Obama thinks Islamic attacks just a bunch of movie critics run amok


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified
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Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

"Then-Senator Barack Obama makes the case for an Obama Presidency on November 21, 2007 by saying he is uniquely qualified to bring stability to America's relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim."
OBAMA FLASHBACK: The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

Very good

also did you see

The Video Didn’t Do It
Carney’s comments lie outside the range of plausible spin, even by Obama administration standards, and if his bosses believe them—as we fear they do—are simply delusional. But they are not without consequence. Nor are Gates’s and Dempsey’s phone calls. They all send the message to America’s enemies that if you kill our diplomats and lay siege to the our embassies, the first move the American government will make is to denounce .  .  . Americans. Our leaders apparently believe that the way to protect Americans from extremists and terrorists abroad is to tell other Americans to shut up.

What’s next? Where does it go from here? There are more than 300 million ways in which Americans expressing themselves might give offense to those who make it their business to be offended. Maybe it’s some other film, maybe it’s a book or even just a tossed-off phrase that our enemies might seize on to galvanize support for their causes. Is the White House going to put every American crank on speed-dial so it can tell them to shut up whenever a mob gathers outside a U.S. embassy or consulate?

No doubt it is only a matter of time before the Left/ concerned trolls
post in here to tell us what a bad job Romney did
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

"Then-Senator Barack Obama makes the case for an Obama Presidency on November 21, 2007 by saying he is uniquely qualified to bring stability to America's relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim."
OBAMA FLASHBACK: The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease

Obama probably imagined himself as becoming the "Grand Poobah" of the world.......:rolleyes:
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

Very good

also did you see

The Video Didn’t Do It
Carney’s comments lie outside the range of plausible spin, even by Obama administration standards, and if his bosses believe them—as we fear they do—are simply delusional. But they are not without consequence. Nor are Gates’s and Dempsey’s phone calls. They all send the message to America’s enemies that if you kill our diplomats and lay siege to the our embassies, the first move the American government will make is to denounce .  .  . Americans. Our leaders apparently believe that the way to protect Americans from extremists and terrorists abroad is to tell other Americans to shut up.

What’s next? Where does it go from here? There are more than 300 million ways in which Americans expressing themselves might give offense to those who make it their business to be offended. Maybe it’s some other film, maybe it’s a book or even just a tossed-off phrase that our enemies might seize on to galvanize support for their causes. Is the White House going to put every American crank on speed-dial so it can tell them to shut up whenever a mob gathers outside a U.S. embassy or consulate?

No doubt it is only a matter of time before the Left/ concerned trolls
post in here to tell us what a bad job Romney did

good article.....i especially like where it says....

"To debate the right of an American to criticize religion does not indicate sophisticated sensitivity to the feelings of others but a willingness to turn tail and abandon our principles at the first sign of a fight."
The liberal controlled medias focus was on Romney's comments first,then the blame game on the video.
Then we have the administration release a statement that all this violence directed toward the US has nothing to do with us is beyond insane.

liberals propose that the muslims are a 'sensitive' group....this falls in line with their belief in multiculturalism....

they can't seem to understand or they are just in denial that muslims will kill us when and where it is effective in order to establish their theocratic Caliphate....
Blaming the unrest of Muslims on a Movie? Why then is it that the unrest is localized, and not on a Global scale? Does the Obama administration think people are stupid? Please don't answer that.
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified
Everybody knows that the internet and specifically youtube is littered with thousands of videos that tell the truth about Islam or Mohammad. Does President Hussien Obama want youtube to remove all videos that say anything negative about Islam? How about passing a constitutional ammendment making it a Federal crime to say the truth about Islam? Judaism can pitch in and add a new 11th commandment "thou shalt not discuss Islam". LOL
Heres what we should do
1# Pull our troops out of the middle east
2# Pull all aid money
3# Close all immigration of Muslims into our lands
4# Build wall
5# Let them kill each other

Fuck these people. Our freedom of speech is worth everything.
The liberal controlled medias focus was on Romney's comments first,then the blame game on the video.
Then we have the administration release a statement that all this violence directed toward the US has nothing to do with us is beyond insane.

liberals propose that the muslims are a 'sensitive' group....this falls in line with their belief in multiculturalism....

they can't seem to understand or they are just in denial that muslims will kill us when and where it is effective in order to establish their theocratic Caliphate....

please show whaere I have advocated as such.
The liberal controlled medias focus was on Romney's comments first,then the blame game on the video.
Then we have the administration release a statement that all this violence directed toward the US has nothing to do with us is beyond insane.

liberals propose that the muslims are a 'sensitive' group....this falls in line with their belief in multiculturalism....

they can't seem to understand or they are just in denial that muslims will kill us when and where it is effective in order to establish their theocratic Caliphate....

please show whaere I have advocated as such.
We don't have access to your voting record but I'm confident you voted democrat. And every time you do you endorse such things.
No doubt the movie upset this kid as well


No doubt the movie upset this kid as well


He's outgrown his shoe and his mom won't buy him another one. It's all America and Israel's fault! Kill the infidels! Somebody give the kid a flag he needs to burn something. Alluhuakbar!
Obama made the mistake of placing faith in the words of the Bush kids. THAT was an error:

"Al Qaeda is on the run. That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly but surely being decimated. Right now, about half of all the top Al Qaeda operatives are either jailed or dead. In either case, they're not a problem anymore."

Bush, MAY, 2003. Saddam was now openly his only concern.
Obama made the mistake of placing faith in the words of the Bush kids. THAT was an error:

"Al Qaeda is on the run. That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly but surely being decimated. Right now, about half of all the top Al Qaeda operatives are either jailed or dead. In either case, they're not a problem anymore."

Bush, MAY, 2003. Saddam was now openly his only concern.

WTF are you babbling about??? Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh isn't the President.. you're even more pathetic than the average lib.. you're actually trying to blame the Booooooooooooooooosh Twins????? OMG.. THis biatch is proof liberalism is insanity.
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

Everybody knows that the internet and specifically youtube is littered with thousands of videos that tell the truth about Islam or Mohammad. Does President Hussien Obama want youtube to remove all videos that say anything negative about Islam? How about passing a constitutional ammendment making it a Federal crime to say the truth about Islam? Judaism can pitch in and add a new 11th commandment "thou shalt not discuss Islam". LOL

yes there have been probably THOUSANDS of videos to get upset over.....

so why haven't the "movie critics" been rioting every day......instead of just 9/11.....?

OBVIOUSLY this was a planned event and the video was just a PROP.......

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