Obama the only senator who didn't vote for rape victim protection bill...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
He cares SOOO much about women.

"Barack Obama was the sole state senator to not vote for for a bill that would protect sexual assault victims from having the details of their cases revealed publicly. On May 11 of that year, Obama voted “present” on a bill, ultimately made law, that allows victims of sex crimes to request that their cases be sealed from public view following a criminal conviction. Illinois Senate voting records show that Obama was the only senator who did not vote in favor of the bill.
Anyone have a count of how many times he voted "present?" Sounds like a guy who just couldn't take a stand on anything.
So the headline of the article is false?
And what all did the bill hold? You guys always leave out that part.
Why doesn't any of these right wing sites name the bill in question? They only say that Obama had constitutional concerns, but not what they were. A full reading of the bill might make those concerns glaringly obvious.
Why doesn't any of these right wing sites name the bill in question? They only say that Obama had constitutional concerns, but not what they were. A full reading of the bill might make those concerns glaringly obvious.

It's because the right wing sites don't want you to know that there was bad stuff in the bill, they just want you to know that Obama voted "present" (which is neither for nor against, and lots of the GOP vote present as well) so they can paint him in a bad light.

More commonly known as cherry picking.

And....................if Kaiser Twit is posting something bad about someone, you can damn sure bet it's cherry picked by the best (she's not smart enough to do it on her own).
If Obama voted against it, I am sure there was a reason for it - other than 'he hates rape victims'.
Koshergirl -

When Romney spoke about the 47%, was he right or wrong?

I do wish you would show a little integrity on one thread before running away to make the same mistake all over again.
So why don't you guys whining about it look up the bill and tell us all the noble reasons Obama was the ONLY State Rep to not vote 'Yes' on it?
we see the usual excuses made for this hideous man in as President

this is the best:

If Obama voted against it, I am sure there was a reason for it - other than 'he hates rape victims'.
He cares SOOO much about women.

"Barack Obama was the sole state senator to not vote for for a bill that would protect sexual assault victims from having the details of their cases revealed publicly. On May 11 of that year, Obama voted “present” on a bill, ultimately made law, that allows victims of sex crimes to request that their cases be sealed from public view following a criminal conviction. Illinois Senate voting records show that Obama was the only senator who did not vote in favor of the bill.

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Here is your problem koshergrl, you are getting information from right wing propaganda sources that LIE and distort the facts.

Here are the FACTS:

In 1999, then State Senator Obama signed on as a CO-SPONSOR of Illinois Senate bill SB0943 on March 17, 1999

The bill that would allow victims of sexual abuse to "request that the State's Attorney file a petition with the trial judge to have the court records of the case sealed. And, mandated examinations of sexual abuse victims by hospitals.

Then State Senator Obama joined his Senate colleagues in unanimously passing SB943 on March 23, 1999

Meanwhile, a separate bill originating in the House, HB0854, which contained identical language about the confidentiality of sexual abuse records but did not include a separate provision of the Senate bill related to mandated examinations of sexual abuse victims by hospitals, unanimously passed the House on March 23, 1999, and then moved to the Senate for consideration.

Then State Senator Obama voted "present" on the House version of the bill.

So, koshergrl, your source blatantly LIED to you. They tried to feed you a bunch of SHIT. Now, are you going to continue to eat their shit koshergrl, or will you grow a fucking brain?
If Obama voted against it, I am sure there was a reason for it - other than 'he hates rape victims'.

I am sure you are correct.

But on the swame note......to think that the GOP is chock full of women haters is just as lame as thinking Obama hates rape victims.

I find it interesting how willing you and those that thanked you for your post are to ASSUME there was a good reason when Obama does something.....but Black is Black and WHite is WHite when a GOP member does something.
Koshergirl -

When Romney spoke about the 47%, was he right or wrong?

I do wish you would show a little integrity on one thread before running away to make the same mistake all over again.

what he said was wrong....but on the same note, he was talking off the cuff and by nop means meant it as it came out. He ghot caught up in the 47% number and was trying to make a general point.

If we, the voters, continue to hold our potential elected officials to the exact words they speak and not look at logic and realize that we all generalize from time to time.....we will continue to put the wrong people in elected psoitions.

Only a partisan fool wants to believe that Romney truly believes veterans and seniors and physically challanged and others simply want freebies.

This whole thing is getting rediuculous.
Koshergirl -

When Romney spoke about the 47%, was he right or wrong?

I do wish you would show a little integrity on one thread before running away to make the same mistake all over again.

what he said was wrong....but on the same note, he was talking off the cuff and by nop means meant it as it came out. He ghot caught up in the 47% number and was trying to make a general point.

If we, the voters, continue to hold our potential elected officials to the exact words they speak and not look at logic and realize that we all generalize from time to time.....we will continue to put the wrong people in elected psoitions.

Only a partisan fool wants to believe that Romney truly believes veterans and seniors and physically challanged and others simply want freebies.

This whole thing is getting rediuculous.

you notice the first thing they did was distract from Obama to Romney..
Koshergirl -

When Romney spoke about the 47%, was he right or wrong?

I do wish you would show a little integrity on one thread before running away to make the same mistake all over again.

what he said was wrong....but on the same note, he was talking off the cuff and by nop means meant it as it came out. He ghot caught up in the 47% number and was trying to make a general point.

If we, the voters, continue to hold our potential elected officials to the exact words they speak and not look at logic and realize that we all generalize from time to time.....we will continue to put the wrong people in elected psoitions.

Only a partisan fool wants to believe that Romney truly believes veterans and seniors and physically challanged and others simply want freebies.

This whole thing is getting rediuculous.

you notice the first thing they did was distract from Obama to Romney..

well...the whole thing about 'obama hating rape victims' is absurd based on a present vote....

But then again, the whole thing about 'romney hating women and veterans and seniors' based on a mis step off the cuff answer to a question is ALSO absurd.
Koshergirl -

When Romney spoke about the 47%, was he right or wrong?

I do wish you would show a little integrity on one thread before running away to make the same mistake all over again.

what he said was wrong....but on the same note, he was talking off the cuff and by nop means meant it as it came out. He ghot caught up in the 47% number and was trying to make a general point.

If we, the voters, continue to hold our potential elected officials to the exact words they speak and not look at logic and realize that we all generalize from time to time.....we will continue to put the wrong people in elected psoitions.

Only a partisan fool wants to believe that Romney truly believes veterans and seniors and physically challanged and others simply want freebies.

This whole thing is getting rediuculous.

I don't think Romney believes Veterans and seniors just want freebies. I think he didn't realize they were part of the 47% he has contempt for.

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