Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

Um, why not? And says who?

At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

Um, why not? And says who?


The American tax payer.

Check out the 18 to 29 year old age group on this chart. Eventually, when they are in control of this nation and paying the bulk of the taxes, I think they won't pay for apartheid anymore. Already the millennials I listen to think it is a war crime. Do you pay attention to what is going on at the Universities?

At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.

True. Neither side wants to give up their position. They want to have everything.

The world and the United States have two choices.

Ignore them, have the media ignore them, or ignore the media when they cover the story and let genocide and injustice continue.

Or Force them to get along.

Neither side wants to give up anything.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

Um, why not? And says who?


The American tax payer.

Check out the 18 to 29 year old age group on this chart. Eventually, when they are in control of this nation and paying the bulk of the taxes, I think they won't pay for apartheid anymore. Already the millennials I listen to think it is a war crime. Do you pay attention to what is going on at the Universities?


Yes I do, and that's a big problem.

So the 47% of Americans who pay taxes will continue to be Jewish?

Again, who gives a rip about what the taxpayers want in Israel.

But to your point, the ones you cite in the poll who are leaning towards your solution, don't pay taxes. :badgrin:

At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
Um, why not? And says who?
History. How long can they continue to be an international pariah? S.Africa did it for quite a while, but nothing is forever.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
Um, why not? And says who?
History. How long can they continue to be an international pariah? S.Africa did it for quite a while, but nothing is forever.

But why should we force them to change? I thought radical leftist wanted us to stay withing our shores with the wrecking ball?

History. How long can they continue to be an international pariah? S.Africa did it for quite a while, but nothing is forever.
But why should we force them to change? I thought radical leftist wanted us to stay withing our shores with the wrecking ball?
You'll have to ask a radical leftists about that. We did things to S.A. that didn't involve leaving our shores. Give us your opinions, if you please. Your mind reading skills as to what others might do are sorely lacking.
History. How long can they continue to be an international pariah? S.Africa did it for quite a while, but nothing is forever.
But why should we force them to change? I thought radical leftist wanted us to stay withing our shores with the wrecking ball?
You'll have to ask a radical leftists about that. We did things to S.A. that didn't involve leaving our shores. Give us your opinions, if you please. Your mind reading skills as to what others might do are sorely lacking.

I apologize, but can you be a bit more coherent? Your intent did not make the trip

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope

i do not think he is pro Arab, most are decent people.., i believe he is pro islamist terrorist who hates America more than the most radical terrorist in the M.E., i would bet he wept after Osama bin obama was allegedly killed. :up:
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

What precisely do you mean by "break up Israel" and where is that in the article to which you linked? For I read the article in full and did not see that passage...
I apologize, but can you be a bit more coherent? Your intent did not make the trip
LOL!!! If my intent is unclear, what are you apologizing about? IMO, you're being purposefully obtuse to cover the fact that you don't really have anything novel to say.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.

True. Neither side wants to give up their position. They want to have everything.

The world and the United States have two choices.

Ignore them, have the media ignore them, or ignore the media when they cover the story and let genocide and injustice continue.

Or Force them to get along.

Neither side wants to give up anything.

Well true. The simple fact is if Muslims dropped their guns, instant world peace (relatively). If Israel drops her weapons, no more Israel.

Radical Islam is bound and determined to convert the world to their version of Islam or kill the infidel. That, has been made abundantly clear. Israel has never declared or displayed any intention to convert the world to Judaism.

Yet the fucking left, who supposedly care about the oppressed, the abused, and those who murder gays and they supposedly stand for women's rights, back the dirty filthy sandniggers who do all of those things.

Liberalism is not a mental disorder. It is a fucked up dangerous mental disorder.

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