Obama Third Party Scam


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive.

2. A mysteriously funded, highly organized effort to secure the ballot for a third party candidate in this year’s election has ties to President Obama and top Democrats, ...

3. The group, calling itself Americans Elect, or AE, seems designed to appear like a massive, grassroots effort involving millions of citizens acting to draft a third party candidate. ...AE describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded by Americans from across the political spectrum who are worried that our nation’s deep political divisions keep big problems from being solved.”

4. AE has reportedly raised more than $22 million so far and has already been certified to be placed on the ballot in 12 states now, including California. To getting on state ballots, AE evidenced mass organizing skills. The group says it collected over 2 million signatures nationwide in its effort to get on state ballots.

5. Arno’s firm, APC, has previously reportedly been accused of forging signatures and collecting signatures using fraud.... APC was accused of forging signatures ...Boston’s Fox 25 News ran a feature interviewing paid signature collectors hired by APC through subcontractors.... they were trained on how to trick people into signing a petition using fraud, including by switching the actual petition text after each signature was collected.

6. Capital Weekly reported ... AE’s more than $1.5 million in funding came from one person – venture capitalist, Unity08 activist and Obama donor, Peter Ackerman. Ackerman reportedly gave AE a total of at least $5 million in seed money....Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center, two campaign finance watchdogs, requested in September the IRS investigate Americans Elect’s charging they may be violating nonprofit status by function like a political party.

7. Pamela Smith, president of VerifiedVoting.org, a voters’ advocacy group, argued AE’s reliance on Internet voting is insecure and difficult to audit. “If you allow it to be used in public elections without assurance that the results are verifiably accurate, that is an extraordinary and unnecessary risk to democracy,” she says.

8. Besides Ackerman, an Obama donor who gave money to help start AE, the advisory board includes Lawrence Lessig, an Obama technology adviser....AE’s CEO, Kahlil Byrd, has drawn scrutiny from conservatives because he formerly served as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s Communications Director. Patrick’s chief strategist was top Obama strategist David Axelrod...AE board member W. Bowman Cutter is senior adviser to the Podesta Group lobbying and public relations firm, which was founded by John Podesta, who directed Obama’s transition into the White House in 2008.

9. A Time magazine article profiled the influence of Podesta’s Center for American Progress in the formation of the Obama administration, stating that “not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan’s transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway.”
Is this how Obama win will be guaranteed? Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive. « Klein Online

10. "Americans Elect, a nonpartisan group seeking to place a third-party candidate on the presidential ballot this year, has been working to obtain ballot access by gathering signatures across the country, including Tennessee. The group bills itself as "not a third party, but a second process" and is reported to have $30 million in cash to bolster its efforts."
Americans Elect never asked Alexander to consider presidential bid | Nooga.com


An 'independent' group with ties to Obama, garnering votes for a candidate of their choice, pretending that the process is free of manipulation?
Is this a 'dirty trick' as in running a third party candidate to clinch the election for Obama?

Does the name 'Ross Perot' ring a bell?
1. "Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive.

2. A mysteriously funded, highly organized effort to secure the ballot for a third party candidate in this year’s election has ties to President Obama and top Democrats, ...

3. The group, calling itself Americans Elect, or AE, seems designed to appear like a massive, grassroots effort involving millions of citizens acting to draft a third party candidate. ...AE describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded by Americans from across the political spectrum who are worried that our nation’s deep political divisions keep big problems from being solved.”

4. AE has reportedly raised more than $22 million so far and has already been certified to be placed on the ballot in 12 states now, including California. To getting on state ballots, AE evidenced mass organizing skills. The group says it collected over 2 million signatures nationwide in its effort to get on state ballots.

5. Arno’s firm, APC, has previously reportedly been accused of forging signatures and collecting signatures using fraud.... APC was accused of forging signatures ...Boston’s Fox 25 News ran a feature interviewing paid signature collectors hired by APC through subcontractors.... they were trained on how to trick people into signing a petition using fraud, including by switching the actual petition text after each signature was collected.

6. Capital Weekly reported ... AE’s more than $1.5 million in funding came from one person – venture capitalist, Unity08 activist and Obama donor, Peter Ackerman. Ackerman reportedly gave AE a total of at least $5 million in seed money....Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center, two campaign finance watchdogs, requested in September the IRS investigate Americans Elect’s charging they may be violating nonprofit status by function like a political party.

7. Pamela Smith, president of VerifiedVoting.org, a voters’ advocacy group, argued AE’s reliance on Internet voting is insecure and difficult to audit. “If you allow it to be used in public elections without assurance that the results are verifiably accurate, that is an extraordinary and unnecessary risk to democracy,” she says.

8. Besides Ackerman, an Obama donor who gave money to help start AE, the advisory board includes Lawrence Lessig, an Obama technology adviser....AE’s CEO, Kahlil Byrd, has drawn scrutiny from conservatives because he formerly served as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s Communications Director. Patrick’s chief strategist was top Obama strategist David Axelrod...AE board member W. Bowman Cutter is senior adviser to the Podesta Group lobbying and public relations firm, which was founded by John Podesta, who directed Obama’s transition into the White House in 2008.

9. A Time magazine article profiled the influence of Podesta’s Center for American Progress in the formation of the Obama administration, stating that “not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan’s transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway.”
Is this how Obama win will be guaranteed? Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive. « Klein Online

10. "Americans Elect, a nonpartisan group seeking to place a third-party candidate on the presidential ballot this year, has been working to obtain ballot access by gathering signatures across the country, including Tennessee. The group bills itself as "not a third party, but a second process" and is reported to have $30 million in cash to bolster its efforts."
Americans Elect never asked Alexander to consider presidential bid | Nooga.com


An 'independent' group with ties to Obama, garnering votes for a candidate of their choice, pretending that the process is free of manipulation?
Is this a 'dirty trick' as in running a third party candidate to clinch the election for Obama?

Does the name 'Ross Perot' ring a bell?
And will RON PAUL join thier ranks if he throws a fussfit when he doesn't garner the Republican nod?:eusa_whistle:
It's horrible isn't it? Being torn between the desire to beat Obama at any cost and the absolute shittiness of those establishment GOP assholes who are your only choice. Get used to it, the left has had to hold their nose and vote democrat for years now, get used to being left out of the political discourse inside the beltway.
I have read the links in the OP, and I recommend everyone do the same. I also recommend reading this: Americans Elect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The claims of links to Obama are not supported with any evidence.

The most concerning thing to me is that Americans Elect has changed itself to a 501(c)4 organization. If that is true, and if even half of the activities that it is claimed to be doing are true, it is clearly in violation of the law regarding such organizations.
I am more than ready, willing, and able to support a viable new major party. And I think the majority of Americans are, too.

It is just a matter of time. This one is probably a precursor of more to come.
1. "Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive.

2. A mysteriously funded, highly organized effort to secure the ballot for a third party candidate in this year’s election has ties to President Obama and top Democrats, ...

3. The group, calling itself Americans Elect, or AE, seems designed to appear like a massive, grassroots effort involving millions of citizens acting to draft a third party candidate. ...AE describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded by Americans from across the political spectrum who are worried that our nation’s deep political divisions keep big problems from being solved.”

4. AE has reportedly raised more than $22 million so far and has already been certified to be placed on the ballot in 12 states now, including California. To getting on state ballots, AE evidenced mass organizing skills. The group says it collected over 2 million signatures nationwide in its effort to get on state ballots.

5. Arno’s firm, APC, has previously reportedly been accused of forging signatures and collecting signatures using fraud.... APC was accused of forging signatures ...Boston’s Fox 25 News ran a feature interviewing paid signature collectors hired by APC through subcontractors.... they were trained on how to trick people into signing a petition using fraud, including by switching the actual petition text after each signature was collected.

6. Capital Weekly reported ... AE’s more than $1.5 million in funding came from one person – venture capitalist, Unity08 activist and Obama donor, Peter Ackerman. Ackerman reportedly gave AE a total of at least $5 million in seed money....Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center, two campaign finance watchdogs, requested in September the IRS investigate Americans Elect’s charging they may be violating nonprofit status by function like a political party.

7. Pamela Smith, president of VerifiedVoting.org, a voters’ advocacy group, argued AE’s reliance on Internet voting is insecure and difficult to audit. “If you allow it to be used in public elections without assurance that the results are verifiably accurate, that is an extraordinary and unnecessary risk to democracy,” she says.

8. Besides Ackerman, an Obama donor who gave money to help start AE, the advisory board includes Lawrence Lessig, an Obama technology adviser....AE’s CEO, Kahlil Byrd, has drawn scrutiny from conservatives because he formerly served as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s Communications Director. Patrick’s chief strategist was top Obama strategist David Axelrod...AE board member W. Bowman Cutter is senior adviser to the Podesta Group lobbying and public relations firm, which was founded by John Podesta, who directed Obama’s transition into the White House in 2008.

9. A Time magazine article profiled the influence of Podesta’s Center for American Progress in the formation of the Obama administration, stating that “not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan’s transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway.”
Is this how Obama win will be guaranteed? Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive. « Klein Online

10. "Americans Elect, a nonpartisan group seeking to place a third-party candidate on the presidential ballot this year, has been working to obtain ballot access by gathering signatures across the country, including Tennessee. The group bills itself as "not a third party, but a second process" and is reported to have $30 million in cash to bolster its efforts."
Americans Elect never asked Alexander to consider presidential bid | Nooga.com


An 'independent' group with ties to Obama, garnering votes for a candidate of their choice, pretending that the process is free of manipulation?
Is this a 'dirty trick' as in running a third party candidate to clinch the election for Obama?

Does the name 'Ross Perot' ring a bell?
and you can bet Soros will have a hand in this shit !!
Ah, PC, I think you have such great candidates that all of them should run:razz:

Since several of you guys are pretending that this is about the GOP choices, it must mean that you realize how disingenuous this misnamed 'non-partisan' gambit really is...

...true, Rocks?

Now, had the Republicans attempted to use this ploy, what would the response from the Left be?

More indicia that the Left controls the means of dissemination of information, i.e., the press.
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"Speak of the Devil, and He shall appear"

The Joe Scarborough Show this morn on MSNBC had their 'round
table discussion' on the need for a third party candidate...
...and what was the center of the discussion?

Yup...'Americans Elect.'

Do you think there was any mention of the ties of this group to Obama?

Obama must be scared....looks like the big push must be to get this third party gambit going!
1. "Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive.


An 'independent' group with ties to Obama, garnering votes for a candidate of their choice, pretending that the process is free of manipulation?
Is this a 'dirty trick' as in running a third party candidate to clinch the election for Obama?

Does the name 'Ross Perot' ring a bell?

If the GOP nominates the Weird Mormon Robot, I'm going to support whoever American's Elect nominates.

Considering the GOP is going to declare this over after three primaries (even though it turns outheir guy didn't win one of them like he said he did), it looks like AE is going to have a more democratic process of getting someone on the ballot.
I am more than ready, willing, and able to support a viable new major party. And I think the majority of Americans are, too.

It is just a matter of time. This one is probably a precursor of more to come.

BUt our system is really designed to be a two party system. WHich is why third parties come and go pretty quickly, but we've had the same two parties since 1856, really.

A third party usually indicates a disatisfaction with the two parties that exist. And that is probalby the case now.
I have read the links in the OP, and I recommend everyone do the same. I also recommend reading this: Americans Elect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The claims of links to Obama are not supported with any evidence.

The most concerning thing to me is that Americans Elect has changed itself to a 501(c)4 organization. If that is true, and if even half of the activities that it is claimed to be doing are true, it is clearly in violation of the law regarding such organizations.

Seriously, you're citing 'wiki' as the absolute authority? :lol:

You do know that it's not a source for unbiased, strictly fact based information, right?

If a supporter of AE writes their page, they're hardly likely to say 'oh, and it's a ploy by Obama to split the right wing vote' are they?

Please, people, can we just once in a while "question, with boldness" instead of assuming?
1. "Group with ties to president engaged in massive 3rd party drive.


An 'independent' group with ties to Obama, garnering votes for a candidate of their choice, pretending that the process is free of manipulation?
Is this a 'dirty trick' as in running a third party candidate to clinch the election for Obama?

Does the name 'Ross Perot' ring a bell?

If the GOP nominates the Weird Mormon Robot, I'm going to support whoever American's Elect nominates.

Considering the GOP is going to declare this over after three primaries (even though it turns outheir guy didn't win one of them like he said he did), it looks like AE is going to have a more democratic process of getting someone on the ballot.

I'm surprised at your lack of political acumen.

Surely you know that what you are actually saying is that, if Romney is the GOP nominee, you would see Obama as the better choice.

I just can't see that calculus.

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