Obama: Systemic failures to blame for attack.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Sasebo Japan
Obama: "Totally unacceptable."

Obama: ‘Systemic failures’ to blame for attackÂ* - Security- msnbc.com

Obama still doesn't have a clue and chooses to continue to bow to Islam. He still says the terrorist is an "extremist", that he's only suspected of "attempted terrorism" and still doesn't believe we are at war with Islamic terrorists.

If Obama was in the Navy, he would have been relieved of command already for cause...citing specifically, lack of confidence by the chain of command.
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Agreed...I just want our President to admit WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS AND ACT ACCORDINGLY...not act according to some liberal tenet where we sing Kumbaya and everyone will, all of a sudden, drop their AK's and Semtex and begin singing the Star Spangled Banner.
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And precisely who does nimrod think is currently in charge of the system? Hint it isn't Bush any more.
Dude, garyd, NimrodPatek, and Xenophon gallop over the cliff together! Too funny.
Yes we gallop on toward sanity logic and reason while you cling to a broken reed even as it cuts you deeper and deeper.
The broken reed, my friends, is that belief you should have won the election with our party's history of failure to step forward and lead for ALL the people when we had the chance. None of you represent reality at all.
Obama still doesn't have a clue and chooses to continue to bow to Islam. He still says the terrorist is an "extremist", that he's only suspected of "attempted terrorism" and still doesn't believe we are at war with Islamic terrorists.

Please point out in that article where he "still doesn't believe we're at war with Islamic terrorists".

"What's also clear is this: When our government has information on a known extremist and that information is not shared and acted upon as it should have been ... a systemic failure has occurred. And I consider that totally unacceptable."

It's pretty clear he's talking about before the fact.
War on teror is over.

There are only 'overseas contingincy operations' now.

What's next with this politically correct bullcrap? Change every word in the dictionary that offends one person on the planet or doesn't have the ring of Disneyland or fairies dancing through a field of flowers?

Who in this country,retorical question, is responsible for this overreaction of being respectful? Almost any adjective used to describe an issue can be an excuse for someone somewhere to bitch and moan.

I for one am tired of the government telling all of us to bury our collective heads in the 'beach of grammatical sand' thinking 'being nice' is going to make others change their attitudes or beliefs. It isn't going to happen.

I am not, for example, going to call a terrorist a "disadvantaged person feeling rejected and religiously percicuted", They'll need love and comfort yada yada yada...... BullChit.......... they do need a nuke up their collective backsides and Yemen should be next.
WSJ said the same, yesterday:

Al Quaeda Takes Responsibility for Terror - WSJ.com

Al Qaeda's Clear Message
The U.S. has to rethink jihad's global recruitment of terrorists.

Apparently the fellows in al Qaeda took as a personal insult Secretary of Homeland Anxiety Janet Napolitano's comment Sunday that their role in the foiled Detroit airliner bombing wasn't clear but would be investigated. Yesterday, al Qaeda's ascendant franchise in the Arabian peninsula saved Secretary Napolitano the trouble of plowing through all the layers of the national-security bureaucracy for an answer.

The terrorist organization put out a pointed statement not only claiming responsibility but also mocking the U.S.'s ability to stop them. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, they said, "dealt a huge blow to the myth of American and global intelligence services and showed how fragile its structure is."...
Agreed...I just want our President to admit WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS AND ACT ACCORDINGLY...



Make up your mind...

See that..... even I can be brainwashed by the idiot in the White House. Thanks for redirecting my anger back at Obama and the other dumb fucks who think terrorism went away on January 21st 2009.

Now what I should have said was Islamic terrorists......and if this the only defense you can come up with for the complete and utter failure of your lord and master then you are in sad shape.
So fix the problem and move on.

The righties on this thread would probably be happier if Obama cried on television and claimed he was terrified like they are.
Rather than not talking to each other, 200 analysts from the CIA and FBI sit side by side analyzing threats 24 hours a day at the National Counterterrorism Center in McLean, Va. DOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

A secure video conference takes place three times a day with all members of the intelligence community and the White House to analyze threats and parcel out leads. :rofl: :"Hey Pete...whatcha doing this weekend" Pete: "Nothing Barry...how about a round of golf. There aren't any overseas contingency operations worth discussing today...hey this video conference thing is pretty awesome!!!"

The USA Patriot Act has torn down the so-called wall imposed by Attorney General Janet Reno, a wall that prevented FBI agents from sharing information with each other and with the CIA. The much-maligned Patriot Act has allowed the FBI to wiretap a terrorist regardless of what phone he uses, an authority the FBI already had in organized crime cases. The National Security Agency intercepts that President Bush ordered opened for the FBI a window on terrorist activity within the United States.
Well...looks like someone got it right!:clap2:

Newsmax - FBI and CIA Deserve Our Thanks
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So fix the problem and move on.

The righties on this thread would probably be happier if Obama cried on television and claimed he was terrified like they are.

Wrong. All we ask for is a little warning that "an imminent attack is going to happen on a U.S. target." That's the intel these Keystone cops had and they blew it!!!!!

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