Obama: The Bane of Capital


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama: The Bane of Capital

7/18/12 By Dov Fischer


Obama is the bane of capital, a political streetcar who has survived by relying on the kindness of strangers. While he wants to see Romney's taxes, I want to see how he got into Occidental College. I know how I got into Columbia University. I scored a 1450 out of 1600 on my SATs and was a straight-A student through high school, where I also was Student Body president. It would be fun to know how Obama got into Columbia. I would be willing to show my grades and SATs if he would. It would be fun to know how he paid his way through Columbia. I would be willing to publish the loans I took and the scholarships I was awarded if he would.

And then law school. I took LSATs that landed me in the highest three percent of the country's law school applicants when I made UCLA Law School. I would show him my LSAT scores if he would show his. Same for the admissions exams that got him into Harvard Law. At UCLA Law School, I had to write a killer of a law review Comment (i.e., extensive scholarly article) in order to be named chief articles editor of Law Review. It has been cited in at least seven federal legal opinions. I would be delighted to show him my Comment if he would show me the Comment or scholarly paper he wrote to become president of the Harvard Law Review. Actually, mine on FIRREA can be Googled -- written under my secular name, David -- and it can be found in legal databases like Westlaw and Lexis. Obama? Can't find a thing he authored on his own.


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