Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut
IBD ^ | 11/9/2012

Obama Plans To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut In Second Term - Investors.com

...President Obama intends to close "persistent gaps" between whites and minorities in everything from credit scores and homeownership to test scores and graduation rates.

His remedy — short of new affirmative-action legislation — is to sue financial companies, schools and employers based on "disparate impact" complaints — a stealthy way to achieve racial preferences, opposed 2 to 1 by Americans.

Under this broad interpretation of civil-rights law, virtually any organization can be held liable for race bias if it maintains a policy that negatively impacts one racial group more than another — even if it has no racist motive and applies the policy evenly across all groups.

Equal Outcomes

This means that even race-neutral rules for mortgage underwriting and consumer credit scoring potentially can be deemed racist if prosecutors can produce statistics showing they tend to result in adverse outcomes for blacks or Latinos.

Already, Attorney General Eric Holder has used the club of disparate-impact lawsuits to beat almost $500 million in loan set-asides and other claims out of the nation's largest banks.

In addition to the financial settlements — which include millions in funding for affordable-housing activists — Bank of America, Wells Fargo and SunTrust have all agreed to adopt more minority-friendly lending policies...

Hiring Criminals

...Those who reject minority applicants for credit cards or charge them higher loan rates had better be prepared to prove to Cordray's diversity cops they aren't racist. Many have already decided it's safer to give black and Latino applicants preferential treatment, which of course is racism of another kind.

Other targets of the administration's "racial justice" juggernaut include: standardized academic testing, professional licensing examinations, employee background checks, voter ID requirements, student disciplinary codes, prison sentencing guidelines.

The goal is to equalize outcomes based on race without regard for performance or merit.

This will turn us into a second rate nation. There is NO way in hell we can make everyone equal.

Fact. This will turn this nation into a second world nation.
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But of course, they won't go after the NBA or NFL or any other group that over-represents blacks. Nor MLB which has more latinos than it should.
I'm sick of this conspiracy theory that says whites are keeping down blacks and latins. Where is the evidence for that claim.?

Whites need to call affirmative action what it is - racism and a hate crime. We need to demand a color-blind society and let the blacks and latinos sink or swim.
We need to demand a color-blind society and let the blacks and latinos sink or swim.

This will never fly. Equal OUTCOMES are demanded. Nobody gets the distinction between equal OPPORTUNITY and equal OUTCOME. Especially not non-whites.

"Disparate impact" is a legal theory that recognizes just that -- outcome must be equal, never mind what the opportunity was.

Hey, y'all voted for a man whose sole purpose in public life is to rob whitey and pay blackie.
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I don't think anyone would want to get operated on by someone without the skills
I don't think anyone would want to fly in a plane with someone that doesn't have the skills
I don't think anyone would want someone to wire their house that doesn't have the skills

Think about this. Obama doesn't care if the person is the best.
I don't think anyone would want to get operated on by someone without the skills
I don't think anyone would want to fly in a plane with someone that doesn't have the skills
I don't think anyone would want someone to wire their house that doesn't have the skills

Think about this. Obama doesn't care if the person is the best.

oh well, it's the ObamaNation now, he gets to dictate
[This will never fly. Equal OUTCOMES are demanded. Nobody gets the distinction between equal OPPORTUNITY and equal OUTCOME. Especially not non-whites.


You're wrong there. Everybody gets it, esp the minorities. They know that they can never make it on their own and they have to get special treatment if they are gonna get good jobs or go to college.
[This will never fly. Equal OUTCOMES are demanded. Nobody gets the distinction between equal OPPORTUNITY and equal OUTCOME. Especially not non-whites.


You're wrong there. Everybody gets it, esp the minorities. They know that they can never make it on their own and they have to get special treatment if they are gonna get good jobs or go to college.

If this wasn't the truth then they would have the advanced first world civilization(blacks, mesos's and arabs). A good test to confirm how right you're!
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As I have said before Obama is a closet Muslim. He has shown he is a Socialist and only wants to tear down the gates between Mexico and the United States. He wants the upper and middle class citizens to support the poor, the illegal aliens, the Muslims, and the younger jobless generation. Obama has an agenda to drive the United States into bankrupcy so that we become a third world country owned by a Muslim country or China. When that happens nobody will get any government hand outs because there will be nothing left to handout!
This is not about racial justice, it is socialism in the guise of affirmative action. Leftists can ram through any part of their agenda so long as they tell people they are doing it to combat racism, because when the race card gets played, conservatives won't fight back. Conservatives can extol the virtues of free markets all they want but their refusal to talk realistically about race is the reason we lost the country last week.
This is not about racial justice, it is socialism in the guise of affirmative action. Leftists can ram through any part of their agenda so long as they tell people they are doing it to combat racism, because when the race card gets played, conservatives won't fight back. Conservatives can extol the virtues of free markets all they want but their refusal to talk realistically about race is the reason we lost the country last week.

Boo hoo.
This is not about racial justice, it is socialism in the guise of affirmative action. Leftists can ram through any part of their agenda so long as they tell people they are doing it to combat racism, because when the race card gets played, conservatives won't fight back. Conservatives can extol the virtues of free markets all they want but their refusal to talk realistically about race is the reason we lost the country last week.

Boo hoo.

You will boo hoo when you're starving within a third world non-white country. This is our future under such idiocy. You non-whites never adopt what works.

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