go out and vote for Obama and HOPE he doesn't hit YOU who make under the magic 250,000 with raising your taxes in his next term..
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Clearly, the president is in the drivers seat!!!:rock::rock::rock:

Look........everything is trending Romney since the beginning of the spring in the polls that matter ( registered voters/likely voter polls ). Obama is consistently at 45%, give or take a point for a long time now. Undecideds ALWAYS go to the challenger by a huge margin. Incumbents under 50% never win in a general and especially in a lousy economy. ( with more hideous news coming on Friday, by the way:eusa_dance:)
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I created this Photobucket Classic waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back at the end of last summer, and the escalator has been down for the president ever since. On election night, this is going to be cant miss TV if you were devestated in 2008................economic news on Friday further cements the deal!!!

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The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000

Well blow me over, people are for RAISNG taxes on OTHERS..the class warfare propaganda is compete..

so you all go out and vote for Obama and HOPE he doesn't hit YOU who make under the magic 250,000 with raising your taxes in his next term..

You mean like Romney? (hint, the people on the left of this chart are lower income Americans)

Clearly, the president is in the drivers seat!!!:rock::rock::rock:

Look........everything is trending Romney since the beginning of the spring in the polls that matter ( registered voters/likely voter polls ). Obama is consistently at 45%, give or take a point for a long time now. Undecideds ALWAYS go to the challenger by a huge margin. Incumbents under 50% never win in a general and especially in a lousy economy. ( with more hideous news coming on Friday, by the way:eusa_dance:)

Right. So on August 1st 2004 when Kerry was leading GW Bush 48 to 46 with 6% undecided,

the undecideds went overwhelmingly to President Kerry...

lol, you're an idiot.
The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000

Well blow me over, people are for RAISNG taxes on OTHERS..the class warfare propaganda is compete..

so you all go out and vote for Obama and HOPE he doesn't hit YOU who make under the magic 250,000 with raising your taxes in his next term..

You mean like Romney? (hint, the people on the left of this chart are lower income Americans)


2 things, where did you get this? Chuck Todd>?????
And if true, about fucking time the lower end pays some fucking taxes.....and then lets see if they like to raise them as much....i'm gonna guess no.
“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,”

Obama hits 50 percent in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania - POLITICO.com

By BYRON TAU | 8/1/12 6:19 AM EDT

President Obama is above the 50 percent threshold against Mitt Romney in three key swing states among likely voters, according to a new survey.

A new Quinnipac/CBS/NYT poll shows Obama beating Romney 53 percent to 42 percent in Pennsylvania, 50 percent to 44 percent in Ohio, and 51 percent to 45 percent in Florida.

Obama wins the male vote in Florida 50 to 46 percent — a demographic where he has largely trailed. In Ohio, voters remain split on who would better handle the economy — with 46 percent picking Obama and 45 percent picking Romney. However, 37 percent say Romney's economic policies would hurt them more than they help. Twenty-six percent say they would help, while 34 percent saw no difference.

And in Ohio, 51 percent of voters would like to see more of Romney's tax returns — an issue that has dogged him on the trail.

“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a release. The pollsters noted that no president since 1960 had won without carrying at least two of those three states.

The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000 by letting the Bush tax cuts expire. The poll found wide support for Obama's proposal across all three states. Obama's tax plan is supported 58 percent to 37 percent in Florida, 60 percent to 37 percent in Ohio and 62 percent to 34 percent in Pennsylvania.

Horrible economy, high unemployment, stagnant GDP.....I don't think so. Their polls are skewed towards democrat voters anyway.
“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,”

Obama hits 50 percent in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania - POLITICO.com

By BYRON TAU | 8/1/12 6:19 AM EDT

President Obama is above the 50 percent threshold against Mitt Romney in three key swing states among likely voters, according to a new survey.

A new Quinnipac/CBS/NYT poll shows Obama beating Romney 53 percent to 42 percent in Pennsylvania, 50 percent to 44 percent in Ohio, and 51 percent to 45 percent in Florida.

Obama wins the male vote in Florida 50 to 46 percent — a demographic where he has largely trailed. In Ohio, voters remain split on who would better handle the economy — with 46 percent picking Obama and 45 percent picking Romney. However, 37 percent say Romney's economic policies would hurt them more than they help. Twenty-six percent say they would help, while 34 percent saw no difference.

And in Ohio, 51 percent of voters would like to see more of Romney's tax returns — an issue that has dogged him on the trail.

“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a release. The pollsters noted that no president since 1960 had won without carrying at least two of those three states.

The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000 by letting the Bush tax cuts expire. The poll found wide support for Obama's proposal across all three states. Obama's tax plan is supported 58 percent to 37 percent in Florida, 60 percent to 37 percent in Ohio and 62 percent to 34 percent in Pennsylvania.

Horrible economy, high unemployment, stagnant GDP.....I don't think so. Their polls are skewed towards democrat voters anyway.

Yep, most economic indicators would historically favor a Republican win but-----but I think the majority of "we the people" recognize that it's the Republicans that obstructed our economic recovery and-----and Bush/Romney policies took us from the economic Camelot of the Clinton years to the Hooveresque crash of 2008.

FiveThirtyEight November 6 Forecast
538's November 6 forecast has Obama "Chance of winning" at; Obama 72.5% to Romney's 27.5%.
538's November 6 forecast has Obama with 292.5 electoral votes to Romney's 245.5 electoral votes.
“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,”

Obama hits 50 percent in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania - POLITICO.com

By BYRON TAU | 8/1/12 6:19 AM EDT

President Obama is above the 50 percent threshold against Mitt Romney in three key swing states among likely voters, according to a new survey.

A new Quinnipac/CBS/NYT poll shows Obama beating Romney 53 percent to 42 percent in Pennsylvania, 50 percent to 44 percent in Ohio, and 51 percent to 45 percent in Florida.

Obama wins the male vote in Florida 50 to 46 percent — a demographic where he has largely trailed. In Ohio, voters remain split on who would better handle the economy — with 46 percent picking Obama and 45 percent picking Romney. However, 37 percent say Romney's economic policies would hurt them more than they help. Twenty-six percent say they would help, while 34 percent saw no difference.

And in Ohio, 51 percent of voters would like to see more of Romney's tax returns — an issue that has dogged him on the trail.

“If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a release. The pollsters noted that no president since 1960 had won without carrying at least two of those three states.

The survey also measured support for Obama's latest policy proposal — a push to raise taxes on incomes over $250,000 by letting the Bush tax cuts expire. The poll found wide support for Obama's proposal across all three states. Obama's tax plan is supported 58 percent to 37 percent in Florida, 60 percent to 37 percent in Ohio and 62 percent to 34 percent in Pennsylvania.

Horrible economy, high unemployment, stagnant GDP.....I don't think so. Their polls are skewed towards democrat voters anyway.

Yep, most economic indicators would historically favor a Republican win but-----but I think the majority of "we the people" recognize that it's the Republicans that obstructed our economic recovery and-----and Bush/Romney policies took us from the economic Camelot of the Clinton years to the Hooveresque crash of 2008.

FiveThirtyEight November 6 Forecast
538's November 6 forecast has Obama "Chance of winning" at; Obama 72.5% to Romney's 27.5%.
538's November 6 forecast has Obama with 292.5 electoral votes to Romney's 245.5 electoral votes.

man where do you people come up with this crap? economic Camelot of Clinton...
in the twilight zone? Obama has been in the mid 40% approvals for about two years now on RCP...time to wake up dear
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They polled 9% more democrats. It's another lie. That's all democrats have is their lies.
New Polls Show Obama Has Edge in 3 Battleground States
The economy aids Mitt Romney, but personal appeal helps President Obama, according to Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News polls in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania.

Document: Poll Results | How the Poll Was Conducted
Graphic: Voting Trends and Ad Spending in Three Swing States
Interactive Graphic: Swing State Polls

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