Obama tells Congress they are irrelevant

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This is not the same guy who got elected in 2008.

Lawmakers said they weren’t told much by Secretary of State Clinton, Secretary of Defense Gates, Joint Chiefs Chairman Michael Mullen or Director of National Intelligence James Clapper that they couldn’t read in the newspaper or see on television. They said one dynamic was very clear: The administration doesn’t much care what Congress thinks about the actions it’s taken so far.
Challenged on whether Obama overstepped his constitutional authority in attacking Libya without congressional approval, Clinton told lawmakers that White House lawyers were OK with it and that Obama has no plans to seek an endorsement from Congress, attendees told POLITICO.

Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates win no love on Capitol Hill - Jonathan Allen and Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com
Given the "gang that can't shoot strait" record of the Obama administration so far, I don't have high hopes for what will happen in Libya.

Democrats in Congress are very jealous of the prerogatives granted under the (Unconstitutional) war powers act. When this goes badly, it will be the Democrats who will have the hotest tar and itchiest feathers for those responsible.

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