Obama To Advisors: Approve Stimulus "Without Additional Congressional Authorization"


May 29, 2010
The dictator and leader of the regime just can't get enough can he? This is what the founders warned us about when it came to not having a full natural born citizen as President. Obama's loyalty isn't devoted to the Constitution when it comes to the nation and it's people. The masses should come out and demand that the usurper should resign immediately. How can anyone sit there and agree with what he is doing? If you agree with the jobs bill or not, what Obama is doing is not freedom, or democracy or liberty.

Obama Tells Advisers To Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects "Without Additional Congressional Authorization" | RealClearPolitics

"Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done."
--- Barak HUSSEIN Obama
Im sure there are ways he could create jobs without going to Congress. Especially since his bill wont create them. But he will never do it.
The dictator and leader of the regime just can't get enough can he? This is what the founders warned us about when it came to not having a full natural born citizen as President. Obama's loyalty isn't devoted to the Constitution when it comes to the nation and it's people. The masses should come out and demand that the usurper should resign immediately. How can anyone sit there and agree with what he is doing? If you agree with the jobs bill or not, what Obama is doing is not freedom, or democracy or liberty.

Obama Tells Advisers To Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects "Without Additional Congressional Authorization" | RealClearPolitics

"Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done."
--- Barak HUSSEIN Obama

there is a significant difference between this...
Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects "Without Additional Congressional Authorization"

and this...
"Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done."

He's telling his people not to break or circumvent any law... but to find where there is no law preventing it and act.

Huge difference.
Yes, what Conservative said.

Also, why wouldn't he want to create jobs? More jobs = more votes for Obama.
Yes, what Conservative said.

Also, why wouldn't he want to create jobs? More jobs = more votes for Obama.

Certainly Obama 'wants' to create jobs. Trouble is, he 'can't'.

He 'can' enact policies that help improve the job creation ability of the business community. Trouble is, he hasn't. Further trouble is, he wouldn't know a job-friendly policy if it swam up and bit him on the ass.
Oh, I think has a better understanding of how, when, and why the economy creates jobs than most conservatives do. For example, most conservatives think that businesses create jobs because they have money burning a hole in their pockets -- so that if we cut taxes for the rich and for business, more jobs will be created.

The reality, however, is that businesses create jobs when there is demand for the products and services the new workers produce and put on the market, not when they have spare cash lying around. And that, in turn, depends not on how much money rich people have, but on how much money most people have.

Give money to rich people and business, e.g. via tax cuts or eliminating regulations, and you will accomplish nothing. Give money instead to ordinary people via pushing wages up or by making jobs through public spending, and the private sector will hire people, too, because demand will go up and they'll have to in order to meet that demand.

That's what happened in the first stimulus program while the money was being spent. And there's every reason to believe it would work again if repeated. Keep it up for long enough, meaning (if history is a guide) several years on a large enough scale, and at the same time change the economic rules of the game to produce higher wages and a tighter labor market generally, and our economic woes will be cured.
Oh, I think has a better understanding of how, when, and why the economy creates jobs than most conservatives do. For example, most conservatives think that businesses create jobs because they have money burning a hole in their pockets
(really? I don't. I guess I'm not really a conservative, huh)
-- so that if we cut taxes for the rich and for business, more jobs will be created.

The reality, however, is that businesses create jobs when there is demand for the products and services the new workers produce and put on the market, not when they have spare cash lying around. And that, in turn, depends not on how much money rich people have, but on how much money most people have.

Give money to rich people and business, e.g. via tax cuts or eliminating regulations, and you will accomplish nothing.
(eliminate over regulation, and you remove barriers to job creation)
Give money instead to ordinary people via pushing wages up or by making jobs through public spending,
(they tried that with the stimulus... unemployment went UP)
and the private sector will hire people, too, because demand will go up and they'll have to in order to meet that demand.

That's what happened in the first stimulus program while the money was being spent. And there's every reason to believe it would work again if repeated. Keep it up for long enough, meaning (if history is a guide) several years on a large enough scale, and at the same time change the economic rules of the game to produce higher wages and a tighter labor market generally, and our economic woes will be cured.

My main comments in blue above.

You're not too bright... are you.
The dictator and leader of the regime just can't get enough can he? This is what the founders warned us about when it came to not having a full natural born citizen as President. Obama's loyalty isn't devoted to the Constitution when it comes to the nation and it's people. The masses should come out and demand that the usurper should resign immediately. How can anyone sit there and agree with what he is doing? If you agree with the jobs bill or not, what Obama is doing is not freedom, or democracy or liberty.

Obama Tells Advisers To Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects "Without Additional Congressional Authorization" | RealClearPolitics

"Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done." --- Barak HUSSEIN Obama

Okay, USAR, I didn't believe you. I clicked on the video and yes I heard him say it.

"Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done."

In essence, forget we have a legislative branch of government. I want to be KING. This bothers me much too much. This man just has to go.
The executive branch under the Constitution has not merely the power but the responsibility to wield executive power without going back to Congress for new legislation every time. For example, the President does not ask for new legislation before issuing orders to the military, although he is constrained by law from issuing certain orders (for example, DADT was a law, so the President probably couldn't have superseded it unilaterally). Obama's instruction to wield executive power in furtherance of his jobs agenda, with its careful acknowledgement that agencies must act within existing law, was not merely proper but routine. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't disagree with his agenda.

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